Wednesday, April 2, 2014


It  seems that it should be criminal to submit a municipal budget based on phony numbers, but apparently Mayor Pedro  Segarra has no problem doing that. Last year Segarra's budget included $3 million dollars in revenue apparently obtained from concessions from Hartford's Municipal  employee Unions.

The fact of the matter is that  at the time that the numbers were built into Hartford's budget, not one penny was given back by any of the Union's to achieve the cost savings. The Segarra Administration didn't even seriously talk to the Unions until late last fall to even discuss concessions.

The result was pretty much predictable. A solid "NO" from the Union's. I can't say I blame them. For years, the reckless spending that goes on at Hartford City Hall has been initiated by Segarra and his predecessors and allowed by the Hartford City Council.

Going back to the Union's every year at budget time to balance the budget on the backs of City employees is wrong. It is especially a tough sell asking some of Hartford's lowest paid employees to give back when the reckless spending by Segarra is so publicly obvious. You knew it would never fly after the caviar incident and then the abuses of credit cards and City vehicles. This administration is just bleeding tax payers dollars without any regard to where those dollars come from.

If the Union's did give back the $3 million dollars, our reckless Mayor would just find a way to spend it all.

Employees in City Hall witness the reckless spending everyday. I still get phone calls about the few hundred thousand spent to move the Office of the Corporation Counsel from the third floor to the second floor. For what? So Pedro could be closer to Sandy to be able to get her excellent advice quicker?

And don't forget the Mayor's "scheduler". Almost $60,00.00 a year to follow Segarra around tracking his e-mails and appointments. If only the Unions had given back the Scheduler could get a larger I-pad and maybe a nice City car also.

Reckless, reckless, reckless, there is no other way to describe Segarra's spending. Any Union President that would take any request for concessions back to their membership ought to be impeached immediately.

I was amazed yesterday when I read in the Hartford Courant that the Mayor has decided to give $1 million dollars to the Bushnell Park Carousel. Here is Steve Goode's story from the Courant.

Now I do believe in the things that draw excitement to Hartford, but I also believe in taking care of first things first. And the first responsibility of the government of the City of Hartford is to provide the basic Municipal services required to run the City.

The article starts off by stating that the Carousel is getting a $1 million dollar gift. Too bad the Union's didn't give back, we could have at least given some of Hartford's hard working Municipal employees credit for the  million dollar gift.

Why not call on the Bushnell Park Foundation to kick in to sponsor the Carousel (they might already, but then again isn't that why the foundation is there?). Why not start the Bushnell Park Carousel Restoration fund and get others to kick in. If the year round opening and restoration of the Carousel is going to generate that much business, it shouldn't be a tough sell to get the City businesses that will benefit, to help out.

What about using the park and getting the Public  to help raise the funds? We have a beautiful bandshell that could be used for a series of Concerts for the Carousel to raise funds. And I tend to think that riders from the suburbs probably spend a lot more time on the gilded horses than Hartford children do, yet we are expected to foot the full bill?

 A quote in the article highlights one of the benefits of the restoration says that it will "enable students to learn about its ( the Carousel's) rich history" how about taking the students another block up the Hill to the Capitol and let them start learning about the rich history of our state and what Civic involvement means.

And the fact that the money comes from the Capital Improvement Budget should not put any one's mind at ease. That is money we will pay the interest on for the next 20 years. And take a look at Hartford's streets. I think that $1 million dollars could be used to repair our City's infrastructure. What good is a renovated Carousel if you ruin your car hitting potholes to get to it.

And I know budget time is coming so if Segarra is in the "gift giving" mood, maybe rather than giving a $1 million gift to the Carousel, he could show some leadership and start a fund raising effort for the Carousel. I think the people of Hartford might also appreciate a "gift" . My suggestion would be a class of police officers to give us a gift we could really use, safer streets and neighborhoods. That might actually draw more people downtown. Probably more than freshly painted horses bouncing in a circle


  1. I witness many years City Hall screwing the little people, but also witness the Unions screwing the little people too, first and foremost the Clerical Staff that work for the City a small portion work or started working under the Union of 1716, which is mainly Public Works, Park & Recs, and Laborers, under no circumstances should Clerical Staff should be working under this, this many years ago, was something old, and I believe to this date, they the Union have not change the rules, any person working under this Union, should move quickly under HMEA, which by the way can be buying into the Union. But see when first employed under the City, they personal does not explain this to's not until years later employees find out about it, so, to me, that is just another way the City makes there monies too !

  2. Kevin: I thought for sure you would have had a field day with the city's claim that "the decision to spend $1 million (was) easy."

