Friday, February 14, 2014


A vehicle being returned to the Burns School Parking lot after being improperly towed by Whitey's

Sometimes potential blog postings get dropped in my lap  and I just can't say no.. Hartford is a good City, with good people living here. When I see them being victimized, it is hard to sit back and say no. I was sitting by the fireplace with a nice fire going when the phone started ringing.

Apparently people who had parked in the lot of the Burns School on Putnam street to comply with the parking Ban were having their cars towed out of the lot by Whitey's Towing. Something didn't seem right. Why was Whitey's the only one towing and what was the need to tow them since there were no classes until Tuesday.

These were cars of most likely hard working residents who were trying to obey the requests of City leaders to comply with the Parking Ban. Since Burns is only a few minutes from my home, I left the warmth of the fireplace and went out to see first hand what was going on.

I expected to see a snowy mess of a parking lot which needed to be plowed, possibly explaining the need for the towing . Nope, the lot was plowed better than most City streets. I saw a police cruiser in the lot speaking to a couple women. It turned out to be the Principal and Assistant Principal of the School. From what I was told, the Principal orchestrated the towing and called Whitey's Towing to remove the cars.

I know Whitey's routinely preys on Hartford's residents with their towing operations and "trespass tows", but in this instance I think I will give them a pass. The principal called and at $100.00 per car, it was somewhat legit and business is business. They could have asked if the tow was proper after the Mayor had requested them to park there , but they didn't

I don't think the Principal understands neighborhood relations, The very cars she was towing were most likely her neighbors that live within a few hundred feet of Burn's school. Probably the parent's of some of her very students, maybe working more than one job to make ends meet. She probably takes her salary and heads out of town at the end of the day. So what if the parents have to pay $100.00 and storage fees to get their cars back.

 Plus, the Mayor's parking ban had ended at 4:00PM, what was the sense of urgency to have the cars towed less than 2 hours later.

So anyway, when I got there I started making calls . This was wrong in so many ways. Once again Sergeant Bremser, who was stellar in his passion for City residents when he escorted the Funeral last Saturday for Chantay Drake, once again stepped up to support our residents.  Bremser, as Sergeant in the Traffic Division works very closely with the City's contracted tow companies. Sergeant Cicero, who was also present, assisted in getting the cars returned from their improper journey's

Whitey's Towing was contacted and it appears that there is no contract between Whitey's  and the Burns School. There are quite a few requirements  under State Law to conduct Trespass Tows, the most basic requirement being a written contract between the property owner and the towing company. That does not exist apparently in this case.

In the end, Whitey's apparently agreed to return the vehicles they towed , at no cost to the owners to avoid any further action, Shortly after 8:00pm, the cars were towed back to the lot

Here is another story about Whitey's predatory towing practices.

I knew our Mayor, Hollywood Segarra , is handing out the key to the City to John Leguizamo tomorrrow night at Burns. Now that I think about it, the cars were probably where Segarra was planning on setting up his red carpet for his walk to hand Leguizamo the key to the City Saturday. The residents who had their cars towed were probably not even a thought. The show must go on.

Maybe we should be paying more attention to the needs of our residents first.

In the meantime, I have to ask what the Principal  was thinking and why she thought she was authorized to eneter into an agreement to tow the cars. Like I said, apparently you can't teach common sense.. The spokesperon for Hartford Schools was unavailable for comment.

Thank you to those involved for putting our residents first and getting their cars back. Maybe Whitey's should bill the Principal who allowed this to happen


  1. I watched this whole incident happen. That parking lot was in very poor shape, city plow trucks were getting stuck trying to clear around snow covered cars littering the parking lot. The assistant principal called the city to have the cars towed and the city advised them to call Whiteys. It is the responsibility of the city to make sure that their land is safe for people to walk on and not fall. In order for the city to have the parking lots at the schools safe for our children, the lots have to be free of cars. Whiteys might "prey" on illegally parked cars, but without towing companies like that the city would be a mess of cars.

  2. One question here, is not the school and school parking lot in sense owned by either the State or City tax payers, so in a situation like this...snow storm..the residents of the City have every right to park in the school lot since they pay the taxes, like you said he/she the principal must of lived out of town. No compassion !

  3. I do not understand how Whiteys would just go and tow cars offf city property without a signed written contract. Mr Russo who at one point was the president of the TRPC ( Towing & Recovery Professionals of Connecticut ) should be very aware of these laws. I think the city should take action in this matter. the principal should be held responsiblefor her negligent handling of this matter as should be Whiteys and them being a city contracted towing company...

  4. Kevin, Is there any talk by our Governor to evaluate SCHOOL PRINCIPLES along with teachers? If so, I think we can both agree where they should start! When is our local media gonna start jumping on this stuff instead of informing me what the Kardasians are up to this week inbetween minute by minute weather reports???

