Tuesday, April 21, 2015


One of the first big incidents that drew people to this blog and built my daily readership was the result of the actions of a corrupt mayor and his actions against Dan Nolan. Now history is repeating itself under our current Mayor Pedro Segarra. Thank you in advance for helping to build my blog.

Today the City of Hartford has once again  placed on paid Administrative leave Hartford Deputy Fire Chief Dan Nolan, this time apparently for insubordination. I think anyone that looks at this action will probably realize very quickly that it is a setup by an insecure and  hugely incompetent Fire Chief. Would anyone in their right mind invite Nolan to a meeting loaded with media and expect him to  keep his mouth shut or worse actually lie , when asked for his version of facts an circumstances?

It was  a setup, pure and simple. Ask questions, get him to publicly criticize the incompetent Chief and we got him, insubordination Whether you like Nolan or not, everyone knows he is outspoken and says what is on his mind, even where there is a temporary moron behind him yelling for the TV cameras "get back to training" . Actually the moron part may be more permanent than temporary, only his authority is temporary. But at least it allows Nolan to add another defendant to the list.

I don't think anyone that gets hired by the City of Hartford relinquishes their Constitutional rights. You might not like what Nolan has to say but he has every right to say it, and he is one of a limited few in this Country that has also put his life on the line through military service to defend the right to say it

The only comment from Captain Helen Lynch of the Hartford Fire Department is that "Nolan is not on suspension, he is on Administrative leave with pay while the investigation continues". There is no indication  as to what the investigation is or what the charges are. Nolan's attorney Mario Cerame stated for the record "Dan has been placed on admin leave with pay pending an investigation into an incident that occurred during and immediately following the task force meeting on Thursday April 16th 2015.”

Apparently the City didn't learn the first time they went down that route with Nolan on baseless allegations.

Mayor Segarra, it is time you provide some desperately needed leadership  to this Department, if you are capable of doing it, I have my doubts (is that insubordinate)


  1. To the contrary Kevin. With all of the media attention this is going to get I'm sure that everything will be done right this time. If you remember, he didn't get his job back the last time because he didn't do what he was accused of. He got his job back because the administration didn't fire him properly.

  2. you can't order someone not to talk especially after you invite them there to ask them to talk, I want to see that before a jury

  3. When an employee is on duty, he has to comply with the rules and regs of the organization. There is a Department Directive on Media Relations. Maybe you can FOI it and read it to your boy.

  4. I can issue any directive I want, doesn't make it legal or enforceable that is what Courts are for

  5. This was definitely a setup, without a shadow of a doubt.

  6. Chief Huertes, you sir, are the biggest embarrassment to our department. You continually lie over and over again. Now you have to have A hole asst. chief do your job because you are so inept at doing anything that will help our department heal and move forward. That twit Brady is a union Biatch that Vinnie put in there to run the dept. You have no balls and are a spineless POS who can't even look people in the eye when you speak to them. The only reason I could possibly come up with as to why you are still there is because you need the money after your two ex w.s emasculated you. Now we are stuck with your sorry ass and when you get fired from the mayor that other POS Brady will slide into your spot and he and the union will be laughing their asses off. A man has to know his limitations and Charlie , I think your limit was in the red car. Even then, Im giving you the benefit of the doubt. Do us all a favor and leave. I along with other members are embarressed to say we are Hartford Firefighters. I even took the sticker off my truck. And another thing Chuck, not once have you been down to Engine 16 to personally speak with the boys. Pitiful !!!

  7. 7:22pm

    Be careful the Brady Bunch doesn't figure out who you are, that could be insubordination, especially since you are correct and telling the truth

  8. It's like a Hartford Fire Department Revolution movie in the making. Dan Nolan can play Paul Revere, and Charlie Whoretez can play Benedict Arnold.

  9. I think it is Huertas, but we get your meaning

  10. He was blatently insubordinate. To think there would be no consequences is naive. He forced their hand.

  11. Since when is insubordination punishable in the HFD? It happens all the time , but all the sudden this So called chief wants to do something about it . Your a little late.

  12. If Nolan didn't do anything wrong why does he already have a lawyer?
    Sounds like he's McGuilty.

    1. 8:22pm If Nolan did something wrong why did it take the chief so long to react?

  13. Because he knows he was wronged and I am pretty sure he knows from previous experience that his Union sucks


    Who's gonna look out for Luis now?

  15. Dan Nolan could not be reached for comment as he was out shopping for his second beach house courtesy of the City of Hartford. A spokesperson for Mr. Nolan stated, "Mr. Nolan is very appreciative of the six zeroes the HFD just added to his settlement".

  16. And who could blame him, he deserves every penny for putting up with this B.S

  17. And here I thought it was only the City Council that practiced governance by "Kangaroo Court". Yes, a set-up indeed. Have a man speak, and then make him stop? That's called ventriloquism, and Nolan is no dummy. Dan, I would have done exactly as you did under those circumstances.

  18. Dont worry little mice. While all these fools sue and suspend each other, terry waits in the tunnel, ready to take command of this here titanic of the dept.
    There is no one left, terry is your only hope .....

    1. Don't worry indeed little mice. Terry the snake will take command soon. That's how it was planned all along.

  19. Nolan's weekly contribution to Local 760 warrants the right to be represented fully. The union leadership claims to have each member's back wholeheartedly and without bias. Honestly, how could they possibly not fight for a member in good standing for simply speaking to the media before returning to his post. The union has fiercely fought for members that have had multiple DUI's, leaving the scene of an accident while intoxicated, substance abuse issues, committing violence while on duty...shall I continue? I'll tell you why..because the union leadership supports and fights for who they want and not for the membership as a whole. In fact, they'll take a members weekly monetary contribution and use it against you, to bring you down. It's safer on the fire ground than it is at the Public Safety Complex or the Union Hall. Crazy making at it's best.

