Thursday, October 2, 2014


With the Bond Rating dropping, tax collections unaccounted for now for several months , how can the City really know what its financial position is?

 And where is the Council on any of these issues? By Charter, the quarterly financial reports should have been submitted to the Council at their first meeting in September. One City Hall source says the reports aren't even done yet and definitely have not been submitted as the Charter requires. This should raise a red flag for the Council and they should be demanding these reports immediately. But in true Council fashion... nothing.

We need a government that functions and is accountable. Otherwise we might as well throw the City Charter out and continue in the direction we are going


  1. The reports can be found in the Touch of Class Escort Service's front Lobby....just tell them that Pedro sent you.

  2. Pedrito,

    don't let your stupidity get on the way of Arce ! The grassroots will eat you alive, nene!

  3. Clean up the academyOctober 2, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    Creter, why did u print out sgt creter shirts already ? Are you crazy ? Now i hope the Lt list gets canned and u get passed. But only a few will get made , i can go down that list and see several favorites like number 8

  4. Anonymous 6:56 PM how dare you call nene stupid. He's just a dirty, corrupt politician with an overblown ego.

  5. Code 2 for the mayorOctober 2, 2014 at 11:14 PM

    Kash. Are you gonna park in the parking spot right next to agave on sunday afternoon? Will you wave to all the party attendees ? Elliot is a god, he has honor, and will be missed . What do you bring to the table ?

  6. So since rodriguez- valez lied to IAD, what is her punishment? Pobably a promotion and a nice hidden spot.

  7. The reports are Up Deller's assets the perjurer, Los Dominicans from the Providence Plantations flushed him out for what he is, un mojon just like pedrito.

    Deller you been to the grand Jury once, twice may not be a charm...

  8. COwboys are winning the superbowl this yearOctober 3, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    so after reading the entire Ford investigation is Sgt mertes going to be charged with tampering with an investigation??? The last thing internal affairs tell police officers after being interviewed is do not discuss this case with anybody and since she called Officer Pepler on his personal cell phone while he was off duty isn't that a violation??? Why wasn't she charged Sgt Cunningham after she admitted calling officer Pepler?? Yes there's a pattern here certain officers can do no wrong pay attention Chief Rovella this is all happening on your watch lawsuits are coming!!!!!!

  9. So after reading the Rob Ford I can honestly say and believe nothing will happen I was able to read Sgt Kessler file an ooooooh buddy was it good that man should not be in a police department in a city that is predominantly black and Hispanic are you kidding me??? 10 day suspension for all the racial complaints in his file are you kidding me???

  10. Foxy,

    are you related to Ford? clearly you are making things up to make him look good. Ford's comments, especially the sexual comments are a problem and most likely worse than anything Kessler said

  11. Shit bags it will never change. Oh long live Doug Caldwell back on the job. After 89 and an extra three weeks of on city money welcome back. Deputy chief towey congratulations. I guess Vinney couldn't pull every string. Hey what's 67 + 112 = then divided by 2 = JONES

  12. Impeach the hfd unionOctober 3, 2014 at 8:44 PM

    Do you all really think caldwell will not have a raging alcoholic comeback ? I bet he does not make xmas, he cant control himself, and will get drunk and start another fight for no reason. His only defense is " racial " . I advise all members to video tape his actions. Then send that tape to the news media. Its ok to endanger peoples lives in the eyes of huertas and even vinni. Vinni, u are human garbage.....

  13. If you go to the DPH website and do a search for Caldwell under license lookup you will find that his EMR license is inactive. It was suspended after a hearing mid September. The official documents are also there with the violations and charges. I seem to remember a section of our contract that states one must maintain their license to remain employed. I am sure the dept and union are aware of this situation since they both had representatives at the hearing, yet they still allow him to respond to medical calls. They probably told his officer that Doug could operate under someone else's license on the scene. Not true! Be careful there is a lot of liability there.

  14. T. Green runs this deptOctober 3, 2014 at 8:46 PM

    Ford will handle all you sons of italy. Rodriguez - valez has a long list of you and is going no where. She will be a chief one day. Mark my words !!!

  15. C'mon people leave Kash alone. The kid works and has earned everything he has including the new spot that he's in. Although it was never posted. Hmmmm.. shady...

  16. Pedrito is DOA;

    the photos from 1994 Cuba are reviling,the Mandingos with major junk and other who look real young, perhaps Cuban under 18? Damn !, lets hope the P was not doing underage A broad!
