Saturday, December 6, 2014


What is going on at HFD?

The following statement was received from the Hartford Police department late this afternoon after an incident involving two Hartford Lieutenants at a fire scene at 16 Chatham Street:

On December 6, 2014 at 11:56am, the Hartford Fire Department was dispatched to 16 Chatham Street for a working fire. Following the fire, at 1:40pm a Hartford Police Officer was dispatched to the Fire House at 25 Blue Hills Ave. on a report of a disturbance between two Hartford Fire Department Lieutenants.


The incident involves a reported altercation between the two lieutenants at the 16 Chatham Street fire scene. Both the involved Lieutenants and a witness (HFD employee) were interviewed.  Neither of the parties involved wished to press charges. The incident was not in public view.  There were no reported injuries.  The HPD officer documented the incident and his actions. This report will be available through the FOI process. HPD Case# 14-39394.

HFD Chief Carlos Huertas offered the following comment:

“We are a Fire Department as well as a family. The women and men of this department are performing a very technical and dangerous job during the most difficult and stressful of times. Today’s incident only proves that our brave firefighters are human. Rest assure, we will examine this incident and take appropriate action to ensure public safety"

 Chief Huertas, stop making excuses for your Department's childish behavior. Insist that they act like the well paid professionals that the residents of Hartford expect. To the best of my knowledge, the City of Hartford claims to have a zero tolerance policy for work place violence. Enforce it.
I am told that this is not the first incident of Lt. Tyson using violence against a coworker. If he struck Lt Cunningham hard enough to knock his helmet off, that is a violent act that you need to deal with. How long can HPD's PIO be counted on to bail you out with these releases.
And did Waller put in for his overtime to be your shadow at this incident? Did you really need him there sucking up your valuable overtime hours to tell you what to do?
Chief  Huertas, step up and run your department. Don't give the puppetmaster the reason to run you out of 253 High Street.


  1. Vern Tyson! The "belligerent, moody, arrogant Tactical Unit 1 Lieutenant know it all" Vern Tyson getting into a fight....shocker! First off Kevin, 99% of the Tac 1 Queens are self proclaimed know it alls, they've convinced themselves that they are better than anyone else on the job, including each other and that they are above any and all rules and regulations. (which no one in administration enforces). As far as the equipment at Engine 16 being faulty or in need of attention, that goes on in every station thru out the city. The majority of employes on the job know without a shadow of doubt that absolutely nothing is going to happen to them no matter what they do or don't do. And if their behavior finally catches up with them it will be either after months or years of the bad behavior. Either way you get suspended with pay, which is basically a paid vacation while still accruing your Earn, Sick, and Vacation Days! Everyday on the changeover of shifts things are either missing, broken, need repairing, or replacing. Its amazing how many things work 100% during the previous 24 hr shift but during the changeover they are mysteriously broken. No its not the Machine Shops fault of equipment not getting the needed repairs, its that no one wants to admit equipment is in need of repairs for fear of being blamed and possibly being transferred to another station. Now put this on top of the fact that most of the firefighters on the job are just fed up with the way the department is being run and you have the perfect storm for failure or worse. Now to change the subject, even though its not official yet, Bell's death was not due to faulty equipment (SCBA). His death was due to his own behavior and the FD for not enforcing its Substance Abuse Policy. By the way, is it true that Waller lied to the State Police investigator 3 times regarding the fatal fire? Rumor has it he was questioned about his arrival time and actions when on scene. Supposedly the investigator asked the same questions over and over getting different responces each time before informing him they had transcripts from the recorded radio communications, and they knew exactly what he did or rather didn't do as the senior Deputy Chief on scene. And to think that City Hall wants him to lead the department?! I'm pretty sure that Terry's behavior during the funeral preparations for Bell proved to a lot of City Hall Big-Shots that he couldn't lead anything. Kevin thank you for bringing all this dirt to the surface, FD is true dumping ground for the city and it has to stop.
    P.S. Did you know that in Kevin Bell's Drill School class their was a total of 8 Recruits including Bell the Training staff attempted to get rid of, and that Uncle Charlie Teale said nope, their all staying! So now I guess we have 7 other ticking time-bombs out their just waiting to go off!

