Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Segarra: ‘For All Those Watching, They Know Who The Real Fool Is’

For one of the very few times, I have to admit I agrre with Mayor Segarra. The headline above was from a Hartford Courant story today. You can read that story here.

Mayor, most people are beginning to agree the fool is YOU. You are not a man of your word, you can not be trusted and as more layers of the Segarra onion are peeled back, you will be exposed for what you are.

It all started when you succeeded Mayor Perez. A move that many people had hoped would be the new start for Hartford. You are a huge disappointment. We also believed you when you said you were only a caretaker and would not run for a full term. Hopefully, and most likely, your first full term is going to be your last.

We also believed you at your recent State of the City Address when, to loud applause you said "I WILL NOT COMPROMISE PUBLIC SAFETY" Was that speech written before or after you made the decision to eliminate the  HPD Police recruit class that had originally been scheduled to begin in March and now has been pushed off to  July of 2015. Do you even know what the attrition rate at HPD looks like?

Maybe you can explain to the residents of the City why over 400 Police applications are sitting at City Hall untouched? And I am told that over 14% of those applications are from Hartford residents. So much for making HPD look more like the neighborhoods it serves. If you wait long enough, most of the good candidates will be hired first by other towns.

What happened to the Federal "COPS" Grants that you touted in recent press releases to hire officers. Did that money go into your caviar fund?


And why stop at  a two or three mill increase. Why not get it over with and go to 90 mills total. that will solve your revenue problem and give you far more abandoned properties that you can sell the tax liens on than you could ever hope  for with a mere 2.5 mills. That will put you on the map , and  will really show people who the fool is.

And that "shared sacrifice" thing you keep talking about? As long as you continue to have a "scheduler" following you everywhere at a salary of $60,00.00 holding his I-pad, I fail to see how you are sharing anything other than your delusions of grandeur.

And I hope the residents hold you accountable for the loss of their community policing programs  as part of that "shared sacrifice" . Does the "shared sacrifice" mean that you will be giving up your "Secret Service " style protection detail. I think you believe you are far more important than you are.  The Governor only went through the Saint Patrick's day parade once, you had to circle through twice with your motorcade.  Yes we know who the real fool is Mayor.

And just so you get my point Mayor, the fool is not Councilman Deutsch. Call him whatever you want but it is refreshing to see a Hartford Councilman that is actually concerned about the effects your reckless actions on his constituents. I hope 8 others fall in line behind him and show the same leadership. More people need to begin questioning every action you take and stop the incompetence. The real fools, beside the obvious choices sitting in and around the Mayor's Office, are those who say nothing and accept your reckless behavior without question.

When I have a chance I will go through the rest of your State of the City Address and see who the fool is. You for expecting us to believe your nonsense or Hartford residents who still think you are a nice guy. That will all be peeled away real soon as the onion is exposed for what it is.

And Councilman Deutsch, keep the pressure on , name calling is for cowards. Real leaders do what they know is right regardless of the shots thrown at them. Who do you think looks more like the professional now? You or the name calling Mayor?

Below are some of the e-mails


  1. Pedro has no use for the cops, other than as a chauffeur

  2. if the budget is legit and makes sense, why lash out at Deutsch.

    This budget is probably as legit as the 3 million in Union concessions he built into last years budget, How was that hole closed?

  3. Segerra wrong to mud wrestle with Duetsch. Very unbecoming. But Duetsch egged him on. Cmon can he be that dumb? Where does Duetsch think money comes from? I'm a good liberal myself but gee Duetsch is a nut bag. Nothing wrong with seeking concessions from employees or selling tax leins to raise revenue. The generous pensions and benefits especially for the sacred cow public safety employees can't be sustained.

  4. Here's another quote for the good people of Hartford... Fool us once, shame on you, Fool us twice shame on us!!! Get this FOOL out now, we can't support his childish ways any longer.

  5. Segarra will never escape the P-card, caviar, and city car fiasco. When he decided to set that tone for city government, concessions became impossible. Why should front-line workers give back a penny to fund luxuries for Pedro and his friends? Every day he stays in office is another lost opportunity to right the ship.

  6. Kevin,
    Your words, "Mayor, most people are beginning to agree the fool is YOU. You are not a man of your word, you can not be trusted and as more layers of the Segarra onion are peeled back, you will be exposed for what you are....", are unfortunately shared by many. But we've been too quiet for too long. Thanks for having the courage to publish them. Between you and the Audit Commission as now led by Bruce Rubinstein, the real stories and facts are finally being told. That Commission and its auditors are the only aspect of Charter change that is working and providing a REAL check and balance for the City. While I was very appreciative that the Mayor hired Al Ilg to get us out of our managerial and fiscal mess, that's about the only positive he's accomplished recently. Time for the rest of us "fools" to also take action. Again, thanks for speaking up and starting the charge.

