Sunday, January 26, 2014


I think we all know that political spokespeople have an agenda and a message to get out. In most cases facts don't really matter because how many people actually take the time to check the facts?

Mayor Segarra's spokesperson , Maribel LaLuz was on the Sunday morning talk show Capitol Report. Normally I like the program with Tom Dudchik, Tom regularly links to 'We the People" from his website, CT Capitol Report. I was somewhat surprised by LaLuz's comment that 67% of small businesses are owned by immigrants, that just seemed like a large number.

We know that much of the information that comes out of the Segarra Administration is untrue or delusional, so I google "what percentage of small businesses are started by immigrants".

Up popped the report below from the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) it clearly states that "Immigrant entrepreneurs  start 17% of all new businesses and represent 13% of all business owners". They also represent 12% of business income generated in the United States.
A far cry from the 67% LaLuz claims. She was only off by 60%, but then again the Segarra Administration seems to have a problem with "real numbers".

I hope Shawn Wooden returns soon.

Skip right to page 1 of the report below for the factual numbers


  1. Kevin, not for nothing here, but do you really think she was talking about the United States Small Business Administration?
    Or was she specifically referring to 67% of small business owners in the City of Hartford....which would make more sense here. Your real quick to pull the trigger Kevin, maybe check the City of Hartford specific percentage.

  2. Thank you for your comment Maribel.

    For a spokesperson it is not what they "meant to say" but what they actually said. She spent last week cleaning up that mess after the Mayor said we had no homicides the first six months of 2013. What he actually meant to say was ... Who cares ? It is about what you say, if you are unable to spout out factual numbers and statements, then it would probably be wise to say nothing. If you meant to say "in Hartford the numbers are..." then say that.


  3. It seems that the Segarra Administration are all living in another world made up of lies, lies and more lies. Segarra lied that he paid for his dinner, Saundra lied about the her timing where about on the car crash incident, Kupiec lied to the policeman. Newly hire Ray lied on his application, Van Norden and Cloud lied, it seems that they are surrounded by a group of liars. They only said what sounds good at the time, not known that it is going to come back to haunt them. Maribel is only following in their footsteps.