  2. Bring back basement trials!!!! Let the guys deal with the issues. Forget your stupid policies. It is because of these the weak have been allowed to join the ranks..... the weak have ruined a fantastic family. A couple knuckles to he jaw fixed a ton of problems...think about it. you never heard any of this shit until all this liberal policies were put into place. WE DEALT WITH OUR OWN! Now we have to deal out cookies, milk and hugs to babies.

  3. Cunningham is an idiot he couldn't make friends with a mirror. I bet the problem was solved old school. The shit bags who have come on the job want to play video games andfacebook how there saving the world. Have you ever been in a life or death situation? I want someone who kick ass and ask questions later. Yeah not political correct if you found yourself in a burning building or your family would you rather be with or rescued by Dora the explore or the hulk?

  4. What a tough guy Vern is, picks a fight with Cunningham. Scott couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
    This isn't Verns first altercation.
    He is a Tac 760 puppet, nothing will happen to him. Union Pete will make sure of that.
    Charlie, don't bother looking into this, we see how your investigations are run.

  5. What a tough guy Vern is, picks a fight with Cunningham. Scott couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
    This isn't Verns first altercation.
    He is a Tac 760 puppet, nothing will happen to him. Union Pete will make sure of that.
    Charlie, don't bother looking into this, we see how your investigations are run.

  6. Let me guess? Scott was not moving out of the way fast enough for Vern and the other Tac superheroes. Is pushing other firefighters into the fire a legit tactic? Do they write about it in the essentials? Mob the room and push everyone around, what great firefighting genius. Keep it up Tac, you guys are my heroes.

  7. Tyson is by far, the worst Tac officer the city has ever had. He's nothing more than Fuscis Bitch

  8. lt's so sad that everyone has forgotten about FIRE FIGHTER JASON MARTINEZ, the injured firefighter who was "Doing His Job!" when he was severely injured, trying to rescue Firefighter Bell. As stated previously, (Bell's death was not due to faulty equipment (SCBA). His death was due to his own behavior and the FD for not enforcing its Substance Abuse Policy )

    My question is, WHY is the toxicology report taking so long to get into the proper hands ? 'F O I' it ! It seems so many people already know the answer. So the Bell family can keep all the death benefits ? Hiding something ? Let the Martinez family know, so they can properly "SUE" all the parties involved, and let him have some restitution. My thoughts are with the Martinez family.
    Two Fire Officers actually Fighting at a working fire, when the fire has NOT been extinguished ? Really having the Tax Payers in mind ? NEVER have I or any other Hartford Fire Fighter heard or been in a fight AT THE FIRE SCENE !! Lt, 760 Vs Ponsy. Fire them BOTH !
    So much lying going on, well lies have always been told and believed, well The Government investigation will show ALL, who the "fibbers" soon !
    Capt. "Lush", OMG, no one noticed the "Lush" look on her face when she was making Public Information Statements recently ?
    Contenders for the Assistant Fire Chiefs exam> Nolan, Waller and last but not least, Mike Smith ! Imangine Tic Tac and Gumby running the Hartford Fire Department ?
    Last but not least at all, Bring back and Make Doug Caldwell the next Fire Chief, least he has the balls ! and will keep A/A/C Terry in line.

