Saturday, January 17, 2015


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Dunkin Donuts, Capitol Avenue 1:47PM Friday
to follow more about this and watch the video be sure to check out NBC CONNECTICUT on and read the over 600 comments
One of my pet peeves are people that  abuse Handicap parking spaces. It is even worse when it appears that it is a state legislator, proudly displaying his legislative plate. I am told that the same vehicle apparently as stopped recently at an HPD checkpoint while talking on his cell phone.

I guess if you are elected to make the laws  you aren't expected to obey them also.

And no, there was no handicap tag hanging in the vehicle

Legislative plates are assigned to Representatives and Senators numerically by the number of the district they represent


  1. State Representative Brandon L. McGee Jr.
    Rep. McGee was sworn into his second term as state representative of the 5th Assembly District on January 7th in the House Chamber. Rep. McGee was appointed to serve as Vice Chair of the Human Services Committee by Speaker of the House Brendan Sharkey.
    The Human Services Committee has cognizance of all matters relating to the Department of Social Services and the Department of Children and Families, including institutions under their jurisdiction; the Office of Child Day Care; the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities; the Commission on the Deaf and the Hearing Impaired; and the Board of Education and Services for the Blind.

  2. Disgraceful! Please forward this photo to the states democratic leadership for an ethics complaint! In fact. Every member of the legislature. If not we will!. A coffee? I dont care if it was an emergency parking issue. On behalf of all disabled citizens, please have the state send him a summons and censure. What type of people are we Hartford citizens electing? This person is NOT a role model. Just a loser. Another social service grant funded taxpayer funded do nothing abusing disgrace. Hartford is again electing scumbags with no basic scruples! Hartford 0. Losers 1. Thats the lowest of the low. A black eye to the african american community. Sad!

    1. I second that motion. Eric Boone please issue this man his $250 + ticket ex post facto!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes I believe he is a Democrat!!

  4. Democrap, but regardless of party you probably would get the same fin a Republicandoittoo.

  5. The same goes for Police Officers, take photos of their vehicles parked in Handicap spaces, tow spaces, no parking spaces and every where else they park, when they need that jelly donut. Oh yeah, don't forget the Ole turn on the lights, to go threw a red light, turn them off as soon as they go threw the light, cause god forbid they have to wait at a light.

    Be fair, report about those loser Cops also. You can take pictures daily of their cruisers violating traffic laws, daily. And don't forget the cell phones they sit on all day, while on PJ'S and park their personal vehicles, illegally. Again be fair.

  6. Nothing says "key my car" better than legislative plates illegally parked, poorly, in a handicapped spot. I hope this idiot got some deep gouges in his shiny bmw.

  7. What type of people are we Hartford citizens electing?
    I assume it's a rhetorical question, but we (in this case along with citizens from Windsor) are electing self-serving hacks who are sometimes not even honest hacks. And, yes, they are 100% Dem (except for minority rep statute where applicable), so maybe it's time we reconsider our commitment to the Party of interminably growing Government. It's ideology is kaput, but it still enjoys spending other people's money and pushing people around in the vague direction of "social justice."

  8. Why wasn't HPD called to issue a ticket. Or, issue it now. The picture is proof enough.

    1. Proof? Hell he's admitted to it on Facebook

  9. In case you missed it, there was a previous posting showing a photo of a HPD cruiser in the handicap space in front of City Hall.

  10. He's justifying it on Facebook under the guise of being in a hurry. Claims to respect the handicapped. Umm no.....if you did Mr. Mcgee you wouldn't have done it in the first place. We are all in a hurry at some point and that doesn't give a free pass for breaking the law or then whining that someone caught you and made it public.

