Thursday, February 26, 2015


I want to try to be respectful to deceased Hartford Firefighter Kevin Bell, but something stinks. I am sure I am asking the question that many others are asking this morning. Why did it take almost six months for the Medical Examiner  to determine the cause  of Bell's death?

Why were we originally told that the cause of death could not be determined pending toxicology results? Now apparently those toxicology tests have no bearing on the cause of death and asphyxiation has been determined the cause. Wasn't the lack of air obvious during the original autopsy? Aren't there other signs indicative of asphyxiation visible during an autopsy? Damage to the lungs? Wouldn't there have been the presence of smoke in Bell's lungs  if he was in fact breathing in smoky air from a fire? Wouldn't there have been damage to blood vessels in Bell's eyes , I am told that is a good indicator of lack of air caused by asphyxiation.

And since when does the ME wait on someone else's testing to issue their cause of death? Does a police report need to be completed before they call a death a homicide? Of course not, they make their own determination based on their own findings, not what some one else/s report says

The OCME owes it to every Hartford Firefighter to issue a complete and unadulterated report and cause of death to ensure that this type of death never happens again.

Until then something stinks with this report and the time it took for its completion.


  1. The "coverup" continues by HFD management and City Hall. I'm quite sure the CT State Police are also involved in the coverup.

  2. I'm not understanding the cover-up strategy. IF toxicology was an issue wouldn't that reduce HFD's liability in this event? You would think that if they were trying to cover something up it would be the lack of proper air amount in the tanks. I'm confused!

    1. The proper amount of air? That is Kevin's problem, not the department's. It was his responsibility to check his air pack. Our maintenance on those packs is actually pretty damn good.

    2. 1:34 PM, if toxicology was an issue it will increase Segarra AND Huertas' liability. They both knew of a serious drug AND alcohol problem in the dept. and they did absolutely nothing about it. Therefore it's better to scream 'equipment problem' which will increase HFD'S liability in this event, but will protect the no-leadership of Segarra and Huertas.
      Besides, whatever liability, they don't pay a dime out of their own pocket

  3. it's the inconvenient truth, that's what it is

  4. They don't care about Bell's family or his fellow firefighters, they only care about themselves and how to save their faces. Segarra's solution? Another task force.

  5. "This is still an open and active investigation and there are still more questions that need to be answered," that what HFD Chief Carlos Huertas said.
    Yes Carlos, one more question that needs to be answered is when are you going to resign, now that we all know what a big mess is your dept.

  6. I don't understand why the Medical Examiner put off his report, but if there's a cover-up intended in the matter it's not been very effective. We know for sure that our man died because of his equipment; either unfilled or broken. It may not represent mismanagement, but it doesn't reflect well on the Department.
    In the aftermath of his death the state fire marshal's office, Conn-OSHA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health conducted investigations and the breathing apparatus he was wearing was sent to its manufacturer for testing.

    Two days before Bell's death an internal fire department email revealed that an inspection of his engine company's equipment found numerous safety issues, including empty air tanks.

    The medical examiner's office did not issue a cause of death or toxicology report initially because of the question about the breathing apparatus.

    1. Who is this person Peter Brush? Since you're using your name, could you please tell us more about yourself?

  7. Whats the cardio hypertrophy im reading about in courants version???

  8. Anonymous 2:42pm,

    I suggest you do a google or internet search for cardio hypertrophy. I think you will find that the results tell you everything you need to know, especially the America Heart Association study results. I think the ME was trying to relay a message without having to actally put it into writing.

  9. this link tells all you need to know:

  10. No wonder Segarra and Huertas don't want the toxicology report released

  11. Hey bloggers any good news to report about the HFD. If so include it. If you can do better as a chief I suggest you apply for a cheifs poistion and see what a great job you can do. The ME released the cause and mannor of death and you guys are still not satifisied. If you want the tox report ask for it. What is it that your looking for. Might you know something about your brother firefighter and you neglected to report it as you have demonstrated in the past. Kevin keep up the good work. Call the ME and tell him what you think and ask him for the tox report.