  9. Anonymous 7:28PM,

    I am going to try to be as delicate as I can with my response, but I agree with your comments 100%. I don't think anyone has forgotten about Fire Fighter Martinez, but he was probably the real innocent victim here , in the wrong place at the wrong time, having his air mask knocked off by someone else's actions after they collapsed and let go of a fire hose that was out of control and hit him in the head and disoriented him and knocked his face mask off in the midst of a raging fire, forcing him to breathe the super heated air until he eventually dove out a window to save his life. None of the original actions were his doing but he was the victim of them. Probably within 24 hours of the fire myself and I know many other media people were getting the phone calls as to the real reasons behind the death.
    Many of the people calling were very credible and it became hard not to consider the information. I also passed it on to investigators investigating the fire to a luke warm response. Since you seem to be knowledgeable as to the nature of those calls, you must understand why neither myself nor anyone else has put that information out. as you are aware I am sure, the Medical Examiner conducted a full autopsy and was not able to determine a cause of death, no trauma, no heart disease, no smoke in the lungs, no signs of asphyxiation if his air tank had failed, no embolism's, nothing visible to cause the death of an otherwise outwardly healthy man, pending the results of toxicology tests, and that is not looking for CO in his blood since there was no smoke inhalation or damage to his lungs. No one wants to damage the reputation of a Firefighter who was found dead in a fire, but we also want to know the truth of what happened. The truth will come out, please be patient. As of this past Friday, I was told by a source that the toxicology tests are done, but the final report and death certificate are not done. It is up to the pathologist to issue his report, which should be shortly. Autopsy reports can only be made public by the victims family, and quite honestly I don't see that happening. Death certificates are public information as well as the manner and cause of death. Speaking hypothetically now and not factually or saying with any certainty, If something unusual was found in the toxicology tests and reflected in the reports that the pathologist thought was significant, that would most likely be listed as a contributing factor to the cause of death. I can think of quite a few reasons that the City and HFD are working overtime to keep all aspects sealed away, including shutting down a farce Board of Inquiry when the tough questions started being asked. In the meantime, please keep your thoughts and prayers with Firefighter Martinez, I understand he has a long road of recovery ahead of him.

    I apologize up front to anyone who takes offense with my candor, but the truth is the truth.

  10. Where was riddick? His man he went in with? That's what happens when with 4 years of experience andyou have Pheonex society connections meanwhile you can't even tie your own shoes.

  11. Riddick was in same room when Jason jumped out the window along with the other firefighter who had injuries to his head as well

  12. All u scumbags like to run your mouth about the TAC. You forget how now we get detailed to every single firehouse around the city because you guys were crying about TAC overtime . I have to say the numerous times I have detailed to different stations I have rarely seen firefighters ,LTs, and Captains conduct drills, review streets or go over equipment on fire truck. Funny how us TAC queens like some of you referred to us actually inspect our equipment and know how to use our equipment every morning at 0800hrs. We don't go hide upstairs and play Sony playstion or XBox and go on Facebook to say how great we are. When shit hits the fan who do call ? At least we actually run into burning buildings not like some of you that hide in hallways un til fire is put out and then go on Facebook to post actions you never did. We know who the TAC haters are already. People like Deputy Chief Serpliss at District 1 on D tour who has a useless son on the department also who's as useless as daddy. Captain Ocasio at Engine 2, D-Tour. Captain Dempsey on Ladder 6 assigned to D- tour who can't even handle his crew or firehouse. Firefighter Jeff Vandetta who as we all know has been arrested for DUI multiple times. Captain BoBo at Ladder 3 on A ,tour another TAC hater . The famous Sharkevich steroid cousins also TAC haters. Pump Operator Eremeda assigned to Engine 16 also a Tac hater. Pump operator Henry the crybaby Mann also a TAC hater. You know what all these TAC haters have in common some were former TAC members and the others put request to come to the TAC but didn't get it. See the picture now.

  13. This is all indicative of Mayor Caviar's leadership, lack thereof. Continue your arrogance Caviar, promote your sidekicks fake incompetent fiance to AC, cause we just don't have enough stupidity and Shenanigans under your deplorable, visonless, vindictive, Charlie Run Leadership! You know you can use EAP, right? They can help you with both abuses; Pill and Spousal abuse". Are you still soliciting prostitutes???

  14. The Phoenix Society, the Union and the TAC Units, along with the Chief and Waller should be investigated and all jailed for impersonating firefighters.

