Monday, March 3, 2014


Mayor Segarra and his partner Charlie Ortiz loading their Home Depot purchases into the City Car Saturday.

In a City where poverty and unemployment run rampant, it is sad that we still have politicians that think City Hall is their pot of gold.

Whether it is the former Chief of Staff who stole his car  to get a few more bucks of use out of the taxpayers or the Acting COO at the time who crashed her car or maybe the current Chief of Staff who has no intention of living in Hartford.

But I guess the old saying that leadership begins at the top is really true, and if there is no leadership or example coming from the top, what should we expect?

You might recall that after the boyfriend/fiancee/significant other, now Acting Assistant Fire Chief, of Acting COO Saundra Kee-Borges crashed her City car, the City Council apparently passed a resolution restricting the use of City vehicles to the Mayor, Police Chief and Fire Chief for City business and certain others bound by contracts. The City of Hartford Ethics Code is also pretty clear that City Resources are to be used for city business only, not personal use.

The last I knew, Mayor Segarra is being paid over $150,000 per year, is it too much to expect him to use his own car and his own gas when he makes his Saturday run to Home Depot with his partner?

The picture above of Mayor Segarra and his partner loading their purchases into his City car at the West Hartford Home Depot sure doesn't look like City business.

 I guess "don't do as I do, do as I say" is a good enough example for the rest of the City workers.


  1. A good idea to regulate the commentary for gratuitous personal attacks. At this point to call a person a "racist" is to say he's very bad, but only in a vague way. It's the same sort of thing George Orwell saw in the use of the word "fascist."
    But, what was the ultimate outcome of the Whitey car towing incident at Burns School?
    It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.

  2. Kevin. What was the date and time for this occurrence

  3. Have to say one thing, Nice vehicle,City Hall has come a long way ...what kind and year is it ?

  4. Tip of the iceberg
    Wondering what happened to the investigation at DPW into favoritism in hiring, hostile environment and illegal upgrades in promotions. Haven't heard anything about this in a long time. Has there been a report submitted that hasn't seen the light of day. Department has gotten rid of most of its trash when they fired Kevin Burnham and Rhonda Carroll went down in smoke. There still remains an atmosphere of racism and hostility in the department with what remains of upper management . I hope the issue gets resolved.

  5. It would great to know who took the photo. After their shopping trip last Saturday to Home Depot maybe the Mayor and his partner were actually going to fix something at City Hall. There is certainly a lot of fixn' to do. I hope they kept their receipt

  6. Early Saturday afternoon around 2:00 p m...must be overtime and something that had to be taken care of on the weekend. I wonder what was so urgent to have to use a city car. I hope there is good reason.

  7. Mayor Pedro always has an explanation for events or things that go on during the weekdays or weekends. He is famous for saying "I am/was not aware". Photos do not lie.

  8. BTW are spouses or children supposed to be riding around in city owned cars? What is the official policy on this? What if there were an accident and they were injured?

  9. Smile you are on Candid CameraMarch 5, 2014 at 1:09 AM

    Next time don't forget to smile for the cameras. Remember the quote " a picture is worth a thousand words"

    Thanks to modern technology, you never know who's watching, now everyone has accesses to a camera on cell phones.

    It seems that Mayor Pedro and his "elite group" continues to milk our system.

    Mayor recently awarded the Acting Assistant Fire Chief Waller with a new City car. How wonderful, now he can escort his fiancée, Saundra Borges around to do her errands.

    Very clever Mr. Mayor, your poor leadership continues to haunt you.

  10. When is Saundra Borges going to pay the taxpayers back for her city smashed car? The smash car that Acting Assistant Fire Chief Terry Waller was driving on a Saturday evening when they were out for the night. Now, Waller gets a new city car. Pretty nice having friends in higher places. The Mayor does his errands on Saturdays with his partner in a city car. I hope the honorable recorded the mileage so he can pay the city taxpayers what he owes them. Yes, exactly what is the city policy for who can be in city cars and when.

  11. Who took the picture?

  12. Nice car....what kind is it ? Also I thought all City vehicles especially the Mayor's car, I thought the plate number on it use to have a number then followed by HTFD, or had things changed...