    1. We are looking for the truth. That's all what we are looking for.

  12. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2003 Jun;8(2):149-60.
    Cocaine produces cardiac hypertrophy by protein kinase C dependent mechanisms.
    Henning RJ1, Li Y.
    Author information
    Chronic cocaine users can have as much as a 69% increase in left ventricular muscle mass without associated increases in arterial blood pressure, heart rate, renin, aldosterone, or cortisol. We determined whether cocaine directly increases cardiomyocyte protein content and whether protein kinase C is important in this process.
    Adult rat cardiomyocytes were isolated and grown in cultures. In Series I experiments, cocaine, 10(-8) to 10(-6) M, or vehicle, in the absence or presence of phentolamine or metoprolol, was added to each culture and the cells were subsequently harvested. In Series II, cocaine, 10(-6) M, cocaine, 10(-6) M, plus bisindolylmaleimide, 10(-6) M, a protein kinase C inhibitor, or vehicle were added to each culture and the cells subsequently harvested. We determined the total protein content, the content of alpha-myosin and fetal beta-myosin heavy-chain protein, and the presence of protein kinase C isoforms in the cardiomyocyte soluble and particulate fractions. Protein kinase C translocation from the soluble to particulate fraction is indicative of activation. In Series III, we determined the cocaine effects on ERK, SAPK/JNK, and p38. In Series I, cocaine, 10(-8) to 10(-6) M, dose-dependently increased myocyte protein content by as much as 28%+/-2% (P<.001) and fetal beta-myosin heavy-chain protein content by 80%+/-2% (P<.001). Neither phentolamine nor metoprolol inhibited this process. In Series II, we determined that ventricular myocytes contain alpha (alpha), beta (beta), delta (delta), epsilon (epsilon), and zeta (zeta) protein kinase C isoforms. Cocaine, 10(-6) M, caused a 45+/-5% increase (P<.001) in protein kinase Calpha in the particulate fraction. The addition of a protein kinase C inhibitor to the myocyte cultures prevented the cocaine-induced translocation of protein kinase Calpha and limited the increase in beta-myosin heavy-chain protein content by >75% (P<.001). However, cocaine did not increase the phosphorylation of ERK, SAPK/JNK or p38 in Series III.
    Cocaine increases adult cardiomyocyte protein content by protein kinase Calpha-dependent mechanisms, and this process can contribute to the cardiac hypertrophy and cardiomyopathy that results from chronic cocaine use.
    PMID: 12808488 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

  13. 4:07 what would you do, knowing there's a booze problem at the Hartford Fire Dept., you don't do nothing, then there's a tragic death, the first in decades.
    Ask Carlos and Pedro what they did.

  14. 4:07pm

    What does it matter who he is? He is a real person, a Hartford resident that chooses to use his real name and not hide behind anonymous. Who are you?

    1. Kevin: nobody is hiding behind anonymous, we're just protecting ourselves, we have to continue putting food on the table.

  15. To 4:23....running and working out causes it also.

    1. Unless he was running from the "5-0".... sounds like his cardio consited of skiing down a mountain of the booger sugar ....

  16. I'm a real person myself who MUST remain anonymous because Segarra and his cronies punish and retaliate against anyone who goes against them and divulge their corrupt behaviors.

  17. Brookman, most people who read and comment on your blog do it anonymously; they all know Segarra will retaliate if he only knew their identities

  18. me too, I'll remain anonymous. I loose my job in a day if Pedro Caviar Segarra knows my identity

  19. 5:18pm,

    I understand that, but I can't fault Peter or anyone else that decides to use their real name

  20. Everybody knows that Pedro and Charlie O. read this blog, trying to figure out who writes what. They know many city employees read this blog almost daily. Give your real name, you're a done deal, and it won't even take long.

  21. The real issue here is Kevin Bell's cause of death, not who's anonymous or who is not. We need an honest report. We owe it to his family, we owe it to his fellow firefighters.

