Thursday, August 14, 2014


Although the process for selecting  Hartford's next selection for Assistant Chief is still underway, little indications are slipping out of the Mayor's Office as to who the choice may be. The selection is expected to be fully above board without any outside  influence from political operatives tied to Mayor Segarra or any potential candidates.

But in the last few days small indicators are showing that the selection may have been made before the posting  was ever even issued by HR.

The exclusive video of vehicle testing was the first sign, you can view that on the previous posting.

Today exclusive  photos were obtained by "We the People" of new HFD Command Staff turnout gear being modeled for the Mayor and Corporation Counsel as well as HFD Chief Huertas and the Firefighters Union President on the second floor of City Hall.

Here is one of the photos of the exclusive modeling session.


  1. The sad thing is that the kid would be a better candidate for the AC job than Waller is.

  2. Kevin,"THEY" just added today a supplement to qualifications for Assistant Chief,,,,,,,the name selected will be in alphabetical order starting with the letter "W" !!!!!!!!

  3. Ha ha ha brockman. Dont yo worry. chief waller will need two bank accounts for all of that cabbage he will make. There is nothing you can do other then prepare for the new chief. All you little cry babie wabbits gonna be sorry you called terry names like webster.... Revenge is a dish best served COLD .... And terry has an empty freezer ready !!!!
    I bet you dont post this ... I bet if nolan was running you would have a ticker tape parade or something ...

  4. I follow your blog and enjoy reading it. You usually have an inside tract on the doings of Hartford city government. I also like when you post links to actual documents. All in all your blog is well run and you should be proud of it. Now here's the rub, this story along with the last one are completely ridiculous. I have no connection at all with HFD, but making fun of someone in lieu of reporting a fact or issue seems to be below you. Just one guys opinion...

  5. I guess Borges can add pedophile to her list of criminal activity now.

  6. anon 5:58.

    not sure that she can, Terry is far from a child, even though he may act like one

  7. anonymous 5:32pm.

    I appreciate your comments but if you read the previous posting as to what a joke the administration has made out of the job posting for Asst Chief I don't think poking fun at the entire process is out of line. it is a joke

  8. In response to August 14, 2014 at 5:04 PM- Isn't the reason that the city has decided to break with past practice and prohibit non city residents from applying to keep Nolan ( and other qualified applicants) out of the running? God forbid Terry Waller should have to deal with real competion. Only a grown man could handle that.

  9. Not sure this is a joke, but definitely an embarrassment the way this city is run. Just like banana republic. Or worse.

  10. Disgusting. I've had lsome trust in the HFD, but now it's shrinking by the day...

  11. Everyone knows Tic Tac Toe is Tiny Tacky Terry. Remember he responded to previous blogs as Terry Whaller, well SKB scoukded him and put him in timeout without a "bedtime snack" , if you know what I mean...

    On the real, this process is indictive of Mayor Pervert and Do Nothing SKB, I mean Do Nothing but promote herself and family; who does she think she is "SPRINT"!

    Just like their cronie Weasle Wooden, Mayor Pervert will see as he announces his re-election.

    No "Touch of Class" with these CRIMINALS.


  13. This city has always been as corrupt as they come. Why, with all the geographical and financial advantages, do you think Hartford still has 3rd world levels of poverty in its neighborhoods. There has not been a competent mayor here in my lifetime. Keep hiring your no talent employees, it makes the promotional process very easy on me.

  14. Any idea what else this administration should do to completely ruin our trust in this city?

  15. Tic Tac Toe, Tic Tac Terry, anyone else supporting you, A N Y O N E, except of course Mayor Caviar and SKB (any relations you have with SKB?).

  16. There is nothing anyone of you can do. Terry will be Chief and that is that. ....
    I advise all of you to worry about your own little miserable lives and let terry make his 150k a year.

  17. Anonymous August 14 at 4:30 PM "THEY" just added supplement to even MORE qualifications for Assistant Chief.... the name selected in alphabetical order starting with the letter "W"!!! Now they added that the first name must start with the letter "T"!!! But wait a minute, there's even more: now you must have relations/connections to ANY city employee with the initials "S", "K", "B". Could be ANY combination of the 3 letters (and preferable that employee making $170k a year even if he or she is worthless).

    Tic tac toe, good luck finding a person with these many qualifications.

  18. Terry Waller should play a hobbit in "Lord of the HFD."

    Any suggestion what roles should Pedro & SKB play?

  19. Bushnell theater should bring to the stage "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" starring Pedro Caviar Segarra and SKB in the leading roles. They don't have to act, just be themselves. Going to be the biggest hit of summer.
    May I suggest "Dirty Rotten Imbecile" for Terry?

  20. where is mayor Segarra to stop this HFD insanity? enough already

  21. If we the people of Hartford are able to have a proof and show that this process for the AC job was fixed/tainted in order that Waller will get the job, then we ought to get out to the streets and demand Segarra's immediate resignation or whoever is responsible. Seriously speaking, is it possible in any way, shape of form, that Segarra was not part of this or aware of the process?