  13. About every mayor in this state use their assigned town / city car 24/7, as they can be called in at anytime, and continue to work and handle town / city business 24/7. They're job isn't a 9-5 then done. Your over reacting and going a little to far with this. Check what other CT city mayors do, I know for fact they use their city assigned cars. You going to keep from posting this? Very biased and unfair.

  14. Anonymous on March 5 @ 815 pm ,DID YOU HAVE CLOWN MAKEUP AND WIG ON WHEN YOU POSTED THAT????? Am I supposed to believe that the Mayor possibly does his best "OFFICIAL BUSINESS" after hours??? And at Home Depot???? If so, then lets REWARD him with a City Issued JAGUAR for all his great achievments ( OF COURSE ONLY TO BE USED AFTER 5 PM AND ON WEEKENDS !) Does anybody remember when Fire Chief Dobsen used his city owned vehicle to deliver "artwork"(IN MY HEAD I PICTURE "FELT PAINTINGS")for his private business??? I always wondered if his recliner at home was "city issued", since he would "run" fires sitting in it " after hours" (9 to 5).Just remember,its ok to support friends who are LOSERS ,its another thing to DEFEND them!!!!

  15. Anonymous 3:50pm,

    That comment was emailed 6 times throughout the day yesterday before I approved the comments last night. Do you think it might be someone on the Mayor's staff trying to spin the message?

  16. No comment yet from the Mayors office and it has been almost a week. It looks like the issue is just being swept under the rug. I am also curious to know how the purchases made on this trip to Home Depot were paid for.

  17. Michelle ,did you take that picture ???? You do have a history of "secretly" taking pictures of city employees in that same Home Depot parking lot!

  18. Did Mayor Pedro have a change of heart? When he first took office I thought he had said that he was going to use his own vehicle. Correct me if I am wrong. But that was back when he push Perez out of office. I read somewhere that he was committed to save the city some money and that he was going to use his own vehicle. I guess that was then but now he is going along for the ride; he's even using police escort like if he was the president of the US. Oh Well, Why not take advantage, everyone else does. He even decided that Hartford City vehicle no longer have to use the old Hartford plates, that identified city officials. After all, I guess it's so cool to be the Mayor, you can do what ever you choose to do at the taxpayers expense. Great example he is giving, I am almost sure that there must be many who can't wait to run for Mayor. The pay is great and the entitlements are even better.

  19. Mr.Brookman i have a question about Hartford hiring city residents for Police. At the time D/C Foley, SGT. Garcia an I believe you were on channel 3 discussing the issue. I had a relative who took the written scored a 91, had his CHIP card he was born an raised in the city now owns a house. He hasn't heard nothing its been almost a year. He gets no answers from city hall or the police dept.

  20. Somebody should "secretly" take a picture of Michelle running her real estate business while at "work" (i apologize for the use of that last word),dont forget to take a picture of her studying for advancement,(also on the city's dime)! Lets hire more people from the city,what an ASSet to us all!

  21. The City of Hartford has a lot of good candidates, the problem is that most of the positions put out there, already have a name on it. Its WHO you know, not WHAT you know. You might have the qualifications but if you are not the Administration's buddy or family member, then you are straight out eliminated from the list. Ask Saundra Kee Borges.

  22. -Would the "Michelle" be the female Ladder Driver from HFD?
    -The same person who called a Captains home and left a message telling him she is "untouchable"?
    -The person who openly brags that Rjo Wench is in her pocket and she gets whatever she wants? (promotions, assignments, etc.)
    -The person who also got assigned to the machine shop and took 30+ days off and nothing was deducted from her balance? reason for call to Captains home...
    -The same person who got her then husband his promotion to Lieutenant? Same LT who stole electricity and beat a woman then threatened to kill her. Of course still on the job.
    -Real Estate, don't forget her catering job that gets done on city time also.
    -AHHH, alas she is a city resident with political connections, nothing will happen.
    -Kevin, I hope you post this comment, with your connections everything can very easily be confirmed.
