Wednesday, July 2, 2014


According to sources within the Hartford Fire Department, Firefighter Douglas Caldwell is no longer an employee of the HFD.

According to the sources and media accounts, Caldwell was given a final chance at success as a firefighter after several alcohol related incidents while acting as a firefighter. After a recent stint in rehab, Caldwell apparently agreed to sign a letter of resignation that could be used anytime over the next two years if any more incidents occurred. That letter was apparently used today.

No official comment or details are available from HFD at this time.

This comes on the heels of the latest firefighter who was deemed unfit for duty  at Engine 9 on New Britian Avenue after he apparently showed up late for work yesterday, drunk.

This is hopefully not a trend at HFD  and it is something the Administration needs to get under control and address quickly. This is something the taxpayers of Hartford can not afford, the training costs and maintaining a firefighter are by no means inexpensive , not to mention what are the root causes  of the drinking problems.


  1. Its even worse that he drives a vehicle drunk. Im sure an innocent family will pay the piper when this degenerate gets behind the wheel. Im sure he will say its a color thing. So long zero.

  2. Long time coming, too long. Hope he stays gone.Cinque has not had a large problem drinking at work but out of work problems have carried over.City of Hartford, Check your hiring practices, if you are going to discriminate at least check your people out or you will continue to have problems

  3. Couldn't agree more , Hiring standards must be raised. Last 3 classes were/are horrible. Late for work as well as the academy. Seen it first hand. Too many prospective applicants were turned away.

  4. It is what it is nothing's going change. It sucks having to work with incompetent people. Study study study you see these officers who are in charge you now they did it. Get ready for the biffles the Michelle's, mercadodos, germaphobe and every other shit bag on the job because they will be your officer soon

  5. That's right study...For the average, non-connected, guy who isn't a brown noser, study is the only way to get ahead. I did it, so can you. View every test as an opportunity, even if you don't want the job. Get on any list you can. You guys have the power to take the promotions that have so often gone to the undeserving and the connected.

  6. You are full of sh*t! Study should get you a job, but at HFD that doesn't always cut it. What happened to Capt. Barry at 2's? Mahoney giving out smoke detectors and hanging with Hyacinth to get his promotion. D/C Brady initially got passed over for Gene Cieri who was an ass kisser big time. Tac 760 got Brady his promotion. Terry Waller got his promotions from studying? I don't think so, those are gifts from Sandy. Watch what happens with current D/C test. Jones is the lowest score, bet he comes out top 3 after the oral exam. L/D Adams? She does real estate at work, not studying and she got a job through RJo.
    Open your eyes, tests at HFD are so fixed and tinkered with it's sickening.
    P/O's are getting made this summer, watch what a fiasco those are going to be. Waller hanging out at training during practicals, coming outside to watch certain individuals? No, the fix is not on at all.

  7. Like i said, If your not connected and not a butt is the only way. Yes, tests are fixed but only for a handful of the well connected.

  8. Study... Like how they handed out the question and directives for the PO test and only 4 people passed before the city curved the test to let the other idiots get a passing grade. What a joke.

  9. You guys are crazy, there is no way promotional tests in Hartford are fixed. Next you will be telling me the passing score for the D/C test is a 67%. Of course the tests are fixed do you really think Waller or the guy that got the 67 could really do this on their own merit. We have all heard the incompetence on the radio and seen them in action or just standing there with their thumbs up their a$$'s not knowing how to get a line on an exposure or in a building.
    Kevin do you think you could look into why they lowered the passing score from the traditional and industry standard of 70 to a 67? Doesn't make sense to me, 9 out of 10 people passed the test. That percentage makes it seem like it was a legitimate test. They already gave 1 D/C job away to Waller before the last list expired, now the are setting up Capt 67 for a promotion (again). That's 2 D/C spots taken away from guys who could actually do the job. What I used to love about this job and profession was that guys had integrity. That has seem to have fallen to the wayside. If Capt 67 was truly a man with integrity he wouldn't show up to the oral and screw someone out of a job. I know that won't happen. Guys just keep this in the back of your heads when you are out on the fireground, the person that is suppose to be watching out for your safety couldn't pass the test. Oh and one last thing, he knew his results and that everyone passed at least 3 weeks before anyone else got their results. No, Hartford would never do anything dishonest.

