Friday, April 10, 2015


It just never ends. According to City Hall sources and at least one Councilperson familiar with the situation, a deal is in the works to buy off Hartford's three registrar's to avoid impeachment hearings. The deal to accept the $50,000 payment apparently is being offered until 4:00PM today. Apparently, according to the sources, at least one of the Registrars has accepted the deal

It is unclear why the Council majority is taking the steps for the buy out. It would seem that if the Council felt that they had the probable cause to begin the process, following through with the hearings should not be a problem. Apparently though, the Constitutionality of removing elected is now before a Superior Court Judge and the council is now less confident of their position. This is after the process has potentially cost the taxpayers of Hartford upwards  of $100,000for attorneys fee

Only in Hartford. I guess we are just lucky we have this extra  money to squander.


  1. City Council got to save its face, each and every member of this corrupt body (who's the councilman whose girlfriend was hired by the Segarra admin. to work at dept. of finance). Also the $50k offer to each registrar is not their money, it belongs to us residents, to us tax payers, so why should they care.

    1. If city councilmen had to settle with their own money, it would be $50 the most, not $50k. Trust me on this.

  2. Another fine mess Allan Taylor got us into. Bet you he's not waiving his fee for giving bad advice to the Council on an issue that was a conflict of interest for him from the start.

    1. In what way was it a conflict of interest to Taylor?

  3. Payment for silence. That's what it is. A bribe like. Is this the Segarra way?

  4. And you should have seen Shawn Wooden at the kangaroo court council held on Tuesday. he was--even more so than usual--puffed up with self-importance and arrogance. He was rude and condescending to the registrars' attorneys, taking on a superior attitude. And the five council members present blindly voted in favor of their leader Wooden's and uber-boss Segarra's agenda. Whenever anything was presented to them and they were asked "Are there any questions?", not one of those ventriloquist dummies opened their mouths. Call them sheep, call them lemmings, but all of them have got to go in November.

  5. For $50,000. more,can we get rid of Mayor Caviar?

    1. Absolutely not. Pedro Caviar damages to our city is in the millions of $$, without even including his baseball stadium with the sky box in it. Pedro's already milking the city for much more so why would he agree to $50k only?

  6. less confident of their position
    Regardless of the legality of the position, removing elected officials for incompetence, especially in Hartford, isn't practical. I'm in favor of allowing the electorate get rid of them, but I wouldn't necessarily expect competent replacements in the process. I'm on board with getting rid of elections, and appointing registrars who meet State standards of education and experience. I'm also in favor of going back to the City Manager charter we had before Alan Taylor and Associates cooked up this more democratic one.

  7. Why anyone who makes 80k would take 50k to go away doesn't make sense. Interested to hear more details.

  8. "Council leadership working to buy off registrars." Great move city council members. Just make sure you pay it out of your own pockets.

  9. wait a minute, Id like to know who is paying this $50,000

  10. I think we are looking at historic moments in our city the multiply of candidates for mayor and council is going to generate y real political debate and the best candidates will prevail. Hartford is not going toe the same after this election, no matter the results

  11. The most "historical" moment in our city will be the removal of Pedro Caviar Segarra from office.
    First remove him in the coming election, then have him arrested by the FBI.
