Monday, December 9, 2013


The case of former Mayor Eddie Perez continues to wind through the courts, but apparently it is not over yet. The Connecticut Appellate Court released its much awaited opinion this morning , and essentially overturned the felony convictions of the former Mayor, but that is not the end of it.

The 3 judge panel made it clear that they felt the evidence was there to convict Perez but that the trial judge, Judge Dewey had erred when she allowed both of Perez's cases to be tried in one proceeding. The case has now been remanded back to the Superior Court for two separate trials.

That would probably mean that the strongest case, the corruption charges might result in a conviction when tried on its own. The bribery charge , the weaker case might not end up in a conviction.

The Office of the Chief States Attorney in a statement issued this afternoon, appears to be moving toward either retrying Perez or appealing to the Connecticut Supreme Court, hoping that the high Court would see it differently than the Appellate Court and overturn today's decision and allowing Perez's conviction to stand.

The spokesperson for the Chief States Attorney stated "We are still reviewing the Appellate Court's decision, but is our intention to proceed with the prosecution of these crimes, either by way of appeal to the Supreme Court or by retrial in accordance with today's decision"

To read the full Appellate Court  decision, click here

To read Judge Lavine's "concurrent" opinion, click here


  1. The state will appeal to the Supreme Court, lose, and quietly reach a no-jail misdemeanor deal w Perez a year or so from now. The fact the present Mayor & Council authorized the payment of $485K to pay Costa for change orders on Park Street really undermines the state's case.

  2. My prediction is Hartford ( with some patience) is going to someday produce a President Of The United States,,,it took Chicago decades of corruption to have one of their own rise to the top. And when it happens I will then move to Canada,where politicians "EVENTUALLY" tell the truth after screwing up.

  3. This ruling doesn't mean he's not a low life thief. Even the judges said there was enough evidence to convict him. But this is undoubtedly good news for the current ethically challenged hartford pol Satin Sheets Cloud.

  4. He is a deadbeat loser. Just another corrupt person that does what they want. I truely celebrate the day that zero has to go to jail. He will be passed around like currency ......

  5. Find out how much it costs to have a trial . I bet its not cheap. Make perez pay for it. More of my tax dollars wasted. I hope he gets his. Just like that j super with the bad haircut... Flush all the turds

  6. Fast eddie will beat the case. Then we will have a victory parade down park st . Eddie will then sue the state and swim in a pool of cash.

  7. Gravel lot toll boothDecember 9, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    He plays the victim well. Just like minnie and her voter fraud antics. Its ok no one at the capital takes the city serious anyways. I dont like malloy, but he is 100 percent better then mayor caviar. Pedro, get your bags packed cause even your own shipmates are against you.

    You can bet that someone will pay the piper for the insurance company nonsense and where is the missing 670k? Spent on caviar and nice meals downtown.

  8. Kevin,

    This doesn't change the fact that Perez is a corrupt criminal. Eventually justice will be served and he will end up in prison and most likely Hell afterwards. I can only hope that the rest of the corrupt scum at Hartford City Hall will follow.

  9. The city will be picking up the tab for Peres lawyer bills

  10. Compared to what is going on in City Hall lately, Eddie Perez is a "white dove" . So sad that a man that did so much for Hartford has ended that way.I do think he is innocent and all what happened to him was a political strategy to get him out of the way.

  11. Perez is selling insurance now...heard Cloud is in the market for a new insurance broker, one who knows how to wheel, deal, lie,steal and cheat like the last one.

    Eddie fits that bill, and doesn't have to worry about "checking the box" at least for the time being.

  12. Keep spending the tax payer's hard-earned money Eddie....karma will find you no matter where you hide or what mask you decide to put on next

  13. His conviction made Mayor Pedro Segarra a reality. Can we get a re-do on that, too?

  14. Hey nolan. Keep a low profile. Finish your career and disappear into the sunset. U take up all the unions time. Relax and take a break

  15. Eddie perez for congress !!!!

  16. Dont worry little fire mice. Terry is watchin and makin his list for xmas, so u better staighten up before a star slaps five cross yo lips!!!

  17. OMG Tic Tac Toe- get a life , and stop sleeping with Terry, cause his girlfriend SKB will be throwing you out of their bed. Any one who sticks up for Terry only tells others that you are sleeping with him, you may be man or woman, but you are sleeping with him, you are a sad, sorry, piece of s$$t like him..

  18. What else is new? Corruption at its best!!! Hartford will never come back. Politicians take what they want and the tax payers pay. No one wants to live in Hartford especially city employees, but they did at one time. Hartford is not the Insurance Capital. Hartford is a place of mismanagement in city schools, libraries and CITY HALL. What a joke? Every time you turn around someone else is under investigation. Mr Mayor do the Hartford tax payers a big favor and resign and take your cabinet with you. You are nothing but ridiculous. A Deputy Chief of Staff to do what...tell your Chief of Staff this is Hartford not Washington, DC. A Scheduler to do what? You must be in big demand. Who actually has opened a big business here and not a Dollar Store. NO ONE and they never will but make sure you give out gigantic tax breaks to who ever comes along. Hartford has a excellent reputation for giving big tax breaks.

  19. In response to Tac 17,
    It's about time something is taking up the Unions time. Don't you just love the way that Dan Nolan lit a fire under their behinds?

  20. Give me a break the more corruption one is involved in the higher they go. What about Angel Morales? He is a real SAINT. He now works full time in the House of Representatives. And he is not afraid when he shows up at city functions or Democratic Town Committee meetings. He is a real joke and so isn't Hartford's Mayor and cabinent.
