Friday, February 28, 2014


It appears that HPD's problem child may be at it again. According to HPD sources, Sergeant Eric Smith, who found himself  being investigated recently after firing a bullet through his neighbors home, is once again the subject of an Internal Affairs Investigation.

You can read more about the bullet through the neighbors house  incident here

According to sources, Hartford Police Officer Stackowitz had just finished putting fuel in his cruiser at the DPW Yard on Jennings Road. As he got back on I-91 South from Jennings Road to head back to his area, he observed a black pickup truck pass him at speeds he apparently estimated in excess of 100MPH.

According to HPD sources, the officer in a fully marked cruiser , attempted to catch up to the pickup truck and was able to "close the gap" once he got close to the speeding truck, he activated his overhead lights in an attempt to stop the truck. In the area of the Capitol Area exit, the truck quickly merged to the right, crossing four lanes of traffic and took the exit leading to Pulaski Circle.

  The vehicle quickly took the Prospect Street exit and made a left onto Prospect Street, heading south. Running the red light at the top of the exit. Shortly after turning onto Prospect Street the driver of the black truck apparently  hit a patch of ice, lost control of the vehicle and hit a light pole snapping it off at the base. The light pole then apparently fell across Prospect Street.

The officer positioned his cruiser to protect the scene as the driver stepped out of the black truck. The officer, who according to sources reported that the driver of the truck was staggering and was bleeding, began to approach his cruiser. The officer then recognized the driver as Sergeant Eric Smith of the Hartford Police Department. Smith handed the officer his documents  and the officer began the process of documenting the accident.

The officer also then apparently notified a street supervisor, Sergeant Dennis O'Conner of the incident. Once Smith heard that O'Connor was responding, according to sources, Smith asked another officer at the scene, Officer Small, to help him carry the light post to the curb so he could leave. I'm not sure who would willingly touch a live aluminum electrical pole and move it but, Smith is a Sergeant and the new officer was most likely intimidated.

Smith , after leaving the scene, proceeded to his home in Windsor. The shift supervisor for the night, LT. Pleasant, paid Smith a visit  at his home in Windsor. Again , according to sources, Smith would only talk to Pleasent through the glass storm door and wouldn't open the door or talk to Pleasent face to face.

It would be interesting to know where Smith was before his attempt to allude the Police and his crash. Most people injured in accidents and bleeding , willingly  go to the hospital for treatment, unless you are worried about the police getting their hands on your blood samples through a search warrant and charging you with DUI.

 I have FOI'd the incident report, the radio recordings and the dash cam video which is reported to show the entire incident. I will post that as soon as I receive it.

I have to ask the question though, is this guy really the right person to be supervising anyone., especially his recent examples of his decision making?

And as far as the title of this posting, this is one of the 3 officers that a Council member was pushing to be promoted to Deputy Chief recently


  1. If he was made deputy chief then this would not have happened. I blame the city

  2. Eric smith is too smart for all of you. What do u have ? He stopped and gave his paperwork. No evading. The pursuit means nothing. I hope there is radar to sustain the speed. Again nothing there. The roads were icy so he is not to blame, god is . So in the end his insurance will fix a probably already broken lamp post. Smith even out smarted genius jerry with his smooth tactics. No blood or breath to prove anything. In the end smith will score number one on the exam and rovella will neil on one leg to promote eric to any Lt positon he wants ......

  3. Im surprised rat kamil recognized smith at all since he has a bit of a memory problem

  4. Insubordinate activity has pupilated and curminated the very walls of this santuary. The distrust has formilated a thick morale lowering stew.
    No i am not intoxicated.
    No i am not a virus to infest
    Eric smith will survive. This blog will carry on. All i can do is work 3-4 js a week to keep sane ...

    -mids 4 life

  5. Hey Midnight Rider, try using a dictionary or smaller words next time. You may not be intoxicated or a virus but you are pretty dumb.

  6. Hasn't Kamil learned his place yet with Sammy "The Bull" knocking him out! Waaa, waaa, Principal; Sammy hit me! Wait this is Kamil he does nothing wrong!
    Humm: Booty on duty with a minor on midnights. That's right Kamil you bragged and boasted after we caught you!
    Humm: Caught skydiving while on Workers Comp.
    Yeah Kamil your an outstanding individual. Sgt. Smith is going wraps his 24 inch pythons around your tiny dome piece!

    Place your bets, place your bets!

  7. It's like any other position working for the City, and I've seen it over and over in the 20 something years that I worked for the City, the ones that screw up or are a bad seed, they are the ones that get promoted, the ones that show up and work hard every day and do their job like they were hired to do, get step on, step over, takes them years to get promoted or even a pay raise, or better yet they are not in the right click of people, this happens in most departments within the City, so this Cop is no different then the ones that screw the City and ruin it for the honest, sincere, and hard workers that are still with in the City.

  8. Oh no, how could a wanna be chief with a masters degree ever do something like speed or leave the scene of a crash. He must have contacted his wife for council and she advised him of his rights.
    Where were you Eric, sipping drinks at Piggy's flashing your badge for discounts or coming from dropping off your mother in law after a night at casinos?
    What everyone fails to know, his wife has the mayor on speed dial. Pedro will feel pity to the victims game and order the police chief to dismiss all claims of wrong doing.
    Good Luck to the officer who will be faulted by peers for just doing his job.
    This case is going to be one to watch!

  9. Accident InvestigatorMarch 1, 2014 at 12:23 PM

    Last time I checked you don't need blood, breath, or urine to arrest for a DUI. Take it from a real COP who has arrested numerous people for DUI with a double refusal. For those of you patrol clams who don't know what is, it's a refusal on the field sobriety and the chemical test. I'm sure when Officer Small spoke with Sergeant Smith about moving the utility pole, he must have detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath. That with erratic operation, moving violations, and the crash should be more than enough for a warrant. So now what?!? Is this turd gonna be allowed to supervise. Supervisor or Not, he better not say a word to me. Go ahead and write me up, they are not gonna sign any of your Form 90's.

  10. I run away from crazy dennis too. When is bones gonna pull a 36 at the glastonbury vfw one of these days. Its a known fact dennis likes to throw back a couple and then drive. Come on bones!!!!!

  11. Good job 66. Way to go

  12. Per new HPD order. I am not reading this blog during work hours.

  13. Hey accident investigator,
    You seem like a smart guy. Maybe u should re write the constitution or cure lou gerrigs disease... Aint nothing going to happen to smith. He might get a couple days off but no 24 will ever get signed. Im sure the states attorney throws ur suspected dui 24s right into the shredder. Your probable cause sounds like a disney animated movie ....

  14. Racist steve kesslerMarch 1, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    I hope chief rovella makes an example out of this ass clown. Smith has been doing this sort of thing his entire career. How long until someone is injured by his stupidity? Its a constant thing with him, first the accidental discharge into a house, now this. Enough is enough.

  15. Eric beat an on duty felony sexual dummies really don't think he can beat a little car chase / crash / evading with a DWI?
