Friday, June 20, 2014


Just when you think you have heard all of the incompetence, a new story comes along. This one is shocking in so many ways though and probably explains why Hartford's Education process is such a mess.

The Courant posted a story today about Dr. Michael Sharpe, CEO of the Jumoke Charter School. Problem is Sharpe never received his Doctorate and is not a Doctor at all but used  fraudulent credentials to apparently further his career. But lets not stop there. He is apparently also a convicted felon who has done prison time.And none of this was known to the Hartford School System. Board Persident Richard Wareing tells the Courant he was "shocked" and "disappointed" to learn Friday afternoon that Sharpe may have misrepresented himself.

Misrepresented himself?  He perpetrated a fraud on the taxpayers of Hartford and anyone that allowed that to happen needs to resign and Sharpe should be prosecuted for his deeds

Here is the Courant's story

Apparently his explanation to the Courant was that he may not have been as aggressive as he should have been correcting people  when they called him "Doctor". Why would he when it would probably have exposed him immediately as the fraud he appears to be.
Apparently he used the title "Doctor" on his website and even signed letters and correspondence as 'DR". It sounds like he needed to correct himself before he had to worry about others.

This should not provide comfort to any Hartford Parent and they need to question the security process. Who is doing the background checks on the people that come in contact with their children on a daily basis. It appears that the answer is no one

If they didn't know that Sharpe was a fraud, how can they promise that they haven't hired other criminals or even sex offenders in Hartford's Schools.

Maybe if Mayor Segarra is too busy to do his duties as a member of the Board of Education, he  and others should resign to allow someone else on the Board that knows how to use GOOGLE to check  on new hires. Who approved the multi-million dollar contracts to Sharpe without checking his credentials and fulfilling their  responsibility to the City of Hartford and its children

We should be demanding a refund ,and filing legal papers to make sure it happens.. His contracts with Hartford and other municipalities should be terminated immediately.


  1. When is the deputy chief at the police dept who made racial slurs about italians in front of a dozen officers story going to roll .......

  2. I'm not concerned he doesn't have a doctorate degree as much as that he has lied over and over again to lots of people. It makes me wonder what else he is lying about and if isn't shy about cheating his way through life what kind of example is that for the kids he mentors through the schools? How can we know that his school is really as good as portrayed? There are many high profile cheating scandals in recent news, are we sure his results are accurate or is it another one of his deceptions?

  3. Touch of class escort serviceJune 21, 2014 at 12:51 AM

    Kevin,you ought to know that no one in Hartford gets vetted

  4. Wow a felon working for Hartford Public Schools. Are they trying to keep up with the City.

  5. Last night the BoE terminated its MOU with FUSE, effective 6/30.

  6. Last evening the Board of Education terminated its MOU with FUSE, effective 6/30.

  7. Fraudulent credentials are problematic, but not as problematic as fraudulent operations. I never heard what became of the revelation of test tampering at the Betances Escuela. I probably missed it, although I find that the Courant infrequently follows through on reports. It's one thing to lack credentials, its another for a school to directly defraud the kids, pretend to give them an education.

    November 06, 2013|By KATHLEEN MEGAN and VANESSA DE LA TORRE,, The Hartford Courant
    HARTFORD — An investigation has confirmed that dozens of Connecticut Mastery Tests taken earlier this year at Betances Early Reading Lab School in Hartford were tampered with by unknown individuals.

    The investigation by the Hartford law firm of Siegel, O'Connor, O'Donnell & Beck concluded that "testing irregularities are present in the CMT reading content area test booklets, completed by third-grade students" at Betances...
    In a statement released earlier Wednesday, Kishimoto said, "It is distressing that no person has been identified as having altered the tests. A finding of wrongdoing without identifying any individual has a negative effect on students, families and staff. We are all left with unanswered questions."

  8. This does not surprise me at all. When you work for the city it is well known that most of the "elite" management either completely lack any higher education or greatly overstate what credentials they do have. The general public would be shocked by the income levels of Hartford officials who never achieved more than a diploma from a city high school. And we know all about the history of those institutions. The sad truth is that employees with degrees from real(not online)universities are looked upon as a threat to the corrupt "status quo" in Hartford.

  9. First off, Mr Sharpe was not an employee of Hartford. So I don't understand the bashing of The city and their schools. He was an employee of Jumoke. I wouldn't think the CEO would be interacting with students on a regular basis. Teachers do this. My understanding from reading the articles in the courant is his firm was fired for doing a piss poor job and questionable practices. I question whether background checks for every vendor and the vendors employees is something that should be done within the city? And what would it cost to undertake something like this?

  10. Racial slurs about Italians is so wrong. Why can a Deputy Chief of Police get away with this? Kessler could not do it.

  11. Kevin,

    The fatal motorcycle accident this morning on 91, is that the same motorcycle that was being chased by the HPD Sergeant downtown? Is CSP looking into this?

  12. anonymous 12;42

    I am not sure it was a racial slur as much as it was an inappropriate insensitive comment directed at an officer's nationality. I am waiting to see the documents first. I do think it was much more direct than sgt. Kesslers comment though. can a D/C be reassigned to booking?