  22. I can't fault Peter
    Fault me? Heck; I deserve a bonus.

    But, let me be clear. Any and all insensitive or hurtful things attributed to "Peter Brush" are actually the responsibility of someone else who simply misappropriates my name.

    In this case, I certainly meant no harm. Even if, as "anonymous 2:50 believes, Mr. Bell may have been the victim of his own negligence, it still doesn't speak well of the outfit; not because it reflects poorly on the professionalism of others. God Bless Mr. Bell, and thanks to all in the Dept. (But, less charitable blessings upon the labor union.)

  23. Why haven't Cunningham, Tyson, and Chenpang been to see the Chief yet?
    Two LTs getting full pay for months while suspended, while the city pays OT to fill there spots. Not very fiscally responsible, is it?
    The last one doesn't show up for work, has to be woken up/checked on by HPD, then is allowed to call in sick and stay off sick, and then return to work like nothing happened.
    Good job Chief, way to be fair and transparent, keep up the good work.

  24. Dont forget Chenpang assaulted a co worker who mentioned her AWOL event he reported it to the officer although the member did not want to make a big deal of it. We have a workplace violence policy.
    T if you want to be treated like a guy maybe you should experience the same level of physicality in return.
    Carefull who you go hands on with.

  25. Without a doubt, an 'unfavorable' toxicology report will be a nightmare to Carlos H. and Pedro S.

  26. Lets take the ME or investigators,Troopers whoever orchestrated this explanation and put them in a scott pack and turn off their air, i defy anyone to keep that mask on after the air runs out. I understand Bell was removed with his mask still on, can anyone officially confirm even this detail. Only one way that mask would still be on after running out of air, had to be unconscious or totally incapacitated before he stopped breathing.

  27. Who's going question Cunningham, Tyson, Chenango? The Chief? Who are you kidding?

  28. Kevin:
    Oberservations employees at HFD knew of the fallen firefighter's chemical dependency and did not report their thoughts to others untill after his death.

    Some of those most likely told you about it and you are right to seek the answer regarding the tox report.

    It is highly possible that they did not report the problem to prevent the city from implementing a stern alchol & drug ramdom testing as it would id those who violate it and could stand to loose their job. Has anyone told you that the Lt. at the scene when asked about KB location at the fire scene he replied, it not his job to baby sit him. Why aren't the ff's talking about it probably because it makes a certain LT not Chief not Mayor look bad.

    Kevin keep up the pressure to get the tox report. The FD and the community needs to get the truth in this matter.

    By the way: when the last firefigther died was there a tox report requested. I would currios to find out what the tox report indicated.

    The problems at HFD are systemic and we need to find soultions.

    One thing I can tell you that the City needs to hire support staff to work the issues that are spelled out in the blog.

  29. Anonymous 8:47 PM. You are on to something that will unearth the truth.

  30. Kevin your correct "Something Stinks" and it is City Hall...

    City Hall is a Shit Pool of Me First Vultures and Pedro is the biggest piece of Shit & Vulture in that Corrupt cesspool.

    Someone Flush the Toilet, PLEASE! I hope whoever flushes it, has a BADGE.

  31. He is a real person
    I'll bet you say that about all the commenters. even those who would rather go incognito. Thanks for your work, Mr. Brookman.
    Vincent Fusco is President of the Hartford Firefighter Union and he doesn’t understand how Bell could run out of air when the gear and alarms were working.

    “They crawled to the sound and there was Kevin, so the past was working and the vibra alert was working because he told his officer he needed to leave the building,” said Fusco. “Nobody knows what happened from the time when he said he needed to exit the building because his low air alarm was going off, to not getting out the door.”

  32. Was Terry Waller involved in any way in this October event? I'm asking this cause we ought to be able to get the truth, the whole truth out of this tragic event so this never happens again.

  33. So will there be a tox report forthcoming? His family has retained a lawyer who will probably not want any evidence of substance abuse to see the light of day if in fact the rumors are accurate. It would limit their payday.

