Thursday, January 22, 2015


Watch Hartford Mayoral candidate Luke Bronin on "Face the State"
 this Sunday at 11:00am on Channel 3

This Sunday at 11AM on WFSB Channel 3


Registrars, Taxes and Bathrooms

Guests:   State Senator Bob Duff (D) Senate Majority Leader

                   State Senator Rob Kane (R) Deputy Senate Minority Leader


The race for Hartford Mayor

Guest:  Luke Bronin (D) mayoral candidate


Flashback:    Demolition of historic YMCA

              Acrchive film from 1974


    Mr. Bronin, who was raised in Rye, N.Y., and Greenwich, Conn., but who is also an amateur country singer, had traveled to Austin, Tex., to record some of his compositions.

    “He spoke of his dream of contributing to society through policy work and politics.”

    We tend to be less than impressed with the couples featured in the main Styles "Vows" story. The bride's usually an ex-Rockette and the groom's like a blind rabbi or something. This week's column was an aberration! Sara Galvin and Luke Bronin are basically perfect.

    n addition, he served as an officer in the U.S. Navy Reserve, including a deployment to Afghanistan from September 2010 to April 2011, where he was a member of the military’s anti-corruption task force.
    We could use a guy with anti-corruption experience, I guess.

  2. Right now we need anyone who is not Pedro Segarra to put this drifting ship back on course before it sinks

  3. Drifting ship, don't you mean Sinking ship? Pedro has ran this city like a looting pirate ship on the getaway with the treasure and the stow away criminals.
    Pedro the Criminal Pirate must be caught and locked up! No more prostitutes on the outside for you nene. How do you look in stripes and I don't mean pinstriped suits. New career, you can run the "Touch of Class" in prison and a "Done Deal" Stadium on the prison yard.

    Karma is a bitch, just like you!

  4. Just watched the interview with Luke Bronin on WFSB and, quiet frankly, I was impressed with the knowledge and understanding of the problems in Hartford and, yes, as Mr. Bronin said, Segarra is a weak leader. We defiantly need a strong leader in Hartford, a hands on leader, as Bronin said.

  5. This man, Luke Bronin, is a smart young man. No doubt in my mind that Hartford will benefit enormously when he's elected as mayor.

  6. 4 years ago Gov. Malloy wanted Segarra to be the mayor. After so much corruption, so many scandals and lots of headaches he decided to switch to someone else without insulting Segarra. Perfect way to dump Segarra.

  7. I watched the interview this morning on ch.3. Wasn't enough for me to know Bronin, but at this point almost any candidate would be better than Segarra.

  8. You are correct 5:18, the way Segarra is RUINING the city, I go with anyone with some talent to replace him.