  11. typical politician, "I broke the law,I got caught, I apologized so now it all just goes away" At least he hasn't turned it into a racial incident yet like he did when he was stopped by HPD talking on his cell phone. He needs to be held accountable. If he was in such a hurry to get his coffee, let him try going in to get it after having to unload his wheelchair from a vehicle for mobility. then maybe he will get why those spaces are there, not for his lazy ass convenience

  12. I have one of a state cop parked in a handicap without a playcard at Lowes in Plainville

  13. Unlikely, that sled is registered and taxed in our fair City of Hartford. Kevin, your thoughts?

  14. My understanding is those plates can be attached as a courtesy, you still need a valid registration and insurance to be legal

  15. Yeah, he respects disabled people after he gets caught shitting on them . Another self righteous entitled politician

  16. CT House Democrat Brandon McGee, Ass. Majority Leaser, arrogant with a license. Shame on you!

  17. State Rep. and Ass Majority Leader Brandon McGee lists his home address with the CT Business & Industry Assoc (CBIA) as 43 Warren St., Hartford, CT.
    If you check with the City of Hartford Town Clerk's office you'll find that there's no such address. However, you'll find 44 Warren St., which is owned by an LLC called IMAHS Property Consultants, and its owner is no other than the infamous Terry Waller.
    Any relation? Any connection? Tell us McGee.

  18. Also the official state website indicates Brandon McGee address as 43 Warren st

  19. McGee introduced a bill to establish a task force studying tick - borne illnesses.
    Suggestion to McGee: introduce a bill to establish a task force studying arrogance - borne illnesses. Much more common in CT.

  20. My concern, looking at the bio and history of McGee, is how can he afford an expensive BMW like the one he's driving (and parking illegally as shown in the photo). providing that he owns this BMW.

  21. 12:30

    they do get a salary of somewhere around 20 grand per year as a state rep

  22. This same BMW with the #5 legislative license plate was driving erratically the other morning on Capitol Avenue. It was about 8:15 AM. He was going west on Capitol from the area of Broad/in front of the Armory and blew through a red light to turn left on the side street past the Dunkin Donuts on the left. There were at least 2 cars in front of him stopped at the red light and he/she cut around them to turn left on red in front of oncoming traffic. If he's going to drive like an idiot and stand out in his BMW while doing so he should take off the legislator plates so he isn't an embarrassment to our state.

  23. Quiet difficult to survive on a $20,000 a year income, let alone owning a car like his

  24. 1;48pm

    sounds like more of an embarrassment to himself actually,



  26. for the record, Brandon McGee's birth place was omitted from his bio. If he has nothing to hide, Assistant Majority Leaser, tell us where you're from.

    1. How about telling us where you get your expensive suits (how much and how are you paying for it)

  27. WFSB will report this disrespectful, illegal parking at their 5PM news tonight. They finally woke up reading your blog, Kevin.
    When will the Courant wake up?...

  28. NBC Connecticut and Fox 61 called to ask permission to use the photo also, they are both doing the story tonight. WTNH-8 has the pic on their website but I guess they just took it and never asked. After some discussion Wfsb was also given permission to use the pic and they gave We the people credit

  29. Hey Courant, wake up, this's in the interest of the public. Don't be shy, we know your reporters browse through this blog.

  30. When will they pick up on Pedro and the "Touch of Class" story, all they have to do is put a mic in his face and ask him about what is being said. Legitimate questions. For a public figure, especially one engaging in criminal activity.

    They can't keep giving Pedro a pass! Step up news media and news print and report.

  31. I saw Brandon McGee apology on WFSB. Poor guy, he parked there for only 3 minutes. We'll, please inform that moron that he should park there for 3 SECONDS, you idiot.

  32. Just before Christmas, I was leaving the Manchester mall when this guy cut me off. I then observed him travel down I-84 weaving in and out of lanes, sometimes three lanes at a time. Not once did he use his signal either. This guy has definitely let the power go to his head.

  33. McGee apologized just because he got caught, otherwise forget about it.

  34. I agree with anomy 11:17 am, establish a task force studying those arrogant parking where they should not.
    This guy McGee is a good Segarra student.

  35. Anonymous January 18, 2015 at 6:54 AM.......or more likely than not, Brandon McGee.........
    What does this have to do with cops? They get their fair shake of bad publicity on a regular. Be fair? Seriously......Fair about what?
    This is about another politician, Brandon McGee, who could care less. He does whatever he wants and parks wherever he wants because of who he is and the special plate he has. He obviously could care less about parking in a handicapped spot, and he openly admits being in a hurry on his Face Book page and thanks friends for "holding him accountable".....are you for real McGee??? This is the same zero that drove through a fully posted DWI check point with officers standing in the middle of the road, carrying a casual conversation on the cell phone. Once again......ZERO respect. Oh yah, then when he gets a ticket he calls a chief and complains the only reason he was ticketed was because he was black. Ok McGee, that's it, sure!
    Just shows the caliber of man we're dealing with here.

