Friday, September 19, 2014


Mayor Pedro Segarra slipped out of the Public Hearing on the Rock Cats Wednesday night before the public began expressing their concerns over the deal and the impact on finances for Hartford residents and business owners. Most were concerned about the impact on the tax rate as many struggle to keep up with their taxes and other financial obligations that make it more and more difficult for many homeowners and businesses to remain in Hartford.

Now word has come out, courtesy of Zach Jankowski at the Yankee Institute that Segarra and his partner, Charlie Ortiz may actually be facing those same burdens in paying their bills

You can read the entire story here


  1. maybe he should ask the Touch of Class Escort Service that he used for their extra water?

  2. Honsty is the best policySeptember 19, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    keep exposing Segarra for the fraud he is. maybe someday we will get the true tory as to how he arrived here in Hartford as a male prostitute, courtesy of his pimp John Mendez.I wonder who fed him that quote, Maribel or Sandy

  3. Caviar Segarra was always fraud. For many years he was milking our city as Corporate Council, as president of city council, as a corrupt mayor. Nothing new.

  4. I'm sorry, I thought I was looking at a wax figure, how long ago was that picture, because Kevin, other pictures you have put on this site, his hair is gray, and his face is fuller. This picture here shows his hair darker, and his face thinner...are you trying to boost his ego ? LOL

  5. Nothing will happen to the mayor. Our last great mayor is still out of jail. Hartford will never change ever! Sad but true. Name one scandal or contraversy that actually resulted in an indictment or monetary reinbursement to the city. That's why ct is the welfare state.

  6. This mayor will do anything - A N Y T H I N G - to get his 'done-deal' ballpark done. If it's a good deal to Hartford residents, if it's a bad deal to the residents of Hartford residents, if it's a horrific deal to Hartford residents, it must be done. Segarra already decided this is a 'done-deal' months ago. Why waste his time listening to the public.

  7. CT is corrupt, but with Segarra/Pedro/Caviar's Touch of Class, and with great assistance from Charlie Ortiz, SKB, Shawn Wooden and Deller the Seller, Hartford is even "corrupter".

    1. you can add comfortably Terry Waller to the 'corrupt' list.

  8. C'mon you all, nobody trusts this mayor and his administration any more.

  9. A scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal with Pedro and his people. We stopped counting, the list of scandals is way too long. Pedro your time to pack and leave has arrived.

  10. Madame Tussaud really messed up this wax figure of Pedro. Too much make up, like Pedro is participating in a beauty pageant. She also forgot to put caviar next to him.

  11. Does anybody remember the Governor who stated "FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION" refering to "THE DONE DEAL" agreement to build a new stadium with the New England Patriots?? WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THAT GUY???? He seemed so trustworthy and sincere!!!

  12. Hey Rovella, can i have a gold badge too? I can count to ten and even tie my own shoes. I only ask because it appears that the standards and requirements for detective are pretty low as of late. I guess that ed foster character was right about some stuff .......

  13. I smell a union vote soon.... That would be quite a resume builder to have an entire dept majority put on paper the lack of any morale left in this dept ..

  14. Touch of class escort service t-shirts will be distributed in a few weeks,with Pedro segarra page 8,$150. For an hour at the Cromwell motel.

  15. Can anyone in Hartford spell...
    We the Community are disgusted with Pedro, whom is a Pervert- a Criminal- a Liar- has Abused his Power, has Abused city funds, CIP, Bond funds and General funds. He is a DECEITFUL, UNTRUSTWORTHY so called Mayor!
    We have a so called Council and a Weak Whinny Council President OF WHICH more than half are so called Attorneys, yet they can not hold this abusive Mayor accountable for abusing and turning his nose up as it relates to the Charter, Really elected Council Members; uphold and enfore the City Charter and City Ordinance, at least.
    Kevin where is Mr. Rubenstein he prepared audits on acting assignments and NOT one thing or employee has been removed, as well as other audits that has shown ABUSE by Caviar, yet it is ALLOWED to CONTINUE!!!! We trust you Mr. Rubenstein, file charges.