  10. Notice you haven't heard a peep out of Whaller, since his gift of D/C. Study, why when SKB can hand it to you on a silver platter and her BOY Pedro throws in the Caviar. Wait till he opens up his mouth; abaah, adaah, awaah, this guy should join the circus... oh wait he did Pedro's Big Top!!!

  11. With an upcoming entry exam,will the city final see the light. Probably not. I'm tired of working with those that are here for hours and benefits and not the real reason. This is a great job but it drags me down working next to someone who does not care. Rather be on cell phones than the call.

  12. All I hear is weakness...Why don't we get some ideas together on how to expose the rigging of the exam results?

  13. Ok, so Caldwell is gone, that's a step in the right direction. Now Charlie, do the right thing and transfer Fonfara and Malizia back to Engine 2 where they were before Caldwel started his drunken, belligerent, "hate whitey" nonsense you fell for hook, line, and sinker. No one expects you to because you never have done the right thing and you never will do the right thing, when you agreed to bring Waller up to the 3rd floor as Assistanc Chief in order to become Chief of Department, you sold your sole to the devil and there is absolutely no way of looking back. Oh by the way, Fonfara's 25 year anniversary is in January. If he does put his papers in to retire, do you really expect him to shake your hand? Or do you even have the nerve to extend yours to him?

  14. Anonymous July 9 at 6:39p.m.
    I strongly do not believe Charlie had anything to do with bringing Waller up for A/C, you really have to understand Waller's connection, if after all the bullcrap that SKB has done in the pass and is still doing, and since Waller right now is her Boy Toy, he is safe, and will get anything he can...even the A/C you really think Charlie wanted up there? I can tell you he didn't and no body wants him up in that position, for years Fire Dept. personal has been trying to get rid of him, but as long as SKB and the Mayor are around, Waller will stay, so please DON'T put the blame on Charlie, his hands are tied.

  15. Charlie could have told the mayor that he didn't want Terry by his side and remain the Acting Chief of Department. He didn't, and agreed to make Terry his Acting Assistant Chief. So yes Charlie did have a choice. Now jump ahead to present day, Terry supposedly does not want to be the Chief of Department because he does not want to relinquish any power to the mayor. When Casares left the job he turned all powers / authority of being the Chief over to the mayor. Its not clear if Charlie knew this when he took the position.....but Terry does do to his connections with city hall. Charlie is not a bad guy by any means, he just has a tough time maintaining focus and the responsibility being the chief is a little overwhelming.

  16. Anonymous July 11, 11:51,
    Try to understand the politics of the City....The Chief of the Fire Dept, and the Police Dept. really have NO say at all when it comes to putting people in positions. No matter who the Mayor is at the time, the Heads of Departments really have no say, they may have recommendations who they would like standing next to them, but the finally word comes from the Mayor, this practice has been going on for years, think back years ago, do you really think that Wallace or Milner should have been Assist. Chiefs Come on, really, they were goofers, the same thing happened when C/Carter, C/Vendetta, and even Teale, all these guys wanted someone else on their Assist.Chief list, but couldn't get them, why, cause the Mayor at the time wanted who he wanted. I believe Charlie by no means wanted Waller up with him, but his hands are tied, the Chief of both departments have only so much that they can do to run each department, but when it comes to picking who should be where, the finally decision is the Mayor's , now because the Mayor in under SKB thumb...and Waller is her "Boy Toy" as some would know it as...this is one favor for another....the person who wins is Waller....but hopefully not for long! He'll screw up big time one of these days..soon....

  17. Dwn Twn Judy BrownJuly 17, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    Chief Charlie "BEWARE".
    There's a new Chief in town.
    As long as Queen Borges is on the throne; Deputy Chief Terry Waller is here to stay. So all you firemen need to behave.
