Friday, February 6, 2015


After the heavy  snows of 2013, the Segarra Administration, with much fanfare announced they had purchased a couple of the industrial type snowblowers pictured above.  Where are the now? I have not seen any of them clearing Hartford's streets. Downtown and most major streets in Hartford are still a mess, narrowed to almost impassable widths. These snowthrowers should have been put into service immediately widening streets.

Have the snowthrowers disappeared?  Have they been sold  off like parking garages to pay the caviar bill for the Mayors Office?Or did we not maintain them and allow them to  rust into the scrap heap? Can someone from DPW explain where they are or at least when they are being used so I can get a picture.

And what is the deal with the contractors hired by DPW using the CAT loaders with new York plates on Franklin Avenue when we aren't even using our own equipment.


  1. They run snow removal operations at night to prevent traffic congestion.

  2. I saw one of the snow blowers downtown, it works great. Things have shaped up downtown in the last 36 hours.

    1. And how many hours ago did the snow that actually had any accumulation stop?

      WOW you sound like Pedro, is this you Maribel Lalooser?

    2. Leave Pedro alone. He's too busy creating a database of cars that were towed in the last snow storm. What a moron Pedro Caviar is. Do a good job removing the ice and snow, then you deal with all this nonsense of yours.

  3. Maribel.

    Where downtown? I would like to witness this for myself, just a street name is fine

  4. Kevin ,How funny is it,that right now, DPW is clearing the street you live on. Maybe its a coincidence, but i dont think so!

  5. Good to know you have your eyes on me. They are not just on my street, they are actually right in front of my house. it could be a coincidence, what do you think?Funny how well the city reacts That isn't the big loader I was questioning though. The one here is some small articulated loader that looks like it just came out of the scrap yard. I appreciate the effort though

    1. Kevin it's only 5 days later, what are you complaining about? LOL... it's Pedro, lower your expectations, he has surely lowered the standards.

  6. This is how Mr. Caviar ' s and his idiotic, vision less Administration REACT, their MO is REACTIVE not PROACTIVE. Pedro has made a proactive operational or leadership move in his tenor, oh wait he did make a PROACTIVE decision in the dark, in secretcy, without the people of Hartford ' s input along with other mindless, vision less idiots; yes the infamous "Done Deal" Stadium.

    This is Caviar ' s style, his clear lack of leadership and telling of what and why he can't and won't be elected and given another term to screw up this city any longer.

    We need leaders who are PROACTIVE, who are FORWARD THINKERS who have a VISION, a PLAN to REBUILD and move FORWARD in making Hartford a VIBRANT, THRIVING, WELL OPERATED CITY that it should be and can be.

    Ask yourself is Pedro that leader, is his Administration those visionaries? If you think so then Vote for him, if you know he can't make Hartford all it can be then VOTE NO to Pedro.

    Hartford for Hartford, not Caviar and an elite few invited to the table.

  7. Anonymous 9:31

    I guess you are correct. What's the rush. If we wait a few months it will all be melted and we can ask Deller to fill those restaurants and stores that close because their customers can't get to them, Besides, with all the vacant store fronts now, it's not like anyone will notice a couple dozen more

  8. FOI the dpw time sheets. They have been running snow removal operations almost every day. Maybe someone should blog a photo of the lot DPW has been dumping snow into, maybe that would clarify the amount of snow that has been moved and the amount of hours that have been invested. I like when this blog has actual numbers instead of just rants

    1. Snow removal? You call that snow removal? DPW was clearing snow 5-6 feet away from sidewalks. Each side of the streets. Not only this is unprofessional, a burden on us the residents, this performance is crap.

    2. 12:39 AM you are absolutely right about that. Major roads in Hartford are now much more narrow as a result of the sloppy snow removal. A section of Main St. in the downtown area was done right, but the job was done by MDC employees using MDC equipment, even if Segarra is taking credit for that (problem with Pedro is that he's clueless, he doesn't know who's doing what, who's responsible for what).

