Saturday, March 28, 2015


Attorneys for Hartford Democratic Registrar of Voters today prepared a request for an injunction to stop removal  proceedings underway by the Hartford City Council.  Attorneys for Working Families Registrar filed similar paperwork yesterday.


  1. This Olga Vazquez is going to teach Caviar Segarra the idiot and the morons at city council a lesson in behaving.
    Who is paying the legal fees for the registrars of voters?

  2. The taxpayers of the city of Hartford are paying ALL legal fees for both sides

  3. The city is broke. Help!

  4. You wanted Olga, you got her. Now you're going to pay for her mismanagement.

  5. What does the City get if it wins? Another election? Who will run that one?
    "If we fail to act on behalf of the people of this city and to actually take their votes seriously, then we are at fault," Councilwoman Cynthia Jennings said Monday. "This is a constitutional violation. It's not a small issue. The registrars of voters' office is the most important office in this city. It determines who wins an election and who loses an election. The council has a responsibility to the voters in this city."

    noun: flop, failure, disaster, ruin, mess (informal), catastrophe, rout, debacle, cock-up (Brit. slang),

  6. And the winner of this battle will be......... prepare the drums......... the lawyers. They will drag it for as long as they probably can, add charges for hours they didn't do anything (it's called research) and fill up their pockets with lots of (our) money.

  7. Olga Vazquez omitted a very important defendant in her filing: The People of Hartford who think she's stupid, should be fired and also kicked in the...together with the other registrars.

  8. Vasquez is just another Hartford moron. Too bad we cant sell idiotic behavior, the city of Hartford would be a main supplier, and the revenues would be fantastic. Could living in Hartford be any dumber? Unless you are on the take (wic ,ssi, section 8,energy handouts,no show city job ,political appointment, drug addicted)-if you have one or more of these then living in Hartford makes sense. Otherwise, why would you live in such a cold, dumb and broke town?

  9. This is a joke. Olga is one of the most incompetent people to ever work in Hartford. And that is saying a lot.

  10. Did Olga ever take IQ test? Did anyone evaluate her skills, if she has any.

    1. How about IQ 30. I'm generous or what.

  11. I would say Olga IQ is equivalent to the average temperature we had during the winter, very low number.

  12. Politicians cause this divide among elected officials. It is a game that is not new. Every elected official is always on guard. Daily dirty deals are made. Greed, power and nastiness is the name of the game. That is the reason why city, state and country politics are disliked by the majority of the people.

  13. 3:40PM

    very generous.lOga is not a stupid woman though, just highly incompetent and unable to work with others professionally

  14. Let's have a poll as to who is more incompetent, Olga or Mayor Caviar.
