Monday, January 20, 2014


Too many times our Holidays are celebrated  without any regard to the meaning behind the day. Memorial Day is more about kicking off summer and cookouts rather than honoring those who have dies in the service of our Country. Presidents Day is more about mattress sales and Car Dealer messages than those that built our Country through their leadership. And Christmas is a mass marketing effort and very little about the birth of Christ.

I think the same can be said about today and doesn't seem to be about the legacy of Dr. King in our lives everyday, but it seems to be more about a day off from work or school. Doctor Kings message seems to get lost in the translation somewhere.

It was about equality for everyone. That we should all have the same opportunities regardless of race or color. It is not something that anyone should have to fight for, it should just come naturally because we all are part of the human race. A child in Hartford should not get a substandard education  because of the color of their skin. They should have the same opportunity as a child in Avon or Farmington.

There should be no place in our communities for anyone that tries to drive a wedge between human beings and using racism as a crutch. I would challenge you that the next time you hear someone spouting off about racism and using that to divide, ask them what they have done lately to make freedom ring in their City or Town, as Dr. King would have done.

Last night I was invited to attend an event for the Scribe Institute at the Pond House in Elizabeth Park.  The brochure for the event is below, but I first met Dr. Aaron Lewis , the founder and Director  of the Scribe Institute when he was a guest on our "We the People" program.

I was expecting the typical Director of a non -profit, making his plea for money to be able to live the good life and build his little empire, as many groups in Hartford do.

My expectations were shattered. The Scribe Institute is funded through private donations. Dr. Lewis is a volunteer Executive Director and the passion for his vision is clear within moments after starting to speak with him.

The Scribe Institute is all strictly volunteers that work with younger children on literacy issues. Those efforts were displayed Sunday night as children that have gone through the program gave speeches and read their remarks in Honor of Dr. King. They were almost flawless in their delivery and it shows that literacy can be accomplished when approached properly.

I was a little disappointed by the remarks of Mayor Segarra when he spoke about the need for literacy for black and Latino children. I think Dr. Kings message would have been literacy for ALL children, regardless of the color of their skin.

"This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing  ' My Country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing' " according to Dr. King. Until all of us are treated as equal, not much will change. Whether it is black and Latino students in Hartford or a white student in Avon as Dr. Kings message stated all of God's Children should be equal.

Dr Aaron Lewis and the Scribe Institute are trying to make that happen, one child at a time, regardless of skin color. I think that Dr. King would be impressed with Doctor Lewis's efforts. Dr. Lewis is walking the walk in the true meaning and message of Dr. King's life. That people are following Dr. Kings message in real life is more of a tribute than any day off could ever be.

You can read Dr .King's full "I have a Dream Speech" here

And remember Dr. King's question... "What are you doing for others?"

January 20th is more than just a holiday, it is a way to live your life

For information on making a tax deductible donation to help the Scribe Institute, click below

Mail to:

The Scribe Institute
PO Box 380640
East Hartford, CT 06138

More on the Scribe Institute here:

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