  9. So provide some real numbers instead of just ranting

  10. Does the City have an Assets List which would have record of ALL the Equipment that has been purchased that is available for public viewing & comparing what we see in use vs what is listed on paper?
    With the FBI in the state as a task force looking for corruption should they be looking at the Hartford books since the task force is looking for things to investigate?

  11. The news this morning featured all the Towns and the DOT pre-treating, I work nights in HPD, driving the streets of Hartford, I did not see any trucks pre-treating. I guess they were all busy "removing snow".

    Can't wait for the report these idiots generate on this one. Another fine example of Pedro's decision making skills.

    And yes they have an asset list, we maintain one in HPD and all Departments are required to do the same.

  12. What I did see was dirt all over the roads, did Pedro run out of caviar and re-allocate the funds from the salt budget? Did he use the salt money to pay off SKB? Or did he need it for the "Done Deal" Stadium.

    Well whatever Caviar needed it for it wasn't for Hartford Streets. This is good though it shows him and his incompetent leadership. NO VOTE HERE NENE or the 5 other registered dems in my home and the many, many other friends and family around town.

    We are all rejecting Pedro and the do nothing Council and so should ALL of Hartford!

    John Mendez, I need my Touch of Class T-shirt .

  13. It's 5:37am , I need to be to work for 6:00, the news said leave early, yeah right, my street has NOT been touched. I guess my Boss isn't trying to get votes, cause he didn't close work and pay everyone for 4 inches of snow in New England.

    This is a routine storm but our great leader has given, how many employees the day off on our dime, yet I can't get out of my driveway to get to work, what a city, what a Mayor..

  14. Another great plow job Chatman, more like a snow, job, just like you. Keep up the fine work, you are shedding light on Pedro.

    How many days will it take you to clean up 4 inches, joker. I bet New London got rid of the 20+ and your still scratching your head about 4.

    Get your Eager Beaver to put together a report and have Maribel release it. Those two will do real well in the Consulting World. Babble, Babble, Nod, Nod.

    I've been in meetings with you, your personality is one of a used car salesman. Buyer beware, All you need Is.a little more dye in your hair and a plaid blazer.

  15. where's that heavy machinery? have you notice how miserable snow removal was done in hartford? most street, including important corridors in the city, were plowed so badly, some 6 feet from the sidewalks on each side of the street. last serious snow storm was long ago, enough time to clear the streets. enough already segarra, you're a fraud.

  16. I am still trying to get an answer. I haven't seen the large snowblowers in use any where and no one ha given me an answer as to where they are. Were they stolen, missing, who knows but they aren't on the streets of Hartford from what I have been able to see. Maybe someone from DPW can shed some light on this. Maybe HPD needs to start looking into this

  17. Someone, anyone, better look into it. I haven't seen this huge equipment anywhere - unless they're working in some small, side streets. You know, in this disorganized, leader less city anything is possible.
    Yes, we should get an answer where this equipment is. Lost, stolen, whatever, but a real honest answer. Maybe someone at DPW thinks this equipment is to be used during the summer. That wouldn't surprise me a bit.

  18. This is way too important to know where these gigantic machines are, especially this time of the year, especially this winter. Please DO NOT interrupt Segarra's office with any inquiries, they are clueless about anything

  19. Segarra admitted once that a lot of stuff is stolen every year from public schools. Maybe these machinery was stolen as well.

    1. If you're referring to the $26 million, computers and other equipment purchases, a year, yes, I've heard the Mayor saying that a lot of it is stolen.

  20. You are all correct. Now, can somebody tell us where those snowblower are?

  21. A friend of mine told me that he believes he saw one big snowblower working briefly in the courthouse area on Washington St.
    Does that snowblower belongs to the state or the city of Hartford?

    1. What your friend saw is a snowblower that belongs to the state. As of today, I still haven't seen one belongs to the city.