    Also DISGUSTING is the Asst Fire Chief shenanigan... where are we with that? HasTerry's uniforms come in yet???? Council went along with this as well.
    If anyone in good conscious can VOTE for ANY of these SELF SERVING SO CALLED POLITICIANS they need a mental capacity exam.
    CALLING FOR ANYONE ON COUNCIL TO DO THE RIGHT THING, TURN ON YOUR MORAL COMPASS: start by cleaning city hall of the charter violations, that can happen IMMEDIATELY, it's the LAW, Lawyers.

  16. Sources close to SKB state, SKB said that they will hold off on the AC promotion until the dust settles and then Terry will be promoted as promised.

    Sounds like Pedro's MO, such arogance by these self absorbed disgusting leeches.

    1. SKB and Terry both need more $$. SKB fails on her mortgage at 140 Terry Rd., Waller comes in, buys it from her for $400+k and saves her. It's payback time, taxes not paid on properties Waller owns. I save you - you save me. SKB will get Waller the AC job with the help of this corrupt man sitting at the mayor's office.

  17. Hey Anonymous 10:10am, leave Terry Waller alone. So what if he is not qualified to be the Ass Chief, he needs the money cause it seems like he didn't pay some taxes here and there. He hasn't paid taxes on 287 Park St. whichz he owns ($5,363.55 which includes $814 interest and recently additional $2,148.11), he hasn't paid taxes on 52 Warren St. ($682.01), he hasn't paid on 44 Warren St. which he owns and controls through IMAHS Property Consultants ($1,433.61), he hasn't paid taxes on 130 Homestead Av. which he controls through Waller Brothers Express ($3,336.65). He needs the AC salary and benefits, qualified or not (he's NOT qualified!).
    When the caviar mayor talks about collecting all those real estate taxes to pay for that stadium, he's talking about us, not the Terry Wallers out there.

  18. It seems that 3 or 4 Deputy Chiefs put their applications in for the Assistant Chief's job, and when Terry found out rumor has it he turned "wh***" from the thought that anyone was going to challenge his authority. The city is also holding up the final announcement of the Deputy Chiefs exam & promotions. I guess the logic of the Fire Department or city hall is that if Terry can't get his promotion, nobody is going to get promoted. There has had 5 or 6 openings for Deputy Chief for sometime now. Of course one has nothing to do with the other but I guess spineless Charlie isn't going to rock the boat and do the right thing. Also Kevin, look into our good buddy Caldwell. Supposedly he's been missing in action for more than a few days, not showing up for duty when assigned to work, yes he still has a job on the tax payers dime. And ask Terry why he called Caldwell's officer trying to convince him that "we are all on the same team and you have to be a team player". You see, Caldwell and his officer he's assigned to, have a hearing with some city big shots to see if he will keep his job or not. Terry wants the Captain in question to basically "lie" and say that all of Caldwell's nonsense is perfectly ok because we're a team! Don't believe me Kevin, call Charlie Huertas to find out for yourself. Here's his number: 860-757-4507

  19. I thought Caldwell was terminated after he violated his final chance agreement?

  20. If anyone in this city still supports the corrupt caviar administration please stand up. I repeat: if anyone in our city still supports the corrupt Pedro Caviar administration please, please stand up.
    What's going on here, why is everyone seated?

  21. Terry Walker purchased the 5 bedroom house on Terry Rd from Saundra for $422,500 just 3 years ago. Did anyone investigate how much the lender lost on this deal and why? Was it a short sale? Did anyone check the documents filed by SKB? What did she file and when? Will US Attorney's office issue a subpoena to review the documents for that transaction?

