Thursday, February 13, 2014


Well, at least one of them. Three new Deputy Chiefs for HPD were picked today by Chief Rovella. According to sources, the Council approval and funding for the three slots were contingent upon strings placed on the approval by at least one Councilperson. Again, according to sources, the Councilperson provided HPD with three names that had to be promoted if the money was going to be approved without a fight..

Two of the names on the Councilpersons list though were ineligible for promotion based upon their current rank. Apparently to be promoted to Deputy Chief, you must be at least a lieutenant or higher. The one name on the list that was eligible  to be promoted  was actually promoted.

The announcement that was released today by Chief Rovella. He apparently stated that "after discussions with Assistant Chief Heavren" he was appointing Lieutenant's Brian Foley, Dustin Rendock and Rob Ford to the position of Deputy Chief.. Don't ask who Heavren is, it is a long story.

Foley will continue in the Detective Division as Deputy Chief of the Investigative Services Bureau (ISB). Foley also serves as the Department spokesperson and is expected to continue in that position. Ford will apparently assume responsibility for the North District. That area is currently supervised by Deputy Chief Neville Brooks. Brooks has recently been doing double duty supervising the Central and North Districts. Lt.Rendock will assume the Professional Standards Division  which is currently working on accreditation standards for HPD.

All three promotions are expected to take effect as of Sunday.


  1. Great to hear from you first Kevin, rather than from our own police department. Unbelievable.

  2. Check your e-mail, I believe it went out to "all sworn personnel" in an e-mail early today

  3. Kevin Reports it 1stFebruary 13, 2014 at 8:14 PM

    Negative Ghost Rider

  4. Had to do some checking to figure out who Rendock was though. Have never seen him out in the community

  5. Rendock is the guy with no personality that has SID the most dysfunctional division in the PD.

  6. Could be worse choices. So im happy with 2/3 of the choice. When is reckless reathis gonna get the stars he earned like five years ago? Seems to be a good ole boy them taking place up in the complex. I will have mean green keep an eye up there

  7. Lt Brian Foley deserves the promotion. He works tirelessly for the HPD. He is a terrific and very detailed HPD spokesperson. He is one of Hartford's FINEST!!! Never could figure out why Nancy Mullroy had anything to do the HPD spokesperson position. She is on her third job for the city and of course her second pension. The other two HPD promotions should not be approved. I am very disappointed in Chief Rovella's decision. One (Lt Brian Foley) out of three deserve the promotion to Deputy Chief. Very sad business in Hartford as always.

  8. Very disappointed in Police Chief Rovella's choices. Lt James Foley is the only one out of the three selected that should become a Deputy Police Chief. What is wrong with this picture? Boy, the HPD must be pretty disparate. There must be plenty of inside and in house resentment and fighting between all the HPD department'

  9. Anonymous 11:19am,

    I agree, and it is Brian Foley.Unfortunately over the last decade there has not been a lot of career development at HPD so the field was somewhat limited. Lieutenants were never really treated like the upper level managers they are, until Chief Rovella began. They never knew if and when they should actually make decisions because it was a toss up whether they would be supported in their decisions. There are a few that show real potential, if they don't retire first. Lt Allan, Lt. Cacciolli to name a couple. Have you ever heard of the other two? Have you seen them out in the community At least the Councilperson got their way.

  10. No I never heard of the other two officers getting promoted and have never seen them in the community. Brian Foley is the only one who I know and is in the community all the time. He is an outstanding officer and spokesperson for the HPD. He deserves the promotion. I do know Lt. Robert Allan. He is very devoted and is seen in the community all the time. He returns all calls and takes care of the situation immediately. He and his Southend Community Officers Ted Sposito and Carlo Faenza are amazing. They know everyones name
    and get the job done.

  11. I agree totally. Lt Brian Foley deserves to become a Deputy Chief.
    Lt Robert Allan and Southend Community Officers Ted Sposito and Carlo Faenza are outstanding law enforcement officers. Foley, Allan, Sposito and Faenza are among HARTFORD'S Finast.