  22. I couldn't tell you unless I saw them who they belong to. Maybe Mr. Chapman, Hartford's DPW Director , could call me at 860-883-2297 and let me know where I could see the two units purchased in 2013. That could put this matter to rest without further referrals outside Htfd.

  23. Kevin, Chapman will NEVER call you. You are the one who has to call him 757-9900 day after day after day, until he gives up, answers your call and gives you the information you requested and a way to verify it.
    That's the only way. We hope Chapman and his assistants know who they work for and that it's smarter answering a blogger today than an FBl agent tomorrow.

  24. Rumer has it that DPW employees and acting director Chapman read your blog

  25. I saw DPW this morning clearing snow in some streets. They're doing such a poor job, you'd almost think it's intentional, basically narrowing access in the streets to even more than what was previously, and blocking access for garbage removal and to parking our car/exiting our private parking. I'm disgusted by these DPW employee. And their director wants us to believe that there's a supervisor behind those trucks. Crapy job in a miserable city. Shame on you!

  26. Another snow this weekend. Segarra, where are those industrial snowblowers you'd purchased with our money? WHERE ARE THOSE SNOWBLOWERS? Answer this.

  27. why is it so difficult to get a simple, honest answer where the snowblowers are.

  28. Because this is a corrupt city led by a corrupt administration

  29. should we report to the FBI that we SUSPECT these snowblowers gone missing. They could be missing or stolen or just sitting in a warehouse waiting to be saved by Segarra. Maybe the morons at DPW think this equipment is to be used during summer time.

  30. I've heard earlier that the industrial snowblowers were seen doing their job, so I could only guess that in this inefficient DPW the snowblowers weren't used right or efficiently enough. Go around town, see for yourselves.

  31. Yeah, I saw myself all the snow and ice around, 4 lane streets that are now just 2 lanes or less, 2 lanes streets that are now not even 1

  32. Why can't the plow drivers plow all the way to the curb ?

  33. Cause they are lazy. Cause they are not supervised. Cause they do whatever they want to do. Cause after they block the sidewalks and streets they can't pick up the trash.

  34. Mr. Segarra, I don't know what happened to the industrial snowblowers, I don't if they were purchased, I don't know if they're being used, I don't know and I don't care if you're hiding them in your backyard.
    But what I do know is that I was driving around town in the last couple of days and it has been a torture. A total mess of snow and ice that wasn't removed. All over. Every street and avenue where I traveled. This is an unbelievable failure, with or without these industrial blowers. SHAME ON YOU SEGARRA

  35. I wonder how the snow was removed in front of Segara's house

    1. 9:5PM, here's what Maribel La Loose and Hilda Munoz will comment why there's no snow in front of Pedro's house:
      "Snow didn't fall in front of Pedro E. Segarra's home this winter. Mother nature skipped his house."

    2. Hey, this is a good one. Snow will fall in Beverly Hills before it falls on Segarra's home.

    3. How about looking for the industrial snowblowers in his backyard

  36. There are heaters built into Pedro's driveway so that the wrought iron gates can work at any time so they can get their Mercedes' in at any time without worrying about snow like the rest of us

    1. Anonymous at 7:09 PM, heaters in the driveway make sense with all the "snow emergencies" and "parking bans" this man declares he want to be comfortable himself.

  37. this guy segarra with maribel laloose and hilda munez declare "emergency snow" after "emergency snow" after "emergency snow". what's the "emergency" in 5", 6" or even 7" snow. yesterday they declared another "emergency snow". big deal, there was no "emergency" in last night snow. then segarra and his people cancel all public schools for no reason at all, making it so difficult for us parents. with it he declares "parking ban" even when unnecessary, and it usually goes for an extended time

  38. Yes, way too many unjustified emergencies. There were a few times with heavy snow, strong winds, good reason to cancel schools and have parking bans, all other times were just baloney, totally unjustified.

  39. These industrial snowblowers don't exist. What don't you understand, they simply don't exist. Trust me on this, if they did exist Mayor Caviar would ride on them, parading them all over town.
