Friday, June 6, 2014


I have had a hectic week so I haven't put out my thoughts yet on the poaching, I mean acquisition, of the New Britain Rockcats by the Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight ( The Segarra Administration). I will take some time over the weekend to put my thoughts out, for whatever they are worth, but here is a start.

Here is a link to Colin McEnroe's column in today's Courant which raises some great points about credibility and the way this has been handled or more accurately mishandled.

Economists, environmentalists criticize Hartford stadium plan

Posted: Sunday, December 13, 1998

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - Government predictions that a stadium for the New England Patriots would be an economic boon to Connecticut are drawing fire from some economists.
In a study for the governor's office, KPMG Peat Marwick estimated a stadium would create some 2,700 jobs in and around Hartford.
But more than a dozen economists interviewed by The Hartford Courant said those assumptions are flawed and have created too rosy, best-case scenario.
The projection was based on assumptions that the stadium would fuel $107 million in direct spending when it opens in 2001 for everything from parking, to tickets, to meals and hotel rooms.
Ninety percent of that spending would not happen in Connecticut without the stadium, the study said, and it would lead to an added $74 million in "indirect" spending and the need for more jobs.
"This resembles more of a wish list than it does a statement of precise impact," Robert Baade, a sports economist at Lake Forest College in Illinois, said of the KPMG study. "I've looked at every single city that had any kind of change in its professional sports industry between 1958 and 1992 ... and we just don't see any kind of impact at all."
The stadium plan also is drawing criticism from environmentalists.
The proposed bill, to be voted on by lawmakers Tuesday, states that environmental and other permits will be granted automatically if applications are not reviewed within 10 business days. And those reviews would be done and decided on by the commissioner of the state agency looking at the applications. State agency commissioners are appointees of the governor.
"It would be impossible to conduct an adequate environmental review of a project of this magnitude within 10 days. The idea to me is ludicrous," said Donald S. Strait, executive director of the Connecticut Fund for the Environment. "You can't look at a project like this and make the correct determination in a two-week period."
The fast-track permitting process was defended by a key legislator who is still undecided on the stadium proposal.
House Majority Leader Moira K. Lyons, D-Stamford, said she believes the DEP and other state agencies should be able to meet the 10-day deadline for reviewing applications without taking shortcuts.
A report released by the Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Co. this week estimated the cost of an environmental cleanup on the site at $20 million.


  1. It is too late for Hartford. Now it is just a question of time before it implodes. I'm moving. I gave it a go as I saw a continual degrading of quality of life issues and poor management of the budget. Hey, is that $750,000.00 given by the treasurer and sent Nepal been retrieved yet?

    I already installed barbed wire on the ridges of my high fence line to keep out the best that Hartford can offer; criminals who prowl the night.

    I'll sell you my house for a cheap price.

  2. I cant wait for baesball in Hartford. It's about time.

  3. I can't wait to see something nice in the city besides barbed wire and high fences. Its a gutsy move and I respect it. To have a nice ball stadium gives me a sense of pride. I'll be attending games in Hartford, whether its the Rock Cats, UConn baseball, or high school state championships. I love the game and Hartford brought it closer to me.

  4. Anonymous 11:26am

    just wondering if you are a Hartford resident? do the numbers make any financial sense to you?

    1. There's a fire house a quarter mile down the road that had a million dollar renovation done 6-7 years ago that's now deemed unsafe to house both fire trucks in it. Ladder company three got move 2 miles away to another fire house. No money to fix a fire station but money to build a non money making stadium?

    2. If this is true why does Deputy Chief Cooper on the board of health and safety for the fire department allow personnel to park there personal cars in the fire house in the bay that was deemed unsafe

    3. Kevin you write about residency and how it shouldn't matter but now it does? No I'm not a city resident and I don't crunch numbers. Are you stupid enough to think that the state won't be buying into this? Did you forget that the town of Berlin increased taxes on the franchise by 100 percent? So yes Kevin it does make some financial sense. Are you going to bag this plan up until your driving to the game with your Franklin giant, and a hotdog at the stadium for desert. Please. I'm going to do my part. Not sit back and bitch.

  5. Sounds like another bitter ladder 3 firefighter. Just live with it. The firehouse is what "you" make it. Waa Waa Waa. Ladder 6 is downtown anyway. They don't cry when their doing your job.

  6. Is ladder 6 the cool dudes who where shorts year round wearing sunglasses at night taking pictures of themselves and posting it on Instagram.

  7. No hfd alcohol hidden in house policy ...June 11, 2014 at 12:48 AM

    Ladder six leads by example. At least we are not intoxicated on duty like others. When terry runs the show we will be taken care of ......

  8. Do you mean Metro 6? The metrosexual's who shave their arms and legs at roll call? Very pretty.
