Thursday, December 12, 2013


Make a note; get out your little I-Pad and make a reservation for New Year's Eve for Mayor Segarra and a party of six. See if he can get the same table he had last year, that really worked out well. Lets skip the caviar this year though. Also check to see if the P-card is still accepted.



Enjoy a dozen oysters and a bottle of Louis Roederer Brut Premier Champagne
(full or half bottle) at select Max restaurants
for one low price.

Full Bottle & 12 oysters: $50

Enjoy a dozen oysters and a bottle of Louis Roederer Brut Premier Champagne
(full or half bottle) at select Max restaurants
for one low price.

Full Bottle & 12 oysters: $50
Half Bottle & 12 oysters: $35
Half Bottle & 12 oysters: $35


  1. Maybe the bill will be larger at Max as the bells ring in 2014. Mr. Pedro certainly likes to spend city tax payers dollars. His cabinet gets bigger and bigger. No one really knows what their position or duties are in his office. Do the tax payers a favor and get your act together for 2014. We do not need a Deputy Chief of Staff. Mr. Mayor if your Chief of Staff can not do the job fire him and appoint someone who can do the job. Someone who knows Hartford's neighborhoods and not someone who has not lived in Hartford for over fifteen years.

  2. Juan Figueroa cannot find the bathroom at city hall. He is ineffective at everything except taking hid paycheck

  3. Soon we will be approaching the end of 2013, I hope that the Mayor and his group of "Elites" are prepared to pay for their New Year's Eve celebration meal. They need to use their your own credit cards. They received a hefty check and plenty of freebies already.

    And I also hope that in the New Year 2014, the Mayor uses a little bit more of common sense, that he stops accommodating his incompetent friends and family.

    The Mayor did a good job this year of making himself look like a complete fool in front of the media; he most certainly didn't win a golden ribbon for his performance and bad judgment. So wake up and start the year right and show the Hartford Taxpayers that you can do the job that you were elected to do.

  4. While on the topic of p-cards and obscene spending by city officials, perhaps no one noticed Jeff Cohen's latest update on the relationship between Earl O'Garro and treasurer Cloud. Now Cloud's mouthpiece claims that Cloud was in NYC in August of 2012 on city business so the hotel room O'Garro reserved for him is a legitimate city expense. He met with an un-named architect on ways to make city hall more environmentally friendly. Hello, he's the Treasurer, not the facilities director. How is this city business? Oh wait, he told others that the pension fund pays all his p-card expenses. Not sure what role the city hall facility has to do with the pension fund either. And while we are at it, what did his p-card expenses to Budwieser or a trip to London in 2012 have to do with the pension fund? Where is the oversight of Mr. Cloud, who seems to think our pension is his personal bank account?

    Perhaps the internal audit commission should be looking into cloud's purchases.