  22. If we the people of Hartford are able to have a proof and show that this process for the AC job was fixed/tainted in order that Waller will get the job, then we ought to get out to the streets and demand Segarra's immediate resignation or whoever is responsible. Seriously speaking, is it possible in any way, shape of form, that Segarra was not part of this or aware of the process?


    1. we will call the minute they announce they had chosen Waller, but don't worry, they're already preparing their defense

  24. here's what was written previously about Waller and the process by Anonymous:
    Enough with the open favoritism displayed for Mr. Waller. Huertas should take a stand for his community and should put a stop to Waller and company. We all know Mr. Waller is good with paperwork but not with actions. He is just a talker and sells himself real good , but in reality he is just too ambitious like his fiancée. Most firefighters had expressed(in this blog) their concerns about him getting the position he has now, as to he is a bad team player. Waller is arrogant and not as great when it is about work strategies to save lives. On the opposite he is very good with strategies to keep escalating and making more money. He is a hypocrite that could give a dam about the community . He is SKB puppet and a corrupt like her , both had been milking the City and tax payers money without remorse. They are real criminals and should be investigated ... We all have heard him talking badly about Hispanics and White people. For those who talk about reverse racism, here is a good example of it. Mr. Waller has a Black agenda only and was accommodated by SKB into that position to get him to the top. The whole move was pre planned. It is bizarre how those two could get away with their tricks to keep getting richer at the expense of the City of Hartford budget and no one has put an end to such unscrupulous behavior...

  25. Remember what happen when he took charge of Special Service Unit years ago, all the employees that where well qualified to work there, and have already been there years before he showed up, C/Teale owed him a favor..and put him into that position, when he arrive, he treated them all like crap and children, they all left Special Services and went back to the line because of him, later on he talked about Teale behind his back, Teale found out about it, and returned Waller back to the line, since then he has been doing everything and anything he can to get to that front seat, he doesn't care about anyone he works with, he is all for himself, plus he couldn't pass a test if his life depended on it.

  26. I spoke with several firefighters in different areas throughout the city last week. They're unhappy, upset, some are horrified, believing that the process was rigged in order that Waller gets the AC job. Chief Huertas, it looks like the morale in your dept. is low, low, low. They all want you to do the right thing, show everyone that YOU are the Chief, not SKB.

    1. Chief Huertas: DO THE RIGHT THING!

    2. What does Segarra get out of this? Maybe free seats in HFD fire trucks? Ouch, sorry, it's the stadium deal

  27. All u little mice talk a lot of smack. Unfortunately it will do you no good. Terry will be in charge and that is that. If u dont like it, go to staples and get ur resume ready for deployment ....

  28. Has our society crumbled to a point now where even at the local level your employment has nothing to do with your qualifications or work ethic? Sadly, I think the answer is yes. Waller was made Deputy Chief when there wasn’t even an opening for the position. He was only in his made up position for a few months when he crashed SKB’s city vehicle and was off injured for nearly 5 months and was promoted to Acting ASST Chief when he was still off on his injury. He is the least qualified, with the least amount of time as a Deputy Chief and by far the worst choice for the position.
    The politically corrupt leaders of Hartford’s city hall have been allowed to get away with so much self serving that they now run the show, and if you want a seat at the table it’s all about what you can do for them or their cronies. We all know it, but because many need a pay check no one wants to fix it.
    We must fix this, next election we need to vote the criminally corrupt Seggera out of office along with and all of his useless cronies. We need to vote in a Kevin Brookman type of leader who will get rid of the scum like Borges and Waller and bring some credibility to the public safety positions where they are based on merit and not dirty back door politics.
    Segerra and Borges actions are border line illegal and they have violated the most basic principles of right and wrong. We have become so willing to keep our mouth shut for our own benefit that our silence has sent a louder message to these immoral leaders, which is a message that they can do what they want because the people are all fast asleep counting sheep. It is time for us all to wake up and vote them out office in order to save what’s left of the city of Hartford.

    1. Well said, Anonymous 10:17 AM, very well said. I couldn't describe it better. After reading this, Segarra/SKB should choose anyone BUT Waller to the job AND then resign.

  29. The Chief of the Fire Department should have complete control over what qualifications are required to become the Assistant Chief under his or her command. It’s obvious that SKB and Segarra determined these asinine requirements for Huertas specifically for Waller. Everyone knows that Carlos Huertas doesn’t have the balls to stand up to them and set them straight, that Waller is a complete fool and incapable of being involved of any part of the Fire Department not alone Asst Chief. Yes we do need a true Assistant Chief who worthy of the position but even more so we need a chief with some balls who won’t be a yes man for the corrupt degenerates of Segarra, Borges and company.