  15. Anonymous @ 9:30 AM, didn't you read the posting on 12/6 @ 7:14 PM? Your doing exactly what they said you Tac guys do, toot you own horn and pat yourselves on the back. I'm pretty sure their are few other people on the line that go over their apparatus and streets besides you guys, and besides, I've seen first hand either by OT or being detailed to the Big House that some of you heroes don't know what is in some of the compartments or where certain equipment is stored. And if you are the only ones that go into burning buildings, how does the fire get extinguished? Last time I looked the Tac doesn't carry any water other than water cans? You are correct thou, certain members of the department are useless and should not be on the job let alone be promoted to any position, but it has been that way for years, and with over 20 years on the job, like to think I've seen it all but will be the first to admit I don't know it all. Yes some of you guys on the Tac who in my opinion are "GD Heroes" who I'd want next to me shoulder to shoulder in a burning building any day, anytime but on the other hand what about the Tac guys with 5 years inexperience on the job assigned to the Tac simply because no one else wants the position! Our enemy is basically a small number of coworkers who constantly cause trouble on and off the job and a useless department administration who's screwed up priorities are basically "Area Surveying" !

  16. The TAC are a burden to the honest taxpayers of Hartford

    An absolute embarrassment to the entire firefighting profession

  17. I contemplated a while about posting and figured what the hell.I think I am mentioned on here because of my "hatred" for the tac. On the contrary.I think the tac is great. The crew on D tour is ,I think, the best crew in the city on any apparatus(except Scott) haha. The only reason I don't say my crew is the best is their lack of experience. I'll put them second. The experience of the D tour tac is second to none.It is reassuring when you can't see your hand in front of your face to hear their voices next to you. I worked with numerous tac guys over the years and I can't think of any of them that would post what this other "tac guy" posted. Their experience speaks for them.I will try to hit on some of the (new) tac guys comments.First, thanks for taking the details (all over the city). We need men of your vast experience at all the firehouses.Secondly, I call you a new tac guy because no one with any time on the job or tac would post such assenine stuff.The fact you would or could badmouth DC Serpliss is amazing to me. He was fighting fires when you were in diapers in first grade.He is one of the most righteous men I know. Every decision he makes and has made in his career was for the good of the department, or the crews he worked with. He has put everyone above himself as long as I have known him and he deserves his position more than anyone I know. His son while not as righteous is still a great guy. He's young as shit and makes mistakes as have we all. All I can ask of a new firefighter is to learn from everything and try to do your best all the time and he has excelled at that. If there is work to be done he is first in line to do it and everything he does or the crew does he learns from it and does it better the next time.I don't know anyone who came on the job knowing everything immediately except maybe you.Nobody is perfect. everyone makes mistakes. If you learn from them and don't repeat them great.I have made a career of making stupid mistakes. I don't post about them anonymously on websites though. Do we have issues at 1's. Unfortunately yes as does every house. Did I handle the issues correctly.Maybe. There is only so much that an officer can do on his own.I am not justifying my actions to you I don't care what you think.I am just addressing the subject you decided to bring up. I hope you don't tell the real experienced tac guys that you wrote that response. You might be subject to some basement rehabilitation of your own. Being on the tac doesn't make you a good firefighter. What you have done in your career till now does.By the way. I'm working tomorrow all day. If you would like to come by and talk about your fabulous career stop by. I promise I won't post about it anonymously. Captain Mike Dempsey Ladder 6 tour D

  18. Very well put Capt. Dempsey, keep setting a positive example

  19. Wow, a bunch of racist, prejudice, hypocrites with a platform and this is the result. Non-Hartford res. vollies, who work among the crews showing one face, comes on here and bash their fellow brethren, writing on the public forum like a pink diary. Part of the degradation of the department has the people participating in this site to blame. People come on here and spill their heart out without worrying about any consequences.

