Wednesday, January 21, 2015


The Hartford Courant ran a story this morning detailing the latest complaint against the Hartford Fire Department  and former acting Assistant Chief Terry Waller. The complaint was made by Captain Luis Ocasio who apparently felt his career was being threatened by Waller if he didn't lie at a hearing before the Connecticut Department of Health to cover for another firefighter .

Here is Captain Ocasio's complaint below


  1. Kevin, this is a scandal of unbelievable proportion. If true, Terry Waller - as well as any other person involved from Corporation Counsel office - should testify under oath and pay for his/her actions.

  2. Like it says in the Warden's office in the Shawshank Redemption "Judgement is coming, and that right soon" TicTacToe has gotta go !!

  3. Terry Waller? Again? And we thought we're not going to hear from him ever again...

  4. Tic Tac Toe Terry, your comments please.

  5. Mayor Caviar to establish a task force to develop a plan how to dump that criminal/moron Terry Waller.
    Yours, Hilda Munoz and Maribel La Luz

  6. This case is suited perfectly for an investigation by the US Attorney's Office.

  7. "New allegations surface in Hartford Fire Department."
    Are Terry and Sandy involved ?

  8. Secretary for the real tic tac toeJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:30 PM

    Please. That all? A one sided written scribble ... No video no witnesses... NOTHING will happen. I mean, i could go and make all types of written complaints about anybody in any of these here city departments ...
    It takes a little more then some shredded paper to take out the mansion living, 120 k a year cabbage makin, filet eatin, five star general WALLER.....

  9. Is anyone surprised by intimidation from the 3rd floor of HFD, business as usual not just Terry. But it usually comes very subtle from a third party or other source, but still the same message.

  10. How is it that some firefighters can be suspended over verbal, anonymous complaints (if they even existed), and nothing happens to Waller with a written, signed complaint?

  11. A career being threatened at HFD? This is common... do not think high ranking officers are the only ones accustomed to doing it. How do you think a legion of incompetents and criminals have survived for so long among a core of such great men on the HFD? The fact is that the weakest, least trustworthy, drug addicted firefighter can easily derail the career of the best among us. If they are a female or a member of a "protected class"(what garbage this is) they have license to make any accusations they want, true or not, with no fear of penalty. It is common for certain female "firefighters" to play this card. It works out well for them to threaten the career of a high achiever. The morons in the command staff and city administration eat this stuff up. This way the politicians get to be seen as defending the "glorious diversity movement" from white or "white acting"(responsible/capable) males. Wallers threats to Ocasio are just business as usual in the Huertas era.

  12. "protected class"(what garbage this is)
    Shocking display of bitter clinging. What's next, will you complain about affirmative discrimination ("equal opportunity employment measures")? Remember, the country has come a long way thanks to MLK, but it has a long way to go. Thanks to the ongoing courage of brigades of "civil rights" activists like Al Sharpton various new-fangled oppressed minorities are forcing us to "live up to our creed." Does the fire department have enough trans-genderered-Americans to avoid law suits? Speaking as a homeowner here I don't want my burning house to be saved if the firepersons aren't sufficiently diverse.
    "Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices," Holder said. "The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin[.] ... When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?"

  13. Diversity is not the issue here. Entitlement to relatives and friends to politicos is. I have no problem working with anyone as long as they do their job. The relatives hired seem to be the ones that "can't hold a job" or "He/She has a problem with punctuality"" He/She can't lay off the drugs/alcohol". Or "they have a problem with authority". Really? We'll take them. We obviously will take anybody. This job might seem simple to those looking in from the outside.Most of it is. But the times you are required to really step up and risk your life for someone else is going to happen and that is when the "Friend's and Relatives" of the connected will stick out like a sore thumb. The ones that really can't be counted on . The Useless".

  14. Caldwell gone. Cinque gone. Hopefully we'll be able to say soon Waller gone too.

  15. Hard to feel sorry for a RAT!!