  30. Tic tac toe Terry, please read the 10;17 AM and the 2:09 PM comments. What's your response?

  31. 2:09 PM Anonymous: sorry, but you are wrong. Saundra KB, Charlie O. and Pedro S. - in that order - are the ones who should have complete control over... everything. This way we can nominate all three to the 'Hall of Shame'. That's why they selected a pussycat as Chief.

  32. Listen up and clean the dust and wax outta ur ears. Terry is geting the postion. Its a done deal. So u all better just learn to live with it. If u cant take the heat, go volunteer in ellington or canton. Let the men like terry do ur job ....

  33. Tic Tac,
    Mayor Caviar called something else a "done deal" recently and I think we all know how that turned out.

    Chef Huertas can show what type of leader he is as to what direction this goes

    1. Hopefully, Kevin, this Terry «done deal» will end up like that 'other' Segarra «done deal». We hear US Attorney's office has interest to hear the details of this «deal».

  34. Hey anonymous at 2:09 on august 18th ,or for that matter any of you who refer to the Chief of the Fire Dept,,,,DO YOU PEOPLE MEAN VINNY???????

  35. Finally, the Courant reporting on this scandal (with a lovely picture of the couple of year, Terry & Saundra). Now even the Courant knows that something stinks. Tic-tac-toe-Terry, your comments please.

  36. what a beautiful photo in the Courant, big smile, both Terry and Saundra (the headline: "Hartford Fire Job Posted Internally, But Only One Employee's Eligible To Apply"). let's see who's going to be the last to laugh.

  37. Anonymous 803PM

    What does Pedro get? In case you haven't noticed Pedro Segarra is a very insecure person. he has a need to be surrounded by people that praise him daily and further his acceptance. Anyone that does not buy into the praise is quickly banished from the inner circle. By keeping Sandy and Terry happy, they continue to make him feel special and wanted. Do you honestly believe SKB can possibly thin Pedro is doing a decent job? All those phony stores of How he arrived in Hartford are pure nonsense and just told to foster sympathy and acceptance and to make him feel liked

    Most people quickly see through the Segarra charade , but Sandy an Terry continue to buy in, as long as they continue to benefit

  38. Ok Segarra, here's how you're going to get out of this mess and save your face. Segarra, I'm talking to you. Call your spokesperson, tell her to issue a press release, that as a result of the Courant's report - the Courant, not Kevin's blog - you've decided to change the requirements for the job (don't forget to call Saundra first, to get her authorization). You see, now we show 'them' that you're listening.

  39. don't try to prop up the corrupt fool Segarra. We all know it is Kevin that is keeping Hartford honest and the Courant has no balls at all. Save the 75 cents that rag costs and keep reading WTP to get the real news. How is it that a blogger is better sourced than professional reporters getting paid to know what is going on? Shame on the Courant for stealing

    1. Courant didn't steal anything, they just copy......

    2. Where have you been its a buck fifty and its.definitely not worth reading.


  41. Segarra, to be honest, you'll go down in history as one of the worst mayor ever and the most corrupt. We don't care if it's your fault, Charlie's, SKB's, whoever. They say the fish stinks from the head and you, Pedro, you are the head. Hope you become former mayor soon.

  42. Interesting Hartford Courant Article on Saundra K Borges and Terry Waller
    I believe SK Borges is the master mind behind many suspicious moves. I also believe that she is as greedy as she can be, after she used the City as her personal employment agency and because she could not hit higher herself, she is now accommodating her fiancée. Seems like she is getting Waller into a higher position to get richer and using her puppet to buy her properties using their credentials and abusing their power. Those properties deals should be investigated. It is unfortunate that some people could get so greedy as they are, in the end all thieves get caught and they are pushing hard to get caught. S K Borges has done so much "noise" in the news with illegally promoting her fiancée not once but twice ,then she got caught in her own lies after her car accident and instead she got rewarded with a new car. After all that she continues to make more "noise" by "tailoring a job" for her fiancée. Where is Pedro in all this? Why is she getting away with all her trickery? Who is investigating S K Borges? It is about time that she gets down from her seat at City Hall to go straight to court. Mr. Waller should also be investigated for being her accomplice. We need a formal investigation.

  43. This seems like the other qualified deputy chiefs could have a potential lawsuit against Hartford for job fixing. Kevin what options do they have to stop this blatant act of favoritism and corruption from taken place?

  44. Now that all of Saundra K Borges and Terry Waller's affairs came out (in this blog), it is obvious that they have joined forces for financial gain. What is sad is to see the City budget ruined while "Team Caviar" live the good life at the expense of City Of Hartford. Now jobs seem to have been on a freeze and many people won't have a job. With what they get pay they could hire many others in need of a real job. This "Caviar Team" is causing suffering to those that can't bring food on their table during these difficult times . People like them have no conscience , they only care about their greed, they don't give a dam about their community". SKB and Waller should be punished and not compensated with higher titles or promotions. They need to be investigated and punished for abusing their power and using it for personal gain.