  20. Hey Vern, Hey Scott-
    That is how an officer for the HFD should handle a disagreement. Knowing Mike, I'm sure he would love to smack these young dipshits upside the head. However, in the position and rank he holds he cannot do it.
    Nice job Mike.

    p.s. L6 does have a basement, JIC

  21. Damn Capt thought we were boys, lol. Good shot, i own you one. At least I can pick up the phone and call you and we can talk. I can assure you and everyone else mentioned that the above noted post is not mine. I have more balls than these anonymous cowards and while I am ashamed at our departmemt and the dirty laundry that is listed for the masses to see, the Hartford Fire Department is where I have chosen my career. It is where i will be for the next 2 decades. I want to see it succeed, in every aspect. We have issues, that is obvious. Its up the the guys on the line fix this mess. Police one another, afterall this is a brotherhood . We are the ones in the line of fire, not managment. We need to dictate the changes and move foward as ONE to get it right. Certain people will call me out on this and to them i say fuck you! Put your name to your posts and help make change. The younger guys are the future of this job and we have to pride ourselves in keep the traditions and history alive. Embrace them and show them the way. I love being a firefighter with all of my heart. I apologize for gramatical errors as the screen on my phone is being a pain in the ass right now.

    My name is Scott Schmitt and I am honored to be a member of Tac 1, Tour D

  22. Coming from a non-firefighter, I normally wouldn't comment but I read this blog as a taxpayer and someone recently effected by the absolute inept and negligence of the Hartford Police Department

    I work at a REAL job where if I make a sexist comment or steal a pencil from the supply room I can get fired. How are we supposed to trust our lives in the hands of individuals who can punch elderly women, snot up cocaine on the job, or plow through a bunch of children with their car and they STILL are employed?

    Where does the city draw the line? Can one of the firefighters (which most are about as nimble and in shape as a crack addict trapped in a pastry factory) actually behave?

    I recently read an article of a specific Lt. who was charged with strangling his wife ... And then a subsequent article about him getting a DUI 5 or 6 times a few years later .... All while my hard earned honest drug-free taxpaying dollars fed this bafoon!

    Why don't you guys just allow them to do anything - hell, bring in some donkey shows and firearms and let's see the real action

    The Hartford Fire Department is a weak, filth-ridden sewer of burdens, risking the lives of it's fine citizens and destroying the lives of their own family and coworkers ..

    Shame ... On ... You ...

  23. Im glad the racist Capt Dempsey posted a comment. You do have a track record of making racial comments. Isn't there an open investigation as we speak about racial tensions at your station on your shift involving your formal driver.

  24. You are playing an old hand. At least try to be a little original"anonymous"

  25. You are playing an old hand. At least try to be a little original"anonymous"

  26. I wanted to be on the Hartford Fire Department but I failed the agility test where I had to climb up the side of the Insurance building carrying a screaming blonde in one hand and swatting at biplanes ...

  27. Guess when the only thing you have going is the race card you should use it. Pagan is a perfect example of where this job is going. I didn't know that asking someone to do there job made them a racist. Pagan was looking to move up the only way he knew how. The guys is a liar and a thief who doesn't know his job. His track record speaks louder than even you anonymous 406. Are the guys at L4 Tour A , racist too? Pretty sure they are enjoying not having "Fuego" around to steal anything that is not tied down. If guys on this job actually spent as much time learning the job rather than learning way around it we might be alright.

  28. Anonymous at 4:06, you are absolutely correct about the filth ridden sewer of burdens.
    You can thank Felon Mayor Perez, Mayor Caviar and SKB.
    You can also thank X Chief Teale, Chief Huertas, and the City Councils of the last two mayors.
    You can thank RJo Wench, and the City's Personnel Department.
    This is what you get when you utilize a City Residency rule. This is what you get when you hire politician's friends. This is what happens when you want to hire only certain races and omit others.
    Chief of Training Dan Nolan tried to prevent these people from getting the job. We all know what happened to him for trying to hire qualified people.
    The filth ridden sewer also happened because the Training Academy for HFD being watered down. That means no yelling at recruits, no physical fitness training, curving of test scores etc.
    Keep hiring garbage and these are the results, live with it like we have to.