  3. This mayor has no clue. This clueless person is a waste to city taxpayers. I think Linda Bayer knows more than he dose. That is why he will not get rid of her. The televised budget hearings are a joke. SKB and her husband Terry sit one aisle apart as the presentations are made. I guess they both just want to make sure both of their pensions are safe. Don't worry folks the two of them can do no wrong or they would have been gone long ago and would have had to pay the city taxpayers the money for the crashed car. Bayor, Borges, and Waller are the UNTOUCHABLES!!!!

  4. The Hartford Board of Education is throwing $900 a day out the window for a crony to replace the out going Super Lady of schools. What a waste?
    The new Board President is dumber than dumb. He thinks he is a valuable gem to city school children. Wake up folks he has been around the block many times and never gets anything right.

  5. And some people extol the virtues of Regionalism.

    NO THANKS!!!

  6. Kevin, If i close my eyes real hard I can travel back in time a few decades and see Bushnell Park FILLED with people,throwing Feesbees,sitting on blankets,eating hot dogs ,drinking wine out of a pouch,the air filled with music and weed,theres a hat being passed around collecting donations for a worthy cause,etc. etc. Kevin,find those people from The Peace Train Foundation and see if you can re-motivate them to save a piece of our Capitol city. If this ever happened you would be pleasantly surprised at the turnout and if it does: PLEASE,,, LEGAL WEED ONLY!!!!

  7. How many people with pensions is Caviar going to bring back? Joyce Chin id back in HR, Council your job is pilicy, enforce it! This is an ordiance and a slap in hartford residents faces, WALK THEM ALL OUT... Elections are comung how can you ask for votes when no one has the back bone to enforce the Charter, ordiances, policies or procedures. You know this empty suit puppet of a mayor and his incompetent so called cabinet.won't do ogats!

  8. This is outrageous! Do they have any forward thinkers in this group of clowns. Talk about assbackward. The caviar is spoiled, time for new appetizers, hopefully they will be fresh and have a kick. This cabinet is full of stale ideas with one theme, SELF INTEREST!
    What's the latest number of parasites, last count was 9 of these leaches, with SKB leading the charge of a useless waste of money.

  9. Heard the mayor put together a small private group whos only job is to discredit you along with keeping tabs on you. Its a HPD SGT a HFD Capt and someone in the DPW. becarefull Kevin sounds like Pedro isnt happy with you anymore

  10. Doesn't matter if HFD,HP, or DPW discredits Kevin or not, there is such a thing as "Freedom of Speech" and Kevin or anyone else can say what they want.

  11. Is not happy or afraid that people are on to him and his phony stories, out right lies and criminak past.... hey Caviar did you get caught with your pants down? Kevin you know plenty of Attorneys and cops, document, document, document. Actuallt put a detail on him, we will all chip in for a privatecinvestigator, set up a donation account, we all want this loser EXPOSED!!!

  12. Pedro you are a real"TOUCH OF CLASS"! Do the taxpayers a favor put your detail on that!

  13. Just watched the news, Sanchez is taking the hit for Pedro, what else is this man capable of in his deception leadership. Everyone in City Hall knows that Pedro gave the order to pay. The employee was in City Hall bragging that he went to the Mayor and that the Mayor paid. Sounds like another audit for Bruce. This Joker must go!!! Shame on you Sanchez for your part in the cover-up, haven't you heard of the whistle blower protection, be a man when the questions come.

  14. What does Pedro think we are stupid, does anyone believe that this employer went to the Management and Budget office to ask for help or the Mayor's Office? Who would have the. Audacity to use city funds so inappropriately, Sanchez or someone who had the audacity to use his pcatd to party? Who approved the payment for a funeral? Sanchez has all the dirty little secrets about Pedro's ffictitious budget numbers. He should be worried if they investigate, Pedro will sell him down the riiver, to save himself. Do as I say, not as I do is his Caviar's MO. Get the Feds in this administration,, someone do something.

    If I am not mistaken Joyce 'chin left the City with a great pension and free medical, while she was favored by the former Personnel director Santiago Malave.Very unfair practices when they hire people who are already getting high pensions from the City. Chin was brought by Mr. Malave as rehired after many years gone from the city. They violate their own policies to favor their friends. The all belong together as they are into filling their own pockets.

  16. In regards to Pedro and his new COO paying for a non employee burial out of City money, it seems Pedro and his people believe they are running a private entity. They need to get the picture as they are playing around with Tax payers money.


  17. It's a very nice gesture on Mr Sanchez part to volunteer to paid back from his own personal pocket. But I think that Mayor Segarra should man up and paid himself, along with Ms Ralls. His best friend C.C.Attorney SKBorges clearly stated that it was inappropriate for him to approve of it. He needs to stop being a Social Worker and start acting as a Mayor and start making better use of taxpayers money, it's bad enough that he brought back all of these double dipping retire employees, (SKB, Bayer, & Chin) stop giving out new cars to those who do not deserve them, stop handing out P-cards, Stop over spending and traveling at the taxpayers expense.