  7. Duetsch is a nut bag. Nothing wrong with seeking concessions from employees or selling tax leins
    Absolutely right. But, Deutsch is a WFP guy. Its (primary)interest is not in the municipality's corporate or fiscal integrity, but in union workers and the beneficiaries of government largess. The Mayor is the CEO, the City is a Big Corporation, and public sector unions stand up against the oppression of the workers by the stockholders (i.e., the taxpayers).
    We’re fighting for a world where the economy works for everyone. One where politicians are held accountable to regular people, instead of big-money backers, lobbyists and huge corporations.

  8. Call him what you want, but right now Dr. Deutsch is about all we have at City Hall raising questions and standing up. The other mutes just sit and watch unless the media is there for them to grandstand to.

  9. For a person who has a LAW DEGREE the Mayor has much to be desired. He not only makes HARTFORD look stupid but the characters that surround him (cabinet) and a Ms Linda Bayer are a real JOKE. That silly face of his is all smiles when he marches in a parade or gives out a reward, but other than that he will lash out if he dose not agree with you. He can not take the heat and the Hartford community knows it. Resign Mr Pedro and take all your characters with you. A child could put a budget in place better than you.

  10. For a person who has a LAW DEGREE the Mayor has much to be desired. He not only makes HARTFORD look stupid but the characters that surround him (cabinet) and a Ms Linda Bayer are a real JOKE. That silly face of his is all smiles when he marches in a parade or gives out a reward, but other than that he will lash out if he dose not agree with you. He can not take the heat and the Hartford community knows it. Resign Mr Pedro and take all your characters with you. A child could put a budget in place better than you.

  11. Move on Mr Mayor you make Hartford look real bad. Go get a job that will pay you minimum wage. That is about what you are worth. Get out of city hall now.

  12. Peter Brush: name calling is childish. I expected a lot more from you and Pedro but I guess I was wrong.

  13. I think Peter was quoting a previous commenter

  14. Nothing wrong with seeking concessions from employees or selling tax leins
    I carry no brief for Segarra. I'm opposed to knee-jerk demands that there be no lay-offs or cuts, as if there were some rich fat cats here in town that the Working Family SEIU Party can tax some more. To quote the anonymous "good liberal" above, where does Deutsche thin the money comes from?

  15. Peter,

    I am glad Larry is questioning this budget. CAn you say that Pedro or anyone at City Hall is fiscally responsible?

    The recklessness needs to stop

  16. CAn you say that Pedro or anyone at City Hall is fiscally responsible?
    Well, I don't pay close enough attention to the entire lineup of officials in charge, but, nobody is prominently responsible. But, Deutsch is not complaining about fiscal recklessness, he's complaining that lay-offs and cuts should be off the table. In general terms the WFP is as a matter of philosophy opposed to taxpayers. Maybe some residents and businesses think they don't pay enough taxes, but all other things equal higher taxes drive people and business out over the long haul.

  17. At this point everything needs to be on the table, including layoffs. The city needs to right size it's organization in response to reality of revenues. Of course when you hear pension obligations of 47m one wonders what did they think would happen when you continued to give out lush pension packages. They should have seen that coming and made changes long ago to curb this as did most other organizations. But not for Hartford. So we here the mayor trying to do that now but where have you been? its a little to late. No foresight here. What happens when the rest of the benefits given to retirees start being called in? Those costs will continue to skyrocket out of control so the only thing left in the budget is payments to retirees who don't even reside in the city or pay taxes here. The problems are significant and the city is heading into deeper waters with no lifeboat. This is a long term issue and each year only simple bandaid approaches.

  18. I agree Kevin. Councilman WFP Dr Deutsch is the only one who asks the tough questions. He has been an advocate for taxpayers since the day he became a Councilman. Go get them Dr. Larry.....

  19. The Mayor is two faced. He says one thing and dose another. He is reckless and a lose cannon ready to explode. Hartford gets deeper and deeper into a crisis and he is 100%
    the cause. The Hartford residents should put the Mayor, cabinet and Charlie in a sailboat and let them float away. Get real Pedro,you should resign.

  20. He has been an advocate for taxpayers since the day he became a Councilman.
    Deutsch appears to me as an honest fellow, but one can't advocate for public sector unions and the taxpayers simultaneously. Not that our municipal guys can get rid of the unions foisted on us by the State, but we don't have to be enthusiastic about them or look out for their interests. Those interests are by definition opposed to the employer's (i.e., the City's).

  21. I beg to differ, look at the salaries and benefits for non-union employees vs union employees. Look at sick time cash out, pension multiplier, pension contributions, insurance contributions, you will see who the gsngsters are Councilman Deutsch fights for the union workers that aversge salary is 40,000 not 150,000 dollars. This is all public information request it, you may have a change of heart. Not to mention the 10 or more members of Pedto's gang that are getting all those benefits, salaries and a pension at the same time! So Deutsch is advocating on behalf of the struggling working families of Hartford, because the low end jobs are the only ones Pedro seems to be able to enforce residency!