  29. Nothing Is going to change the damage is done.just go to work and do your job. The first woman ladder driver for the hfd that drove the truck maybe 10 times then went to high st so she could run her relastate business. She's always will get her way.eap representative another sham. The Wallace's followed the same path because they couldn't get along with chief whitey. Capt lush will take care of them. Hey d2 driver how many shifts have you been there since you left high st. I wouldn't want to ride with tac 760 back door wowey. Hey how many union days has he taken. Hey district chief jones is it harder now that your not in the same house with the 3 year veteran woman that you moved in with when you where her house capt

  30. I would like to preface my comments as follows: It is not in my nature to get caught up in the bashing, gossip and negativity that is posted on this blog. In fact, this is only the second time that I have ever wasted my time accessing and reading these posts. With that being said, I think it’s a disservice to the men and women of this great fire department that we feel the need to air our dirty laundry for the entire world to read. What is even more appalling is the fact that there is no regard for the Bell Family and the fact that there is a wife who no longer has her husband, a daughter who won’t share another Christmas with her dad, and a host of family and friends who will never share another moment with Kevin. There is a lack of respect, integrity and sensitivity displayed by those who felt the need to post the ridiculous accusations as to how Kevin lost his life. The cause of his death has yet to be confirmed and officially reported. The events leading up to his demise are still under investigation; there has been no official report substantiating any of the garbage that has been posted here. While I don’t want to make an assumption that it was a firefighter that posted the comments about how Kevin’s death was his own fault; I would hate to think that it was a brother or sister who posted such nonsense. A brother or sister who showed up at Kevin’s funeral to pay their respects and honor his life only to turn around and disgrace his memory and disrespect his family. It’s a disservice to the men and women of this department; those who put their lives on the line everyday when they put the uniform on. I am proud to be a member of this fire department but its things such as this that are an embarrassment for us all.

    I have been on this job over 20 years and I don’t proclaim to know everything there is to know about firefighting but whenever I put the uniform on I do my job to the best of my ability. I work with a great group of guys and love what I do. I think we all need to get back to what is most important; learn to do our job to the best of our abilities so that we can protect the lives and property of the citizens of the city of Hartford.

    I don’t post these comments as Mr. Anonymous but as Kevin R. Joiner, a 20-year veteran, member of Tactical Unit 1 tour C. To those who feel the need to bash these comments from behind the keys of an anonymous keyboard, I say go for it. It takes only a coward to bark faceless words. Words that will roll off my shoulders but words that can cut even deeper into the gaping wound that the Bell Family is trying to let heal.

    Kevin Joiner

    1. The person/s blocking/delaying the investigation, they are the ones who've disrespectful to the Bell family, as well as Jason Martinez.
      An honest investigation, the truth, that's the most important thing; so we make sure this never happens again.

  31. I believe we still honor and respect Kevin Bell's family and their tragic loss. You should direct your criticism towards the command staff of the HFD. Stopping an investigation and leading people to believe it is still ongoing seems very disrespectful to not only Kevin's family but the HFD family.
    You should not forget Jason Martinez and his family also, when the report does come out and maybe it shows Jason's injuries possibly could have been avoided, how will you feel then?

  32. The whole william wallace act has a limit. It is time for a real leader to take charge. You all just better tighten your seat belts and get ready to work instead of cry. Chief terry will be in charge sooner then later , thanx to the media calling a coverup on huertas. I told you all. Huertas will be the fall guy. Nolan is the wistleblower. Terry can use nolan as his patsy in the new era. Time is ticking....