  36. The local media is scared to ask the tough questions, but Touch of Class Segarra is ready with some answers.
    Any suggestion of what will be Segarra ' s replies?

  37. Did you see him on WFSB? Kinda laughing it off and claiming he's getting death threats. Why is it I don't believe him?

  38. He's quoted as saying he's been receiving death threats on Facebook. Really? Death threats?

    1. Yep, made-up death threats, to deflect the attention from his "mistake."

  39. at 6:20 PM,
    Yeah this guy's driving is a major problem. I work on Capitol Ave. and seeing this car cutting off others, running red lights and aggressively tailgating other cars is a regular thing to see. Mind you the stretch of Capitol Ave that I've seen this car making a nuisance of itself is narrow, very busy and often lined with cars parked on both sides of the street. Lucky he hasn't hit a pedestrian yet the way he zooms through ignoring all traffic laws, common decency and the public.

  40. FYI, that street address does exist, according to Zillow. It is a multi-family house #41-43. And City tax records list it owned by a Mr. W. Walker.

    1. Sorry if I wasn't 100% correct. In this case he is just a neighbor of Terry Waller. Just wondering if there's more between McGee and Waller.
      For the record, Hartford's Assessor's website does NOT show anything at 43 Warren, just Walker who owns 41 Warren.

    2. So he's a renter at 41-43 Warren St.? Trying to remember if I ever noticed a black BMW parking in that area

    3. So he's a renter at 41-43 Warren St.? Trying to remember if I ever saw a black BMW parking in that area

  41. one more observation here. He's lying. On wvit's website they posted a video of him apologizing. He said he left the car idling running while he quickly ran inside D&D. Look at the photo. The car was not running or the lights would be on and the side mirrors would be extended. No big deal - but why bother lying about it and trying to minimize this?

  42. I have a relative who is a Hartford Firefighter. He's a good kid. I ask him what ever happend to the Fire Fighter who died.he said honestly I think I know what happend but he said the truth will probably not come out. How long does it take for an autopsy to come out? Just wondering ?

  43. Anonymous 8:46pm

    you are correct, McGee is a liar. The car was not idling at the time as he claims, The side mirrors are folded in, in the tucked in position which only happens when the ignition is OFF , NOT IDLING.

    Also, I would think that a State Rep getting death threats would report it to either the Capitol Police or HPD. Neither one has a record of it , what is the case number McGee? Enough lies, but at least now we know who and what you are....Fraud

    1. McGee now claims 'death threats'. Death threats, now this is serious. Let the capital police investigate it, maybe these 'death threats' are nothing but baloney, more lies from McGee.
      Capital police must take it seriously!

    2. Fraud...? McGee...?

  44. Thanks Kevin for shedding light on this state representative who has the tenacity and arrogance to park in a handicapped parking space so he can get his coffee quicker. Pure arrogance and above the law he was elected to protect. I guess the Hartford PD won't be giving him a ticket, right?

  45. Hartford PD should give McGee a ticket AND State Capital Police should investigate McGee if they find out that the death threats he mentioned are false

  46. Give him a ticket for what? He's above the law. He apologized so that makes it ok now. He isn't worth the paper the ticket would be written on.

    1. True, a ticket to McGee will be just a waste of paper. He has his connections: one phone call a the ticket will be canceled.

  47. McGee is Vice Chairman of the Human Services Committee. There's NOTHING human about McGee's ugly character and disgusting behavior

  48. Brandon McGee is a good guy who made a mistake, admitted it and apologized. That should be good enough for any reasonable person to accept but obviously 99% of the comments here are from unreasonable people.

  49. what exactly is Brandon coming to Hartford City Hall for so many times, except of course for the purpose of sticking his head in someone's rectum

  50. Can't those plates be revoked for misuse?

  51. For Immediate Press Release: "state rep McGee to introduce a bill to Human Services committee making compulsive lying and arrogance a disability" thereby letting him park in dem spaces legally.

