Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I love using this picture, it is about as phony as the leadership of this City
It might be interesting to ask how Mayor Segarra and his staff think they can manage a baseball operation when nothing else seems to function properly. The report below is just one more example of a City spiraling out of control with no management or leadership.
Wouldn't it make more sense using City funds to shore up City Departments that are falling apart due to a lack of funding before throwing money at a baseball stadium?
Read the report below, it pretty much speaks for itself. After reading it, ask yourself "is it any wonder we can't attract reasonable economic development with this kind of "leadership"?


  1. There's nothing new here: Mayor Caviar is incompetent, cares about nothing except his own interests. Incompetent and very likely as corrupt as can be.

  2. Kevin, this is surreal. I read it with a combination of alternating laughter and horror. How many heads in DPW rolled after this report came out? Any? None? Has the general public in Hartford ever had access to the full report? Did the Courant pick up on it? You'd think it would have been a city-wide scandal, and there would have been public outrage that the city has tolerated this incompetency at all levels for years--and paid well for it, with full benefits. Now I want to punch something...

  3. Both Moody's and S&P downgraded the city's rating. This happened not because Hartford financials are great, as caviar Segarra wants us to believe.

  4. The fee for this report was about $49,000

  5. Consultant's fee was about $49,000

  6. At the end of the day it all comes out as "TOXIC LEADERSHIP." Not only at DPW, but each department in Hartford. Yo, Segarra, the fish stinks from the head!

  7. This is no surprise. When Hartford residents voted to change to a strong mayor form of government they got exactly that. Which includes the power of patronage. Kind of hard to supervise or get rid of sleeping, drunk and underperforming employees when they are political hook ups.

  8. Moody's Investors downgraded Hartford's bond rating, citing "weakened financial position" and noting that there are "narrow reserve levels that are expected to decline further." The report clearly indicated that "THE OUTLOOK IS NEGATIVE."
    Then, Standard & Poor said the same and downgraded Hartford's bond rating as well.
    Pedro Caviar, why don't you talk us a little bit about this?

  9. Pedro, if you start collecting real estate tax from all the properties owned by the "most protected kid in the city" (I'm talking about Terry, Terry Waller, you know, the guy involved in the accident with a city car he was NEVER allowed to drive, which - what a coincidence - was with Saundra Kee Borges; the unqualified guy you're trying to give the FD Ass Chief to). This guy owes THOUSANDS of $$ to the city. Maybe if you collect it Moody's and S&P will upgrade our credit worthiness so you can continue messing up and spending even more (You're good at spending, legal and illegal spending). To help you do your job, Terry hasn't paid taxes on 130 Homestead avenue, on 44 Warren, on 52 Warren, on 287 Park (that's the place Terry did structural work without permit or anything). Is Terry getting special treatments or what?

  10. How about better yet we dock his pay for his unpaid taxes, or relieve him of his duties since it is apparent he is irresponsible at best. Develop policies that anyone delinquent on their city taxes CANNOT qualify or retain city employment and certainly cannot qualify for a promotion. This entitlement MUST end now! Disgusted and moving!

  11. This is what happens with a one party system and no accountability. Every year people complain, say lets do something about it, then show up and vote "D" in a Pavlovian response and then can't seem to figure out why nothing changes. It's stupidity on a catastrophic level. And it won't change. No one will be disciplined, no one will be fired, nothing will happen because there are no repercussions.

    1. oh no, tge sweet deals are for people close to the caviar guy or SKB

    2. No one will be fired, I agree, but someone, sooner or later, will be behind bars.

  12. Segarra deserves to be honored as a "leader" in a 'Hall of Shame'.

  13. Brookman, are taxpayers responsible for all that makeup on Segarra'a face in that photo?
