Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Some guys just can't get a break. Read the latest embarrassment for the Christie Administration at watchdog.org , click here


  1. Occonnor gonna get Lt. #1February 4, 2014 at 3:37 PM

    So long will smith. I give him credit. He resigned ahead of rovella laying the smack down. Cleaning the house shows leadership and non disingenuous standards. Several more toliet flushes are needed.

  2. Classic Will Smith MO! He makes his bed with dirty sheets, what does he expect? I love how the Courant quoted him stating that DKR was his friend, but not Rovella. Mmmm maybe that's because Rovella held him responsible for his classic ghetto behavior? Ha! bye bye mope!

  3. " all his bags are packed and ready to go , cause hes leaving on the rovella smack down plane.... Pretty sure he wont be back again...."

  4. Quit your belly aching! The Guardians will probably pay for an attorney for this turd to get his job reinstated! Lol

  5. Will smith is the weakest link....February 7, 2014 at 7:12 PM

    This blog has become lame lately. Time to get it in gear brockman before i send a city yard dumptruck to clean house ...

  6. So let me inplode my brain cells to question how rovella would label employees as tier 1 - tier 3. These types of labels are creating a hostile working environment and detremental possible civil liability against the city. One day i would enjoy to put Roys thick book type resume, which includes national recognitions and military commendations against rovellas two pieces of paper . Active duty front line military officers stationed in Germany during the brink of the cold war hold more respect then a detective , fact. Patton did not look like brad pitt but won a war by motivating his troops. Just some food for thought .

  7. Really Dana? Let you implode your brain cells???? Very nice of you to speak so highly of your best friend, Roy. But Dana, maybe you should act like a Lieutenant for once, stop corrupting the new officers with your lies and propaganda and bashing the PD and Rovella.
    And you want to talk civil liability Dana? How about you working overtime last Sunday night, driving a city car (in the snow no less) on city time while getting paid (overtime) to drive 45 minutes away to Lebanon CT to take your dogs for a walk on city time??? Are you serious???

    Dana, a photo copy of your time card has already been forwarded to IAD, so don't bother changing it.

    Kevin, IAD should look into this blatant employee misconduct.

  8. After reading that , hopefully they will

  9. What tier would that make her you think?

  10. Should be pretty easy for IAD, everything was recorded as she got her sergeants to cover for her 10-27 to Lebanon. Said she should only be gone for an hour or so, get her on the cell if they needed anything.

    Disgusting use of taxpayer funds but then again hasn't her entire career been that also?

  11. I think she was by herself on tier 6. The not now, no way, never tier

  12. Really. Much ado about nothing every other Lt. in this dept. has a personal take home car and some STF Sgt's. (not authorized)
    Some people have nothing better to do than watch other people instead of just doing their jobs. At least Dana stays for full shift. A last minute OT sometimes means people have to make personal accomodations. I'm no fan of Dana and her inability to make a decision, but at least she doesn't make up her own personnel rules.

  13. Turds to the wood chipperFebruary 12, 2014 at 1:31 PM

    Just like mean green , nothing will ever happen to dana out of fear and more city suits. Its sad what this dept has become. Back in the day, non of these turds would have been allowed to slug their way to a free check and bowl of soup. Hpd is becoming a shelter for light duty enployees. What is the number now? Over 50 im sure. Just like the officer hired one year ago with major medical issues caused by his other employment in another dept. I guess hpd fell for the trick. Take another dept's workers comp issues. I feel like falling down the stairs, just like yoko twin did. I pray that one day a standard is made or make these lite duty people stuff envelopes. Send them to a city of htfd doctor chief!!! Then u will see fear!! No more private doctor hurt feelings nonsense . Milt was fired by simsbury pd cause he was hit on duty by a car, but hpd will allow officers to stay on lite duty for decades. Yes decades.( lawlor girl ). Wow.