  52. Wawogi2010-forum wrote:

    Well, if it's true that he does this regularly, then I guess he's regularly "in a hurry". And that excuses it, huh? The "I respect the disabled and people in general" would seem to be a load of bovine excrement, in that case. And the claim that he's "sorry"? I believe that. He's sorry that he got caught and his "Major No-No" was publicized.

  53. Ms Doozer wrote:

    Maybe he's freakin blind.............based on that parking job. What a tool.

  54. topogigio wrote:

    "he does it regularly", typical entitlement behavior of our elected officials. No apologies will excuse this behavior!

  55. rockvillekid wrote:

    He must feel entitled, that's nothing new in Connecticut. A real man would cease and donate $1,000 to a charity that assists the disabled. If he owns a BMW, he can surely make a donation.

  56. from jamesdavidson269:

    I think he is entitled to park in that space, obviously he can't park or read and he is a state representative, that makes him handicapped. Seriously, there is photographic evidence of him breaking the law. Send him a ticket. They issue tickets from cameras for other motor vehicle infractions so lets give him a ticket.

  57. OverrunbyCommies says:

    Let them eat cake. Privledges like parking are for party members in the people's republic of Connecticut.

  58. akibola writes:

    I have never - not once - parked illegally in a handicapped spot. It's takes a special kind of arrogance and narcissism to do so. "I'm in a hurry", what a jackass.

  59. from 50gb19:

    Shouldn't the Hartford or Capitol police send him a ticket?

  60. Donald763 writes:

    Public Officials are supposed to be held to a higher standard than members of the community.
    He made a comment on WFSB's Internet site and said he, ".. is surprised by how some on Facebook have (negatively) reacted over the photo."
    That statement only shows a lack of contrition which can only be explained by an arrogance and disconnect for those who truly need a Handicapped Parking space.
    I fully expect him to do the same thing again if he had the confidence of not being caught.


  61. Brandon McGee is a good guy who made a mistake, admitted it and apologized. That should be good enough for any reasonable person to accept but obviously 99% of the comments here are from unreasonable people.
    I don't know McGee, but agree that he's done all he can do. I have no reason to believe his apology insincere. The majority of the readers here most likely believe that police power mandates regarding handicapped parking represent Progress, and that violations of these mandates actually immoral. Whether McGee good or bad, I'd prefer that he concentrate on pushing us around less, and more on his driving.

  62. Ah the real reason he shut down the Facebook ahem "apology" was because he didn't think it was beneficial for people making harsh comments about him according to what he told ctnewsjunkie (as he asked 2 reporters to get better pictures of him). What an egotistical BS artist!!!!

  63. What a fool almost as dumb as the fool's that voted for him.

  64. Little off topic, was anyone at or watched the Council mtg tonight? What a bobble head, babbling idiot Kyle Anderson is! He was all gums. He got to sit in Weasels throne. Hey stupid Anderson, let's be clear, your item number 4, what you said like a stuttering idiot over and over is a JOKE, just like YOU!

    Dumb as Rock Anderson has proven to be, let me say good by looser and don't let the door hit you on the way out!

  65. I posted earlier and forgot to ask, McGee stated he had been in session or working all day and had not eaten or had anything to drink, I assume at the Capitol, does that building, with all its chambers and all the members who it serves in session sometimes till late hours of the night not have somewhere to get a coffee? snack? next he will tell us it doesn't even have bathrooms.
    Better steal some more of our tax money and build a cafeteria so poor Brandon won't have to speed over to DD and park in the handicapped spot. Heres a flash, parking in the city isn't so easy for all of us, next time the only spot that is open is handicapped park on the street and walk 100 feet.

  66. does McGee also asks for discount at Dunking because he's a "leader"? �� (He calls himself a leader...)

  67. This guy is a huge arrogant jackass.. Used to bartend downtown and he accused me of being a racist when I informed him and his party that it was closing time, 5 minutes from 2am, and they had to leave the bar. Flat out called me a racist to which I replied- "not even close pal and if you have a problem with it then I urge you to write a letter to the governor to get closing time moved till 3am. But it doesn't change the fact that its time for you to go."

  68. He fits in quite nicely with all of the other elected Hartford dopes.....caviar, Perez, Vazquez, cloud, Gonzalez.

    1. 12:57 pm, the "c" in caviar should be in capital letter, like Pedro Caviar.