  5. The majority of the HPS Principals do not live in Hartford. There is no compassion for taxpayers. So why would they care about cars in their schools lot being towed. Just like anyone who dose not live in Hartford but job here....they take the pay check an run. I feel immediate action should be taken against the Principal of Burns School. However, we know it will not. Politics will prevail.

  6. +Anonymous 2:54am,

    Whemn I was there only 4 people were present. Two Police Officers and the Principal and Vice Principal.By the process of elimination, I would imagine you are either the Principal or Vice Principal trying to justify your actions, I don't think it working and trying to say you did it in the name of the children is disgusting. Classes are out until next Tuesday, what was the rush or do you get a cut from the towing fees?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Someone please call whiteys and have mayor segarra towed away for incompetence

  9. Mr. Brookman- When you post information/blog about it you should have all your facts. The principal of Burns DOES live in Hartford, very close to Burns LSA. She cares about the community and is VERY involved in all things frog hollow. She walks the neighborhood weekly to check on Burns families and the community. I am sure you have seen her in the neighborhood.

    The parking ban ended when the cars were towed. True school does not re-open until Tuesday but the fundraiser that happened last night had to have a clean lot so the students of Burns, staff, and people of the community could park and walk without falling. The fundraiser was put together by the principal and many others at the school and in the community to raise money for the auditorium FOR the students!

    A lot of people are commenting on your blog with nasty comments about the principal because they read what you wrote. You should make sure to have all your facts correctly stated before posting information.

  10. It is hard to get facts when the Principal refused to talk and went and sat in here car and told me I had to get my answers from the Central Office. It was a ridiculous decision on her part to tow the cars and luckily the police Department had a little more common sense and corrected the situation. If the fundraiser was the following night, what was the rush to tow the cars at that time?.

    And isn't it a little sad that people have to hold fundraisers to maintain schools? Maybe the money set aside for the spokesperson, who isn't available on weekends to comment, could be put into some school maintenance.

    Out of a half a billion dollar budget they can't maintain a school. If they can't maintain it , they should close it. I doubt there are any issues with finding money for the Board offices at 960 Main, but then again, that is for the adults, not the kids

  11. The statement stated that The MAJORITY of Hartford Public School Principals do not live in Hartford. Get the facts straight about HPS Principals. The MARJORITY of HPS Vice Principals do not live in Hartford either. Contact the Hartford Board of Education they have to reveal the payroll list.

  12. A fundraiser for an auditorium. What a JOKE!!!! How could Burns Schools not have an auditorium? Does it have a gym, restrooms,library or a cafeteria?
    Please, both Weaver High and Belizzi Middle Schools are almost empty. Where are the students? Are there any more small school enrollments that Hartford taxpayers are paying for?

  13. Kev, could you investigate the comment in the first post? Inquiring minds are dying to know who at City Hall gave the word to call Whitey's, "The assistant principal called the city to have the cars towed and the city advised them to call Whiteys." Is that the bigger story maybe?

  14. I will be asking for the phone recordings tomorrow as well as the Police Incident Report

  15. Racist asian principalFebruary 17, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    That racist asian principal knew that those vehicles belonged to residents of the neighborhood. I cant wait till she knocks on my door. She will blame someone else, that is what she does. Kevin. I am a resident. The mayor told us on the news to park in a school lot. Where do i park. Im sorry that i live in an apartment. But i cant afford 200 dollars each snow storm. Maybe i will bring the bill to that racist asian principal.

  16. Racist burns principalFebruary 17, 2014 at 10:14 AM

    Burns school principal tows city resident vehicles when the mayor gave permission on the freaking news to park in a school lot during a snow emergency.

    Burns school asian principal is another fool. She does not own city property or has the authority to have any cars towed . I wish she towed my car. That would not end well.

  17. Mr proud north end residentFebruary 17, 2014 at 3:53 PM

    Mr Brookman ,

    I see you still do what u want and post inaccurate facts and circumstances concerning the life and times of fine outstanding school administrators. These here folks have a tough job sculpting the young minds without your train of nonsense. Im sure you will not post this since you are now politically selective when it comes to the facts. I will continue to establish any barriers to your blog of hate and distrust

    Mr proud north end resident

  18. Proud, once again in spewing your nonsense, you failed to produce any facts, what was inaccurate?

  19. I heard little miss walk of shame Maribel had something to do with Hollywood Puppet Segarra making sure the lot was clear... god forbid he couldn't pull right up to the red carpet with his baggy star struck eyes. Caviar is so vein, he needs to get lifestyle lface lift for those big a## bags under his eyes, after all he thinks he's a star, he hasn't realized he is a falling star.


  20. The problem with Hartford is that there is too many Chiefs and no Indians. Seems everyone wants to be in charge. It's a trickle down affect; that starts from the Mayor's office and spreads thru out the already dysfunctional city. No one cares about the Hartford residents. It is all about power, control and money.