  22. It's sad that the HPD And HFD members are so broken by our administrations. Everything is race or gendor issue. You worry more about the media and the public than doing your job. Get rid of a dealer in front of house there happy. But pinch there cousin in front of same house for fighting your the bad guy.go to water call fix it and then tell them not to block back stairs with scooters, law mowers ,and cat shit your the bad guy. It's a joke! Here's my idea the Garden st challenge. All you liberals all is well in hartford and the governor . At three in the morning with out police protection walk from Albany ave and Garden st to Garden st and Westland.With go pros on no media. Oh yeah add a couple of those poop bags from the hartford courant to the list. Bring running shoes

  23. As long as we are giving out phone numbers try 860-757-4502 and listen to the greeting. Waller has dropped the Acting Interim A/C title and has promoted himself to Assistant Chief. Pretty arrogant if you ask me.

  24. Listen up all of you. Terry will get promoted. Fact. Nothing can change that. Nolan even with your new found military promotional points, u cant sustain a nine round dance with Terry. Terry will handle all of you soon enough. Biggest house on the block. Political connections. Should i keep going...... Terry is the new george jefferson.!!!! Movin on up !!!!

    1. Tic Tac, everything you said is true and will probably happen in the near future but tell me something, do you really want the inmates running the asylum? And just remember you'll be working for him too. All his lack of experience, lack of decision making, lack of following thru with his demands? Do you want that for your city or is it just the race card and to he'll with everything else?

    2. it's the race card all over + the money Terry & Saundra need to pay for their life style (for example luxury 5 bedrooms, 5 baths home on Terry Rd.)

    3. correction 6:34 PM: the Terry road house has 3 full baths & 2 half baths only

    4. What about 120 South Water, E. Windsor: does Terry reside there?

  25. Sarah bronin has a bigger "set of balls" then anyone in city hall....SARAH FOR MAYOR. !!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Welcome back Tic Tac Toe Terry, did SKB let you off punishment or are you sneaking behind her back? Just couldn't resist, could you?
    You little man are NO George Jeffersin! People are watching this blantant joke. You speak of Nolan's "new found military points" first of all that info is suppose to be confidential, did SKB share it over pillow talk? Tekl us your QUALIFICATIONS! Other than snake, leech, delinquent tax payer....

    1. what QUALIFICATIONS are you talking about? Tic-Tac-Toe, sorry, Terry DOESN'T HAVE ANY. enough already asking Terry Waller for non existing qualification, oh, only being SKB toy boy and saving her from default/foreclosure on her home. this is considered as a qualification, isn't it?

  27. Tic Tac Toe, Looks like the game is Chess and you, SKB and Caviar are in Check Mate!
    Even your AKA; Tic Tac Toe is mindless and childish. Now your in the big league with all the pundits watching!!!
    If this promotion goes to Little Man an another "Done Deal" happens, who in their right mind could support Caviar???
    Sad thing is Caviar is STUPID enough to do it even though this gig was exposed.

  28. Done is done. Watch. Nothing can be done. Learn to live with it. All yah doing is giving more motivation for terry to get his hit list members ready for new deployment. Laugh all you want. Two bank accounts. Biggest house in town. Every downtown hotel has the best room reserved for terry . ( Union puppet vinni paid off in free meals. )

    Done deal. Go work in berlin or east hampton if your to scared to work for a mans man like terry.
    Nolan can waist some more union funds to fight a losing battle. Way to go. Hand out some more smoke detectors at walmart like mahoney used to. Terry is my american hero. Not nolan.
    Send terry in to syria to erase ISIS. Then a parade in bushnell park. We will even have a terry waller day at the new segarra ballpark.

    If you behave yourself kevin. You might get a bleacher seat in the outfield area. ...

    1. was Terry Waller at the table with SKB and the other blood suckers on new years eve where the caviar was served?

    2. Kevin, before "you might get a bleacher seat " from tic tac toe you are going to pay more and more, higher and higher taxes for years to come.