    Throw out all those bad apples. Better yet, resign and take them all with you and you will balance the budget. Administration alone takes up most of the budget.

    And last Mayor needs a new pair of glasses, as its quite clear that his Sandy is setting him up to fail. He needs to look out as she and her husband are quickly moving on up to the top.

  18. This sounds like another audit, find the number. On. The pcard and what office it was issued to, look at old. Charges to the card as well, because this flim, flam con artist so called Mayor will have his little toto SKB help him cover it up. Why do you think she weighed in sellung out Sanchez so quickly? When has anyone got a response against the boy wonder from her. Her and Maribel ran quick to cover up. for Pedro's imisuse of funds. By the way isn't Corp Counsel suppose to represent the City not the Mayor, audit that too. SKB follows behind this Con artist like a puppy dog, oh well he keeps throwing her bones and she's right there with her tongue wagging. I have a leash if anyone will do the right thing and put it on her collar and take her to the pound with all the other strays.

  19. Those at fault, who are milking the City and Tax payers money, should be the ones giving back what they have stolen. Unions are no longer loyal to those who pay them , but in this case, those who has mismanaged funds should be responsible to give back what they have wasted in dinners, celebrations, traveling, luxurious cars, iPods , etc... The council should have a true independent audit to ID those who are taking advantage of their administrative positions with lucrative intentions and making profit on tax payer's trust. I am sure that if the City gets a true audit they will get to balance the budget.

  20. And what has happened to Minnie Gonzalez...Could anyone comment on what is going on with her fraud court case? Kevin can you follow up on this one too...

  21. Yeah you said it all.."To the pound with all the strays"
    I question Kevin why SKB gets away with all her wrong doing? She has placed her fiancée Waller in another higher position recently and no one has commented anything about that. Those two continue to milk the City no matter the public scandal on their car accident and her son being arrested. They just waited until all was quiet and ban!... they made another hit. They are so greedy and corrupt, yet people turn the other way pretending nothing is happening. By the way her son got a second chance as well. He was never suspended from his city job after he got arrested. Another Ray of darkness!

  22. What does the employee make that he could not pay to bury his own daughter? It was a nice gesture but not a good use of city $. A collection from city employees to help would have been better. Heck they could have even called Kevin as i read he helped out another family in Hartford without the need to use city $$. One thing that sticks out in the article is the Mayor is quoted as approving this, maybe not on the pcard which made it highly visible, but he offered city funds to pay for it so why is his staff who carried out his approval now made to reimburse this? Is that how staff is treated at city hall? Is this the kind of leader we want leading our city? Kevin, what do you think about all of this? It just seems wrong to put this on the backs of staff.

  23. The employee drives a jaguar, perhaps he should of sold it and used those funds.

  24. Can't anyone else see that Pedro (or someone) will somehow be getting money back from the Carousel deal? This was one of the easier ways to steal money from the City. This is sooooo obvious.

  25. Hey on the Hartford webpage it says meet the Mayor, when you click on it there is a goofy picture of Pedro with the quote " I will always advocate for Hartford' , Maribel please correct it " I will always advocate for MYSELF", then he hints to his phony story about the city that opened their.doors, that's not all they opened right Pedro. This guy is a JOKE, and a lying fraud.

  26. Pedro is naming the refurbished horse carousel in bush ell park,the touch of class carousel in which you get a free ride with an escort

  27. L. Deutsch, CouncilApril 15, 2014 at 5:39 AM

    Agree with most of Kevin's comments regarding unfairness of continuing union concessions and other one-shot budget fixes, which each year make mayor - and, truly, Council - look good but doing little for long-term balance. Sales of certain city assets, such as tax lien sales and 525 Main St, are also traps into which Council also falls. Some missed last night's public session; upcoming, education issues, like Wednesday's superintendent meetings. Need public input there, too. [L. Deutsch, Minority Leader]

  28. Most troubling for me is why Al Ilg allowed someone other than him to use his p-card.

  29. $3000? Government funds used as their own piggy bank. This is a felony. Arrest warrant will be issued. Outrageous. These are monies in trust. Arrests are on the way, being that they again pay it back DOES NOT create immunity from arrest. Nor the reason for use. Its a felony!!!!!!!!!

  30. Why don't you ask about all the city cell phones that former employees didn't give back when they stopped working for the city. They are still using them and the bill is going to the city who continues to pay. Some of the bills totaling over $600.00 a month. The city calls the former employees to retrieve the phones but the calls go unanswered. Asked why they just don't have the phones shut off and they say they don't want people to get mad.

