Friday, June 13, 2014


Last week I posted about a City Hall employee that was under Criminal Investigation for stealing from the mail.That posting is below.

Sources have confirmed that an employee at Hartford City Hall is the subject of a criminal investigation being conducted by HPD. Charles Dean, the City Hall Mail room employee, is currently on Administrative leave while the investigation continues.

The charges allegedly involve Dean stealing items of financial value out of the mail received at City Hall. The items were apparently meant as donations intended for fire victims , donated by a local business. Dean is apparently accused of intercepting the items and then being caught converting them for their cash value at the establishment that donated the items. I know it sounds cryptic, but I don't want to jeopardize any criminal investigation by putting all the details out  until the criminal aspect is complete. According to another source familiar with the situation, this may not be an isolated incident.

It s unclear at this point if federal authorities will get involved in the investigation for the theft from the City hall mail room of mail delivered by the US Postal Service.

Today Charles Dean  turned himself in on criminal charges and was arrested by HPD. Apparently his scheme involved stealing Bob's Furniture Gift cards that were sent through the mail  to the City of Hartford to be used by people in need of replacement furniture after fires, water damage, etc. According to sources, Dean and his son were using the donated gift cards at Bob's Furniture in Southington after the cards were stolen from the mail room at Hartford City Hall

HPD will apparently be releasing more information later today

If history is any indication, Dean will be moving into his new office in Mayor Segarra's suite any day now, probably with new furniture from Bob's


  1. What's the differents between the allegations... again the Deans and Mr. Segarra's admissions?

  2. The difference is, Dean got caught