  12. long time HPD patrolFebruary 14, 2014 at 3:41 PM

    Captains don't even get interviewed? Curious as to who the Council really wanted. Brian, you made it, you can stop writing your own PR. Just don't fall off any more tables.

  13. Really lt. Foley as a DC? He's a racist. And Kevin you won't put up any of my post that tells why he is a racist. Your forcing me to go else where with my evidence.

  14. Another anonymous coward throwing around the term racist. Very easy to do but very difficult to defend from. What is your proof? And if you are such a strong defender of equal rights, I would think you would want to personally stand up and identify yourself. Apparently your "divide and conquer" style isn't working, but good try. And why would you think I wouldn't post your comments, I give equal time, even to cowardly idiots. I have to let people know that not all of my readers are intelligent

  15. Steve kessler is a bigot!!February 14, 2014 at 5:17 PM

    Foley no racist like steven kessler. Foley is just goofy and if he ever grows up, like peter pan, he might do well .

  16. When idiots are promoted. Rank means nothin to me. I show allegance to one man only. Chief joe. Only he i would walk through fire and eat chinese food from park @ washington. All hail chief joe. No one could even hold his large jock. No one !!!!!!!

  17. Anon 1206 and 135.. Are these really Hartford South End citizens? If you are you would be the first ones to not use the words lazy and useless after mentioning Carlo and Teddys name. Carlo and Teddy are you blogging again? I don't know but miss spelled words are a sign of typing with sausages for fingers...Finast?

  18. Anonymous 6:06PM

    Why do you guys hate each other so much that you have to attack when someone else gets a little bit of credit. Might I suggest you attend a community meeting or two in the southend and see for yourself the high regard the community has for officers Sposito and Faenza, They might not be perfect but they are responsive to the community. Post by your name and maybe I could highlight some of your accomplishments if there are any

  19. Kevin. Hopefully chief ford installs a boxing ring in the rear lot. Then the childish antics would not exist. Unfortunately back in the day. Issues were handled until a bunch of babies went crying upstairs( like that 44 on c squad who cant figure out what a vice vehicle looks like ). But this is a para military operation so certain issues do need to be handled by the rank. I dont see morale improving much. This is my 9 th chief so its been a long journey. The last good officer settlement was when epie dropped charlie like 150 pounds of potatoes. All because charlie wanted to smoke cigars in the cruiser. The imaturity will end once the ford boxing club is established ...

  20. Not for nothing. Teddy and carlo are good at the meetings but lacking with the leg work. No biggy. Just have patrol handle the man work. Otto did great down there and actually enforced quality of life. Rob allen just needs to change the oil in the teddy mobile and he will get it in gear. I think csos should help out once in a while and take a call or two.

  21. Occonor gonna be #1 Lt!!!February 14, 2014 at 7:53 PM

    Austin and eric ( 83) smith were the names that the council wanted. That shows how out of it the council is. Why dont we promote racist kessler to deputy so he can lead us to the promise land !

  22. Deputy chief brian foley is the answer to the prayers of hartford. He will take charge and use his extensive years of positive leadership to mold the optuse work ethic of the current dept.
    He will improve the minds and work ethic of all who he interacts with. I support him 120 percent
    The disingenuous thinking towards brian will end. And i will stand in front of my friend to take out all the haters.

  23. Once again Kevin you won't post my comment on when Foley and his brother in law wrote home sexual comments about MCD sgt's. And you know sgt Perri has the evidence as well as MCD detectives.

  24. This is a perfect example of the HPD can't get along within there own departments, so im sure it will show in their jobs working with civilians. I rather see the officers who grew up in the innercity, who knows our city actually get theses positions. ( No robocops are in need)I know by now education plus experience should be a factor to promote. Not how many hours you put in.
