Wednesday, February 12, 2014


There is a very simple concept in snow plowing known as "curb to curb". It is not complicated, when plowing , you plow to the edger of the street until you feel the plow blade hitting against the curb.

Would you pay someone to plow your driveway if they only cleared the center. Probably not.

Hartford needs to start plowing "curb to curb". It does no good for the Hartford Police to enforce parking bans and clear the streets of vehicles if the streets aren't then plowed to the edge. The picture like the one above shows the newly created traffic barrier created by  snow plowing.

The edge of Main Street is now almost 8 feet from the curb, essentially eliminating a traffic lane. And it is not just Main Street. Take a look at Asylum, Farmington, Franklin Ave, Washington Street, just about every major thoroughfare as well as side streets are now choked down to single lanes with almost concrete like piles of snow. This also creates a huge problem for emergency  vehicles trying to get down these single lane roadways during rush hour ,when there is no place for drivers to move out of the way

We need to start getting it right from the first storm out, now it is too late to remove much of this snow once it freezes. Some drivers do get it though, Zion street looked almost perfect after the last storm. Maybe that driver could conduct some plow training for his fellow plow drivers.

On the positive side, at least the fire hydrant was cleared out


  1. I work for a neighboring municipality and am in Public Works. I have never seen such incompetence when it comes to plowing as in the city. Nice work Pedro.

  2. Hartford is a told mess and will remain this way until a new Mayor is elected with a a new cabinet and responsible city residents. I am wondering has Sandra Kee Borges paid the city back what she owes for the smashed city vehicle yet? She walks around city hall as if nothing ever happened to her former city car in which her husband Lt Terry was driving. When is Linda Bayer done? Isn't it time for some young Hartford resident to replace her? I think so and so dose hundreds of Hartford taxpayers.

  3. Why dosen't Hartford have enough snow removal trucks? The Mayor thought his chief of staff Juan needed a deputy. The taxpayers thought different and won. It must cost plenty to hire private contractors to remove snow. Wouldn't it make more sense to buy our own trucks and pay Hartford residents to drive them? WAKE UP PEDRO!!! You talk a nice talk but you walk a bad walk.

  4. Hire more useless city residents to drive plows to do what the current city resident plow drivers do???? Absolutely nothing. They have the worst work ethic and don't even leave city garage. When they do go for a ride, they don't even drop the plow. Look at the state DOT plow drivers and how clean the highways are.
    How about start hiring the right people that will do the's been clearly shown over and over that it's not city residents for sure!!!
    Wake up anonymous at 4:34pm

  5. To anonymous at 410 . Its deputy chief terry. Get it straight. He is not going anywhere. And terry is watching those certain firefighters who choose to play games instead of doing their job. Dont worry little fire mice, terry gonna giv u five cross all yo lips!!!!


    It should be firefighter Waller since none of his "promotions" have been based on any merit or testing well. Luckily for him he has been able to kiss the correct butts and move upward unlike the many others who actually had to do their jobs and study for tests. It is too bad Chief Huertas didn't have the intestinal fortitude to say no when the demands were made to make Huertas's appointment contingent on him making Waller an Assistant Chief. But we all know how the game is played. Does anyone deny that happened? I doubt even Chief Huertas would deny it

  7. To Tic Tac's Acting Deputy Chief Waller...big difference...he and the other one still have to take the much you know....stop sleeping with the guy and maybe you will understand how the rules are such an idiot !

  8. Could one of my knowledgeable readers maybe explain Acting Assistant Chief Waller's career path, such as how he made LT when there was no position, how he made Captain when there was no position and how the Deputy Chief position was created specifically for him and finally , maybe detail the arm twisting that took place for him to be named Acting Assistant Chief.

    Thank you

  9. I'll try to remember...if there is not position at the time, and a test was taken for those positions...then he is put on a waiting list, maybe for a year..and if no one applies or passes the test. Then he is automatically for the Assistant Chief, there are only 2 guys that are applying for the position, now they have to take a test, so, because they are Deputy Chiefs right now, they can be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief, no one else wants to apply for the Assistant Chief's position because they loose money in overtime, and I think, don't quote me, you may not be a member of the Union anymore, I know once you are Chief of the Department, you are no longer a member of the may apply to the Assistant Cheif's position, that is why many guys do not advance pass the Deputy Chief's position, they are no longer protected by the Fire Fighters Union...

  10. Ask Dan Nolan how that "protection " worked out for him

  11. Nothing is going to change. Hartford's has a sad message that the Fire Department sends and has sent in many years. The last Fire Chief Edward Casares was a joke. He walks around Hartford like a King. He wears nothing but the best clothes, jewelry and shoes. Just like Saundra Kee Borges (UCONN Law School friend of Pedro) and of course he husband Fire Captain Terry Waller. Where is the cash they owe to the taxpayers for the smashed car? Are any of them aware of the poverty and homeless in Hartford? Greed for Hartford's mighty big buck is their logo. How very sad.....

  12. Nothing is going to change. Hartford's has a sad message that the Fire Department sends and has sent in many years. The last Fire Chief Edward Casares was a joke. He walks around Hartford like a King. He wears nothing but the best clothes, jewelry and shoes. Just like Saundra Kee Borges (UCONN Law School friend of Pedro) and of course he husband Fire Captain Terry Waller. Where is the cash they owe to the taxpayers for the smashed car? Are any of them aware of the poverty and homeless in Hartford? Greed for Hartford's mighty big buck is their logo. How very sad.....

  13. All hail chief WallerFebruary 14, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    Listen all yah. Its assistant chief waller. Just one final step to the top. Ya all better hit staples to get ur resume packets prep ready, cause soon terry will big the big cheese in charge soon.