  29. Foster for union prezSeptember 24, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    Nicely played long going after foster. But you cant mess with medical issues. If you would like to further these malice and fruitless efforts. Be aware, civil lawsuits tend to muddy resumes to high ranking positions in other towns.

    Givem hell foster ... Givem hell !!!!!!!!!

  30. Has anyone considered the impact the 'Sport' facility will have on downtown traffic and in particular it's impact on the operation of our new Public Safety Complex. Access to High Street is one way and at certain times of the day that one way traffic extends from Main St all the way to Asylum Street.

  31. If this deal were to ever happen, I'll pay for my own seat. But I will hold out for a front row seat next to the jury box as this corrupt enterprise is unwrapped. It is only a matter of time

  32. The way this Mayor and Council starts hiring officers, traffic around 253 High won't be an issue

  33. Hartford planing committee voted against the stadium, criticizing the way the process was done. I strongly believe that the way this project was studied, evaluated, discussed, presented to the public was done "professionally", serving the interests of Segarra, Charlie O., Wooden and Deller, nobody else, and rushing us to vote as quickly as possible on what they'd already decided was a "done-deal." These corrupt so called "leaders" will try to benefit from this stadium themselves, don't trust them!

  34. The situation at HFD is really getting crazy. Caldwell is off sick(getting paid). The deputy chiefs list is suspect. How does a guy who didnt even pass the test go from last to fifth on the list? Ahead of some of the best minds in the department? I guess it helps when your family is deeply connected to the powers that be.

  35. Tic Tac Toe Terry you are ranting disillusion Wrong FACTS. WOW you really want to be AC talking like a LUNATIC, keep going, just showcases your incompetentcy.

    "Biggest House in Town", maybe your too short to see, here's a hint just walk or drive SKB's city car around the corner to the Govenor's Mansion or ride down the ST in your booster seat and open your beedy eyes, midget.

    And "Every downtown Hotel rooms reserved for Terry", well why didn't Terry and SKB get a room after the event at the Hilton when they had the CRASH going to rescue SKB's son and she was "Too Distraught to Drive", they could of walked to HPD and rescued the 'innocent son'.

    Need I go on about your DELLUSIONAL RANT, LITTLE MAN???? I do believe the "Done Deal Promotion" WILL NOT HAPPEN, haven't you noticed how SKB's B###H boy Caviar REACTS when this weasel is backed into a corner and asked tough questions, he becomes a babbling IDIOT.

    But keep RANTING DELLUSIONAL REMARKS, helps the cause of proving the INCOMPETENCE of B###H Boy Caviar and SHADY, SCUMBAG SKB!

  36. Well I see Tic Tac Toe Terry is back on line...ghee that didn't take him long, someone must of hit a nerve on him, and that's why he is back on line...Terry how dare you talk about anyone who has served this country, even if it's Danny Nolan, you Terry are nothing but a coward, and a cheat, I don't know how you live with yourself. And commenting about Terry's houses, and SKB houses, what happened to the house in East Windsor?

    1. 7:09pm anonymous: are you referring to 120 South Water St. in East Windsor? what happened to the house?


    These two deserve each other and deserve to be EXPOSED like they they are, the things that have come out is just the tip of the ICEBERG!

  38. well, tell us all there's to know about the E N T I R E iceberg. let's expose them once and for all.

  39. Chief Huertes I hate to say it I thought things would get better when you were appointed Car 1. All the shit about you being a pawn is wright. Can't blame you, money is good. The problem is you skipped over someone who deserved the job in a long drawn out deputy chief testing process to get to jones. Is that your sacrifice to lady boy and his pimp skb for not pushing her b!!!h to asst chief. How soon you forget about the guys on the line. Caseares was a lot of things but he promoted in order on promotional list. Free Caldwell !!

    1. Terry is using 120 South Water St. in East Windsor as his residence address in his filings with the Secretary of the State documents. What's the story with this property?