  34. I don't think ME and State Police would cover up for a city department. They don't even do it for there own men.

  35. Funny how Kevin Brookman only post negative comments about Kevin Bell but not the positives ones.

  36. Report is out now let Kevin rest in peace.

  37. I don't see anything bad written about Kevin Bell, may he rest in peace. KB was a good man. But the truth, supported by evidence, by facts, should come out. Only the truth, not what's convenient and safe to Segarra and Huertas.

  38. The truth will only hurt Danny and his boys not Segarra and Huertas.A drug problem would be the easiest thing for them to handle because it would be blamed on the individual.The fake equipment problems would be harder to deal with because Huertas is ultimately responsible for everything.That was just one of the two coverups that failed.Unfortunately those rumors hurt the house Captain more than Lt.Simon because Monday is Scott day and all of the Scotts were signed off as inspected 1day before the fire. Anyone who has been in a fire knows that if you are crawling out of a room with a person who's vibra-alert is going off that it would be nearly impossible to lose them. Also if you were crawling out with a person who was low on air why would they be behind you, especially if you are their OFFICER.
    The reason Kevin was found alone was because he was alone the whole time. He was hit by 14's line and knocked out setting in motion the other FF's getting injured. If he wasn't alone 16's line wouldn't have done so much damage.
    Sandy didn't want Little Terry to lose his spot and Danny doesn't want his boys to pay for their horrendous firefighting.

    1. A drug or alcohol problem would be blamed on the individual, however, many questions will be raised, what did Huertas or Segarra do knowing for quiet some time that HFD has a MAJOR drug and alcohol problem.

    2. 4:22 is that why Huertas and Segarra don't want us to see the tox report?

  39. In regards to all the rumors....where there's smoke....there is coke

  40. What's wrong Kevin won't print anything that doesn't suit your agenda!

  41. Not if there are vulgarities or obscenities in the comment

  42. There weren't any vulgarities or obscenities in the post it just wasn't pro Danny.

  43. Why would theME cover for HFD. If there was a problem we would know it.

  44. Bad Tox Report = #67 - Suburban Legend

  45. The real truth will never come out. Hartford politics is very, very, very corrupt. Mayor Segarra and Sandra Kee Borges created this mess.

  46. If the tox is clean why would the family not want it posted for all to see? I don't know if anyone will understand this, especially if you don't do this job, no matter what is said, there is a group of men who were on the scene that night who will question if they did all they could do that night,if their tactics and actions were right, if they somehow may have caused a death, if they were just a little quicker with RIT, whatever? But if there was a factor outside the normal fireground hazards, it might just be a little more understandable, why a man went down. It might sound selfish but Kevin might not be the only victim of that nights events. By the way, anybody know how Jason is doing, it is not like our Chief or union does anything to update us.

  47. There are some men who were on scene that night that know they didn't do everything they should have!!

  48. T is transferred, but problem has not been dealt with just pass it along in typical HFD stile. If we fought fires like we handle admin problems we would burn the city down. Take the fire and transfer it to another building, don't put it out, pass it on. We would loose blocks at a time, right?

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. "Something stinks" indeed, and its coming from Huertas' direction and from the compulsive liar Segarra's direction.

  51. They will release if it had something to do with the death.

  52. Better Officers make better firefighters and firehouses.

  53. Anonymous 8:29am,

    If we were talking about credible leadership I would give you the benefit of the doubt and say yes. Since we are talking about the Segarra Administration. I think you are wrong. The last thing Segarrra wants is another black eye caused by HFD. Huertas is now considered a liability to Segarra and his re-election campaign. Quite frankly I am surprised Huertas has survived this long without being dumped by Segarra. And things promise that they will get worse before they get better, just keep reading the blog. Until a real leader is appointed to HFD, it will be bad for Segarra and since Segarra is the one that would appoint a new Chief, that probably isn't going to make a difference. The next Mayor will make a change that should start thr recovery process. The autopsy and tox report are not subject to FOI requests. They will most likely not make it to the public until the Civil suits start getting filed in Court. If the family wants to release the findings, they have the right to do that, they are the only ones at this point that could authorize the release to the public. If the tox report was in fact clean, what's the harm?

