Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The Hartford Police report is out regarding the two Hartford fire lieutenants fighting last weekend. The report seems to clearly show Lt Tyson as the aggressor after striking out at Lt. Cunningham not once but twice and then putting Cunningham in a headlock type choke hold. If zero tolerance truly means zero tolerance, it will be interesting to see how this incident will continue to be swept under the rug. Hartford apparently has a "Zero Tolerance Policy" for violence in the workplace


  1. Nice job guys. You made national news!

  2. Let's see what Segarra, Charlie O., SKB and/or Huertas are going to do about this "Zero Tolerance Policy". Let's see if this is going to be swept under the carpet.

  3. Terminate Tyson he is useless anyway I bet he gets away with it just because he has been Vinnys bitch all these years

  4. I will tell you what will happen to Vern....nothing. Scott, even less.

  5. Any comments from the the Caviar / Touch of Class guy?

  6. Classy Freddy BlassyDecember 10, 2014 at 8:05 AM

    If I slapped or put one of my coworkers in a headlock I would be fired, end of story

  7. This is what u get hfd when you hire vollies from enfield...you get a tattle tail cry baby snitch...two guys arguing and pushing each other and the po po gets called, you gotta be kidding me...and I don't want to hear " at my job I would be fired for that" our job is a lot different...emotions run high at a fire and it's physical and your life or others could be on the line, it's not like me smacking you upside the head by the water cooler. And that's why he should stay in hazardville.... it's a brotherhood and if you can't keep that shit inside especially when u didn't even get hurt u need to get on that bus to enfield with no return ticket.

  8. SORRY CHARLIE...eventually you will have to surface. You will either have to address the complete train wreck that is the HFD, or you will be announcing your resignation. Segarra, you looked like a traumatized little boy who just got kicked in the nuts on the news last night. Do you really think members of the HFD care about your opinion of us. No one on the HFD respects you. You are a running joke. You are not even from Hartford. Segarra, if you are unhappy with the HFD, just resign and leave town in disgrace. The HFD will still be here. Neither "sorry charlie" or "cluless Segarra" are true leaders of men. Waller could never lead this department. Guys are already lining up to spank little Terrys ass down. All three of you morons have dug the deepest hole for yourselves. Having a great time watching you clowns trying to dig yourselves out. Why dont you try hiring another 50 or 100 complete notalents to dig with you. Perhaps you guys have some imbicile relatives not already employed by the city who could grab a shovel. But dont forget, shoveling dirt is really hard work, are any of you so called men up to the task?

  9. Hey Pedro remember your words; "I will not tolerate", you apply those words when Charlie tells you to. You have NO consistency when it comes to employees or your "touch of classless administration".

    Karma is a bitch, let Karma be bestowed upon you and your gutless administration. Apply the Cities Policies, Procedures, Charter and Ordinaces equally, just and without prejudice.

    What will Council who has the duty to enforce Policies, Procedures, the Charter and Ordinances, do? Turn a blind eye, just like they are doing now, with all of Pedro's arrogance and blatant violations.

    Can't wait for the elections, there is an active group working for Hartford to VOTE all of these SELF SERVING PARASITES OUT!!!

  10. Hey Pedro remember your words; "I will not tolerate", you apply those words when Charlie tells you to. You have NO consistency when it comes to employees or your "touch of classless administration".

    Karma is a bitch, let Karma be bestowed upon you and your gutless administration. Apply the Cities Policies, Procedures, Charter and Ordinaces equally, just and without prejudice.

    What will Council who has the duty to enforce Policies, Procedures, the Charter and Ordinances, do? Turn a blind eye, just like they are doing now, with all of Pedro's arrogance and blatant violations.

    Can't wait for the elections, there is an active group working for Hartford to VOTE all of these SELF SERVING PARASITES OUT!!!

  11. Ok... so i remember when rookie fireman R. Carter punched now Lieutenant Bankroft and sent his tooth flying across the kitchen into the chicken soup. That was aggressive... i also remember walking in on Capt jones and his rookie firegirl sweating and breathing aggresivly... i also remember... i could go on for days about the stuff that gets swept under the rug. We are firemen. Leave the women in the kitchen and the weak to become instructors. If i need someone to slap me in the back of the head and tell me to compose myself and do my job then thats when i need. Anyone who wears a tie or high heels to work stop commenting. I didnt even get fired when i stole my own plane and flew back home using the stars as navigation. Relax people. Its going to be ok. This is what we do. Hooo rah.. mc levine out

  12. "Can't we all just get along" Rodney King

  13. Ur right Levine. Does anyone watch Chicago Fire? Don't you see all the crazy stuff the firefighters go through. You think the show producers made up all those stories and crazy scenarios? That's why we are firefighters . what kind of normal person in there right mind walks into a burning building to save people and save someone else's property while everyone else is running out? We are not perfect. Should we compose ourselves as professionals?Off course we should.Under pressure and andrenalin going that is not always the case.

  14. I don't know anything about either HFD Lieutenant, but i can gurantee you if Tyson is black or hispanic, nothing will happen. If he's white......he's GONE!!!!

  15. Anonymous I guess you are not well informed because the last 2 firefighters that got terminated were firefighter Diaz who is Hispanic and firefighter Caldwell who is black.

  16. Fusco is a miserable prick