  40. Interesting that in 2007 Waller transferred the East Windsor home to his LLC (120 Water LLC and lists his residence at the East Windsor house and then in 2010 quit claimed it from his LLC back to himself. So perhaps he isn't a Hartford resident after all. Although parcels adjacent to his EW house are owned by another one of his LLC's (how many does he have??) Waller Brothers Express. Waller lists his residence for this LLC as 44 Warren Street in Hartford. The adjacent property was quit claimed to the Waller Brothers Express from yet another Waller LLC thus one known as IMAHS Property Consultants who incidently is the owner of record for the 44 Warren St house. Shell games!

  41. in some filings with the Secretary of the State, for some of his LLL's he STILL has his residence listed as 120 South Water in East Windsor. 12:27pm Anonymous, I agree with you, perhaps he isn't a Hartford resident after all...

  42. Well, it happened. A Captain who scored a 67 on an HFD Deputy Chief's exam has been promoted. A 70 is a passing score normally, the standards were lowered to pick up this person.
    Captain's with much higher scores and many more years of experience were jumped for this person. What a shame and embarrassment for the FD.
    Way to go Charlie Huertas, it's nice the way you stood your ground for what you believe is the right thing to do. You are a gutless and spineless Chief. What little respect you were holding on to, you just lost.

  43. Charlie, I don't know who's more incompetent, you, "67" or Terry. You've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you do not have your employees safety or welfare at heart. For a guy who rose thru the ranks you sure as hell forgot where you came from. Exactly how many pieces of silver did Pedro or Sandy give you? And please stop the "sham" Assistant Chief promotional process. Everybody knows how this movie is gonna end, who exactly are you kidding besides yourself? Just out of curiosity, did you speak with anyone in Training or "67's" Deputy Chief to see how his work ethic / knowledge of the job really is?, no you didn't because if you did you would never have skipped the other Captains who were jumped for him. You have absolutely no clue what true leadership is. Shame on you. You can't retire or be fired for incompetence fast enough.

  44. we'll file with US Attorney's office against Charlie if Terry gets the AC job, trust me on this, then everything will be exposed about Charlie, Terry, Pedro and SKB, everything. US Attorney is dying to get a complaint to start investigating.

  45. Hate to say it...but now is the time for those guys who ended up on the bottom of the deputy chiefs list to show some balls and get an investigation going. These test results were clearly manipulated to get to Jones. The administration thinks they can shove anything they want down our throats and we will accept it without question. Challenge those results and whoever adds up the "magical points". Don't wait for the union to do anything, they are in on it. The public should know how city officials cheat the promotional process in order to put ahead politically connected flunkies. This has been going on for years in Hartford.

  46. don't you worry, sooner or later DOJ is going to be all over this with a thorough investigation.

  47. Now that capt I had a couple years on the line and made my way to capt through training, made line capt and went to tac 760 because he left Nolan's coat tales and went vinneys crotch.whos going to fill your I party kids costumes boots. There's no capt test out there and even so all that specialized training the tac is suposseed to have how long will tac 760 have no leadership. Tac is back

  48. Burnt toast in the microwave. Actuall report to smoke in building call from an officer in the hfd . 67 you should be all set. Hey do you still have relations with the woman on ladder 2. Tac is back

  49. Kevin, Regarding HFD,,here's my prediction,,, "WHEN" NOT "IF" someone gets seriously injured or (God forbid) killed by the "RISKY" behavior of manipulating promotional testing and appointments,,,YOU CAN BE ASSURED THAT A MEDIA PODIUM WILL HAVE A "REAL" FIREFIGHTER EXPOSING THE UGLY TRUTHS THAT HAVE BEEN GOING ON TOO LONG IN CITY HALL!!! AND THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF SUPPORTING "BROTHERS" IN THE BACKROUND!! Incompetency in the business of firefighting gets people hurt.So to all those involved, from Human Resources on up,,,,I hope you will sleep well tonight with the "decisions" you've made,,,I KNOW I WOULD'NT BE ABLE TO !!!!