  31. Pedro, you continue to have your lieutenants take hits for your despicable ineptness. Poor Mr. Sanchez, he took a major one for your pathetic being, say what You may about Perez, at minimum he ran a more competent administration.

    Sad but your political legacy is looking dreadful and historically inconsequential.

  32. If you rob a bank with good intentions, like say to feed your family, it is still a crime and you are arrested. I agree with two comments above, Pedro should be arrested and Mayor Perez ran an efficent and competent adminstration.

    Pedro hid from the news cameras and put lalalu Maribel out front, the best part was when she was asked would the Mayor be paying the money back and she tilted her head and said no, no he won't be paying it back. What a coward Pedro, every other time Hollywood Pedro flocks to the camera. You Pedro are a real jackass.

    Can Maribel provide a list of all those employees that she said went to the Mayor asking him to pay, Pedro and his cast of incompetent puppets will, lie, cheat and steal for him, arrest them All.

    who asked why Al Ilg would give up his credit card, first you have to ask was he awake. Pedro hired a new COO, right? yet sleepy is still here as one of the leaches with a pension and brought back with the old tired ideas. How much money was he promised before they let him go back to the nursing home.

    I hope and pray this is treated as a criminal investigation, the States Attorney or feds will see right threw this weak congured up plot. Sanchez you need to get a Lawyer and tell the truth, no one is buying this story.

    Pedro has gotten away with criminal acts in the past, hopefully his luck has ran out, arrest this low down, dirty, lying scoundrel!!!

  33. My understanding is Maritza was going to make payment, until the Mayor approved it, which he did. And what employees asked for help, the employees have more scruples and know this was improper, they may have asked the Mayor for a donation and his cheap ass made the decision to use city money. There is a colkection every other week to help an emplyee bury their love one, why did this employee get the P- Card, these are the questions to ask. I'm sure under oath they will all have to expose the crook, this city calls Mayor.

  34. Great spoken words Mr. Rubenstein, Pedro should have made a donation or walked 50 steps to the Credit Union and opened up a trust account. Mr. Rubenstein.please follow through on all the lies reported in the news and rforward to State Attorney all the info you gather. Pedro your staff has to cooperate with the audit, so don' t direct them not to speak to Bruce, like you have in the past. Too bad your boy Patrick Campbell couldn't sway it your way after you and your girl SKB preview and change his own report to " what you can live with",. Thank god for Bruce the watch dog! Mr. Rubenstein you need to questiin and go over with a fine tooth comb all of Pat's audit reports, especially when they intertwine with any of the cabinent's areas and of course. Pedro, because he has been known to have temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way!

  35. Mayor Segarra and his elite groupie of incompetents, complusive spenders and right out liars need to be investigated and punished. I am sure if it would have been a lower class employee, they would have been suspended or dismissed. Only the Mayors administration gets to get away with a smack on the hand. Pay back, problem solve. How much more inappropriate decisions are they going to do before any legal action is taken.Just because they have a law backgrounds doesn't mean that they can get away with this type of crap.

  36. Kevin, I got a new slogan for the city ......HARTFORD,,, NEW ENGLANDS RISING STENCH OF S#%T !! Kevin, why is our local media not touching this stuff????? A one minute spot is unacceptable, they should be doing a nightly or weekly series and then approach the Attorney General with it!I dont get it ,PLEASE RESPOND!!!

  37. It's sad that this man's daughter passed away...but....this guy makes enough money working for the City, and if he has been working there that long, why didn't he borrow from his 401K or his own Life Insurance, I worked for the City for over 25 years, retired, but made way less then this guy, and the first thing I signed up for all those years ago was Life Insurance, and a 401K, so what's his excuse, and on top of that like someone mentioned before, whenever someone dies within the City Family, there was always an account opened up at a credit union for to me...this is just another excuse of the Mayor hiding again !

  38. Kevin I work on Farmington. Ave, tell the Mayor instead of putting detail on you, find out why there has been a Cop on the south sorner of Farmington and Oxford for 2 weeks doing absolutely nothing from about 8am til 4pm. There is no construction on that corner. ( there are about 4 on Prospect ) , he is not directing traffic, i mean absolutely nothing but padding his pension. Throw that the 3000.and your Brookman detail dollars in the concession pot.

  39. Now What?
    Shawn is leaving, who is going to keep an eye on Segarra the FK??? nut?

  40. No worries, Just like he has a detail on Brookman, there is a group of concerned citzens with a detail on him. Exposure of Pedro's web of lies will happen, tick tock criminal, tick tock...