  33. I am also responding as Captain Dempsey did because of my being mentioned as having a “hatred” for the TAC or a “TAC hater”. Nothing could be further from the truth. I too share the same feelings and sentiment for the TAC and in particular the crew of Tour D with who I feel fortunate to work with. I have great respect and consideration for them. I agree with the assessment regarding the experience they bring and share.
    I really don’t care and probably should not respond to such a lack of character and integrity in posting such things behind “Anonymous” but, there comes a time.
    As far as DC Serpliss, the opportunity that I have had the last couple of years at Eng. 2 with him as Deputy, I can only speak good and positive things about him. I also agree no truer words have been said “Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes”.
    As a so called hater it might interest you to know, and if you are unaware, when I sat in the chief’s office with a concern for the creation of the “Rescue Technician” position, I presented many things to consider for it. Most memorable was the proposition and argument I made that consideration should be given to not only making that a promotional position, but, given the volume of calls, the new requirements for training to obtain rescue tech status , the requirements to maintain proficiency, the existing requirements for training, (including hazmat, ems and firefighting), Capital Region Hazmat participation and the same demands that all companies have, including house work, area survey, etc., members of the Tac Unit should be making more money in that position.
    Is the definition of a hater someone who advocates for pay increases and recognition on behalf of someone else with no vested interest in those benefits?... If it is …then I guess that makes me a “Tac hater”.
    Captain Luis Ocasio
    Engine 2 Tour D

  34. Tic Tac Toe, wasn't that the plan all along? Chief Huertas just chose to ignre us even after we pointed it out to him

  35. A question for the experts. Should an assistant Chief at the scene have noticed opposing hand lines in operation , and if so, is that really a big deal and why? And is it policy that the highest ranking officer at the scene takes command?

  36. Coverup? Which one? Lets be honest here... there are a number of long standing coverups in play on the HFD? How about the one where certain employees are able to create no show jobs for themselves half the time by abusing sick time,faking injuries,and causing disciplinary
    issues. How about the one where the results of the D/C test were manipulated to get to captain67. How about the one that Terry is a fireman. How about the one that the HFD is as tactically competant as we used to be. I could go on and on with coverups under this administration.

  37. Tic Tac Toe,
    So what are your plans? To lead the Fire Dept the same way you led operations at the fatal fire on Blue Hills Ave? You are such a joke.
    Why have you not been appointed AC yet? Answer that one for me.

  38. I remember fighting fires and seeing the tac behind me... it was nice to know i wasnt the only one risking it all. I have airplanes.. i have arabian race horses.. but most importantly i have the hfd family. I love my job.. and although i have made mistakes like dempsey and borderline slow capt. jones (who actually has a firehouse relationship with a rookie) i still hold my head up high knowing i am prepaired and ready to do my job. Hfd is a class 1 department.. and whether im driving a fire rig or my rv camper ill still get salty with guys like jordan brady and bodybuilder googs.. hooo rah.. m corps levine out

  39. I think these words from TR are appropriate to remind us that there is nothing wrong with some imperfections

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
    ― Theodore Roosevelt

  40. Levine ur my hero!!!! I love u man!!!!

  41. What's for dinner tomorrow at 1s house I'm hungry??

  42. I ran out of toilet paper someone help me please!!!

  43. Greetings from Arizona. It was about 80 degrees today.

    Bob DiPietro
    Deputy Chief NBFD (Retired)

  44. Greeting from CT. It was 35 degrees yesterday. Many Hartford employees waiting for our retirement. The following day we move south to FL, TN, AZ. Anywhere!

  45. Secretary for tic tac toeDecember 15, 2014 at 9:06 PM

    Listen up. Some old crusty retired fire chiefs cant hang 12 rounds with terry. He will knock out Teale like ivan drago on pcp. Time heals all wounds. Wait till springtime when that toxicology report comes out. Then huertas will be out. Then terry will call a cab for all them old bones and handle the business.
    And dont forget little fire mice.... All ya all geting pink slips!!!!!! All yahhhh!!!!

  46. Jason didn't get his mask knocked off
    by someone who collapsed and lost his
    line. He was hit because an alone Bell
    was hit by 14's line even though he was
    on the A side and the fire was in the
    B/C corner.He couldn't have collapsed
    on the line because the report says
    that they were crawling out together,
    even though it seems hard to loose
    someone you are crawling with who has
    a vibra-alert going off.

  47. Any word on the latest debacle at engine 14, with the female firefighter claming harassment?

    By the way there is a certain female captain who also spends all day on facebook on city computer and on city time. What happened to lead by example?