  54. Better Chief makes better the entire dept.

    We do need a better Chief!

  55. Huertas isn't going anywhere. Now that Terry is gone and he's cut off Danny he will be fine.


  56. FYI: Before ************** first reported this update on Twitter Thursday morning, she asked the spokesperson at the OCME whether the tox showed if there was any sign of drugs in FF KB system (asking purely based on all the rumors flying around out there).

    She was told "no." She asked again about the tox report, and was reminded this report is not public information. That the OCME is not required to release it (autopsy either, just the cause/manner of death).

    Families/lawyers can share those documents if they chose to do so, but, state officials are within their right to withhold that information if they wish. And most do.

    How do I know this? I talked to her about it!

    **This comment was edited to remove a specific name

  57. If the tox report has no drugs in it, then there's nothing to hide. Why then, not release it?

  58. Maybe they are not releasing the report because they don't feel they need to prove anything to anybody. Remember we don't have to prove that we're not guilty.

    1. Yeah, but there is so much talk, so nany rumors. If there is nothing in the report show everyone that there is nithing. True, they don't have to release the report, but, again, if there is nothing come clean, show there is nothing. It's in everyone's interest. Unless there is something.

  59. The hardest thing to prove would be where his Officer was.

  60. 9:29pm

    You have to prove everything. HFD is a public agency and to maintain the public's trust, nothing can be cloaked in secrecy

  61. Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, HFD has a real credibility problem now

  62. Oh, Huertas, in case YOU haven't noticed, so many of us - from inside and outside HFD - want you to resign or be fired.

  63. Tox report tox report. Kevin Bell died because he was alone. Was knocked unconscious while fighting a fire. His officer couldn't find him because wasn't there. 30 minute tank depending on exertion. Bell doing all the work. His officer cocaine habit and all didn't want to be there. Finally goes in can't find him. Panics calls a mayday. Saves himself gets out 8 minutes go by where's bell. Of course his air ran out. We are talking 30 plus minutes. And his mask was still on. Which strengthens that he was out cold from the power of the lines knocking him out. Lt.maury is a coward. Find this find that. No explain that.

    1. Bell wasn't knocked unconscious, the ME said there was no signs of any blunt trauma, I do believe he was left by his officer, if you listen to the tape of the fire it's pretty obvious. As far as the toxicology, if it was clean why not show the results. I think that's obvious too

  64. People are blog educated that's why they are confused. First it was this then that now this no wait it's not that it maybe this no no no it has be this since it wasn't that. Oh shoot now I'm confused.

  65. "Something Stinks."
    The phrase "The Fish Stinks From The Head" is used to express the idea that all problems can be traced back to the leadership. It suggests that corruption enters through the leaders.
    Not too difficult to find out who we are referring to.

  66. Moree wasn't the only coward on in that building wearing a stripe, or two.

  67. The force of the line is enough to knock you out, your gear protects you from signs of trauma.

  68. Then explain why his mask was on.
    No air and you just leave a mask sucked to your face.The first thing you do when conscious is pull that off your face whether there is smoke or not. You don't need blunt trauma to be knocked out. The Bell family if they were smart (and it seems they are) would to just back and listen to whats being said and how it has changed so drastically from what was first believed to now whats being said.Seems like panic mode from all angles. The Bell family have the burden of a tragic unexcusable loss. If i were them i wouldnt give two nickles about what people want to released.

  69. Mar. 1 8:45 am.
    Look at Bell's officers sick card and you can see what your talking about. should never have been promoted, no actual time as FF.

  70. Kevin, why haven't you commented on the fact that many FF's feel that Bell was alone in that fire. It doesn't go along with what you were told to think.

  71. 8:01PM

    wasn't Terry Waller in there commanding the scene after he dove over the fence like he told the State Police? I know there are many questions, including where was his LT and where was he at the time Bell collapsed and why did it take so long to find him on the floor? Like the title says, "Something Stinks"
