Tuesday, March 31, 2015


With roughly 3 months left in Hartford's fiscal year, a deal that was cut last year by the Segarra Administration to balance Hartford' s budget appears to have fallen through. The plan was to sell several Hartford parking assets to Hartford's pension fund and eventually the State of Connecticut.

According to sources at Hartford City Hall, a scheduled closing on the sale of the Church Street  Parking Garage,  between the City and the State apparently fell through last week The end result is the apparent loss of 13.4 million dollars in revenue that Segarra was counting on to balance his budget . One source speaking on the condition of anonymity, was doubtful that the closing would be rescheduled anytime soon, if at all.

Several discrepancies apparently came up prior to the closing that caused the State of Connecticut to back out of the deal .

It is unknown how the City will balance the budget without the input of the funds from the sale .

Late this afternoon Segarra was seen putting a "For Sale " sign up in front of Hartford City Hall. His scheduler and communications staff were all assisting him


  1. The sale was a bad idea from the start and I think the Treasurer Adam Cloud told him that, but Pedro knows everything, except of course how to run a City

    1. Pedro actually knows nothing, just how to lie and cheat.

  2. Didn't the same person, Pedro E. Segarra, do the same thing last year with the Main St. property opposite public library? It was supposed to be sold to MDC, but brilliant Segarra started counting the money, $2.5 million of it, before he got it. At the end of the day - bam! - there was no closing, no sale, just fantasy talk.

    1. Segarra is going to do the same thing this year, pretending to have some assets sold for big bucks in order to show a balanced budget. At the end, Segarra's "balanced budget" is worthless, full of crap, not eve worth the paper it's written on.

  3. A hole in the bucket, a hole in the budget, not a big deal for Segarra. What's the problem, just a few millions missing here, a few millions missing there.

  4. Segarra doesn't know how to calculate s--t, let alone $500 million budget.

  5. He doesn't even know the difference between 1/2 a million to 1/2 a billion

  6. Sounds a little suspicious on the building fire on Albany Ave, Main St....the Mayor must have a couple of cronies working for him that no one knows...aren't some of these buildings in the area of the new baseball field ??? Sounds a little funny to me. Someone must of gotten a good pay-off. Just saying...

  7. Now we're in a deficit for last year budget. We're in a deficit for this year budget. We're in a deficit for next year budget. When Pedro leaves office, soon we hope, Hartford will be left with a huge debt.

  8. Sounds a little suspicious to me that Segarra doesn't know how to balance a budget. There're 2 area to watch in each budget: the first is the revenue, which Segarra must be very good at since his taxes are so high and going even higher (pretending to keep the mill rate the same, but increasing our taxes in other ways). The 2 area in tge budget is the spending, which Segarra must be very good at as well since he increased spending, increased salaries (to the people close to him) and hired people to work for his administration so he can get their votes and support (see Minnie Gonzalez daughter Nelky Maldonado, see councilman Anderson's girlfriend).
    Now we know how Segarra balances his budgets.

  9. this mayor is a big spender, spending so much that if he is reelected Hartford will go bankrupt.

  10. Segarra's budget will be full of holes when the truth comes out about his stadium. Segarra's budget is already loaded with spending that will make the holes even bigger.

    "Mayor Segarra (yeah, that idiot) selected to co-chair national league of cities 2016 presidential election task force."
    Hey, Segarra, did you solve all of Hartford's problems, some old problems and some that you created, that you now stick your nose as co-chair of this crap for the 2016 presidential election task force? Is it just another excuse for you to travel around the country on our tax dollars? Have you already balanced the budget (if you even have a clue how to do that) here in Hartford?

  12. Here's a creative way for Pedro to balance the city budget, keep on spending more and more like he knows how to do, spend so much That He Bankrupt The City, just Like Detroit

  13. Anonymous at 12:56 PM:
    The City of Hartford - still unofficially at this time - is already bankrupt, thanks to Segarra.

  14. Segarra budget hole just got bigger and bigGER and BIGGER.

  15. Segarra, did you watch Dennis House interview with Judge Killian Sunday morning on "Face the State?"
    Basically the Judge was very kind to you, he said you are a bad mayor instead of saying you are a horrible one. The Judge also said your numbers regarding the stadium are fantasy instead of simply calling you liar.

  16. Segarra didn't watch "face the state" cause he was too busy with the parade, pretending the uconn basketball team won thanks to him

  17. Let's see Segarra presenting next year budget, he better include all the income from hotdogs, nachos and soda they're going to sell in the stadium.
    Will they sell caviar in the ballpark?

  18. No Caviar at this time, that will be reserved for his Private "City Box" The caviar will be right alongside the Champagne fountain.

  19. "THAT" caviar is not for sale, it will be served FREE OF CHARGE to Pedro Caviar and his friends at "their" luxury suite. Free for them, paid for by Hartford residents.