  69. This guy is a huge arrogant jackass.
    Hard to imagine that a guy with so many "affiliations" would behave that way.
    Still, I'd prefer he abuse bartenders/play the race card than that he drive wreckfully.
    He has numerous affiliations and serves in various capacities including:

    Citadel of Love Church, Member of Board of Directors and Deacon (Hartford)
    Northeast Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) – Economic Development Chair (Hartford)
    Hartford 2000, Treasurer and Board Member
    Organizer Leadership Academy, Board of Directors (Hartford)
    Hartford Action Plan, Community Action Team Member
    Black and Latino Scholastic Achievement Consortium, Board Member (State of CT)
    Young Democrats of Hartford, Vice President
    NAACP of Greater Hartford, Member
    National Urban League Greater Hartford Chapter, Member
    Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Treasurer of the Beta Sigma Lambda Chapter (Hartford)
    Youth Alive Mentor, City of Hartford Dept. of Families, Children, Youth & Recreation
    Wilson-Gray YMCA Youth and Family Center, Board of Directors (Hartford)
    D.I.E.S.E.L. Leadership Academy, Co-Founder and Mentor (Hartford)
    Project Giving Back Tutorial Services, Inc., Founder & Advisor (Montgomery, Alabama)
    100 Black Men of America Inc., Member
    Advisor to National Association of Black Social Workers

  70. Hey, you neglected to mention that Brandon McGee is also an Organizer AND Advisor AND Deacon AND Leader. Isn't he a Commander in Chief as well?

  71. This guy has something going on in Montgomery, Alabama, just 1,100 miles or so away from Hartford. McGee's one busy guy, so busy that it's ok to park in handicapped parking day after day

  72. McGee is definitely a busy man, just look at the long list of jobs and titles he has: chairman of this, founder of that, directors of something else (many times over!). How does he have ANY time left to represent the people of Hartford and Windsor?

  73. let's see Hartford Police or State Capitol Police investigating the "death threats".

  74. Someone should take a look at McGees tax return, there may be some surprises there. We'd like to know where the $$$ for this expensive B M W came from. Who pays him what. He's an elected jackass representative and we have the right to know.

  75. Anonymous 4:47pm,

    Neither agency is investigating since neither one has a complaint from McGee, It is a crime to falsely report an incident

  76. McGee did not file a complaint for the "death threats". However, McGee is on record after talking to reporters announcing the "death threats". The videos should be sufficient for an investigation.

  77. Kevin, this is not a waste of time.
    1. Threats, all type of threats and above all DEATH threats MUST be investigated. Must!
    2. If McGee was not truthful with the media all along, how can we believe ANY trash coming out of his mouth. If he's a liar, then we have to force him to resign or vote him out in next election. A liar is a liar, we have the right to know the truth!

  78. I agree that the 'Death Threats' issue has to be investigated. If threats were made against Brandon McGee, there should be a clear message that this is totally unacceptable. On the other hand, if Brandon McGee is a liar, there should be also a clear message and he should be out of office.
    The truth must come out.

  79. sorry, Kevin, everyone I spoke with regarding this McGee's ugly Dunkin parking and the lies or no lies that followed, everyone agrees that this has to be investigated fairly.

  80. There's one question, one question only, that needs an answer:

    - or -

    Nothing else.

  81. /that's right, the truth must come out


  83. Another arrogant politician who feels entitled and above the law.. The apology is pathetic as this happens all the time. Do the respectable thing and resign! You are useless to your constituents and are only concerned with yourself. CT is last in almost everything including the worst governor. Nice job!!

  84. Hopefully nobody forgets this McGee's BMW and his parking "privileges". As important, whatever happened to the "threats"? Did state police/capital police ever investigated those "threats" or that was just one big crap from McGee?

  85. what's there to investigate, it was all bunch of Lies, mcgee is one big fat liar

  86. Oh, Brandon McGee, liar, liar, pants on fire. You are an excellent student of Segarra.

  87. What's the conclusion of the investigation? Who's telling the truth and who's a liar?

  88. What makes you thin you will be told the truth now, McGee showed that he was a liar from the start

  89. I'm of the same opinion as you my friend. I don't care what the finances for a car look like, I'd take a picture of the dirty bugger who is abusing handicapped lots and being a inconsiderate driver when he parks!