  20. Maybe once we get rid of Danny my boy Little Terry can take over as Training Chief. He could let the 2 Captains actually do some training while he runs around in his XS dress uniform.

  21. Where can we find this Mustafa character Dan sais we need. What was he referring to.

    1. Nolan was right about that, we need a Mustafa, not a Bambi or a Barbie. Can't you handle the truth?

  22. I think it was a quote from the Lion King.

  23. Nolan will be at HFD long after Huertas and Little Terry are fired by the newly elected Mayor this Fall...

  24. Nolan has 1st amendment rights to speak out on matters of public importance. But he can't do it while on his employer's time or on matters that are part of his job responsibilities.

    1. Nolan has the RIGHT and OBLIGATION to tell the truth about HFD. We're talking safety, we're talking life and death here. Let's just get rid of Nolan, place a 'yes man' in his position who'll tell us and the media whatever Pedro and Huertas want us to hear, that everything is perfect. Until the next disaster, of course, until they form the next task force.

  25. Kevin your the bias one. Anything Nolan does is a positive & Anything the Chief does is a negative. When it's clear that only one of them were appointed to give orders! & the fact that Nolan was on duty but refused to go help save lives so he can talk to the media is totally crazy. Regardless it's called chain of command.I hope this paid vacations helps your buddy understand where he stands on that chain.

    1. "Anything the chief does is a negative." 8:37 AM, I couldn't agree with you more. And Kevin. And the Courant. And many FF'S at the dept. At the end you're going to accept this as well.

  26. I pray they fire him the Correct way this time smh

  27. The same guy that quit on the Dept. is going to worry about the safety of the Dept.

  28. Tic Tac Toe Terry, Tic Tac Toe Terry, where are you? Where are you hiding?

    He has been terribly wronged.

  30. Everyone on the Hartford Fire Department and every citizen of the City of Hartford should be thanking Deputy Chief Dan Nolan.
    He's the only Chief Officer that is speaking the truth and has the backs of every firefighter on the department.
    The new interim Assistant Chief Scott Brady is nothing more then a retread from the past. He's a former union e-board member who protected the crapbags that the mayors board of fossils hired.
    Its no secret that they brought Brady in to deal with Chief Nolan. The first incident that came up, they jumped right on him. Remember the last investigation on Chief Nolan ?? They kept him out on paid administrative leave for over a year and paid him his salary with a lot of zeros behind it. They pushed through an academy recruit class full of crapbags and retread crapbags that couldn't cut it in Chief Nolan's previous recruit class.
    Remember Captain Call referring to it as a "kinder gentler" class?
    Now they suspend him for insubordination ?
    You've got to be kidding.
    The department is riddled with insubordination. People have commented on this blog about the department being a paramilitary organization and having rules and directives. You people have to open your eyes and ears.
    Did those same rules apply to the crapbags that were drinking and doing drugs on the job ? Did they apply to all the crapbag firefighters who don't listen to Lieutenants and Captains ? The answer is NO. Officers were told to write fire services, but nothing was ever done. The chiefs and the politicians that hired these crapbags would prefer that we counsel them and hold hands and sing kume-by-yah.
    Lets look at the mayors board of former fire chiefs.
    Ed Casares is Mr. Data. He needs more data to ensure what ?
    Charles Teale was a good chief until politicians tore him up. Then he became a Terry Waller / SKB lacky. He jumped ship before it went down.
    John Stewart was at the helm when the city went crapbag shopping in the city projects. Probably the beginning of all this whole mess.
    Chief Nelson Carter...the only one with any integrity.
    The department that was once the crown jewel of the city and envied by all, is now a complete embarrassment. The only way to fix it is change. Pedro Segara and Charlie Huertas don't have a clue. Now that the Union has their hand picked retread Scott Brady in Headquarters I guess we will all see how Vinnie Fusco and Scott Brady can run the fire department.
    Suspending Chief Dan Nolan is the wrong way to start off.
    I guess we're back to business as usual.

  31. Dan Nolan thinks he can do whatever he wants

  32. Scott Brady is no Mustafa

  33. And legally in this case he probably can

  34. It's time that this membership walk over to city hall stand out front with the news and demand change. weither you are an Nolan supporter or not. Right is right. We deserve to come to work and know the the administration has our backs. That when things need to be taken care of they are, by a real chief. This chief runs around asking human resources how to handle his department. Get someone up there with a backbone or integrity. Six months after a significant event and all we have is a pissing contest. We don't need a group of former chief to solve problems we need just one chief that takes care of business. Enough f*****g already. This used to be a great job with great guys. I understand that there will always be a few bad apples. It's time to make changes from the ground up. If this mayor wants any support from the HFD for re-election he needs to do the right thing . Impeach this clown .

  35. It doesn't require any kind of impeachment. There are no state statutes that protect a fire Chief, like there are for a Police Chief. Huertas serves at the will of the Mayor.All it takes is a Mayor with a backbone and some integrity to utter the simple words "you're fired" How much more is Segarra willing to allow before he says enough is enough and realizes Huertas is a huge liability, especially in an election year . Do you think he ran his plans for Nolan by the Mayor first? I wonder

    1. Huertas is a liability in an election year and any other year. Pedro can't fire him for the following reasons:
      1. Pedro has no backbone and no integrity.
      2. Huertas can open his mouth against Pedro, SKB & Terry Waller; he knows too much and may start 'singing '.

  36. The command staff revised the PPE directive today. In a nutshell, when you are outside of an IDLH you have to wear your earflaps down, collar up and chin strap. Just in case you get caught in a fire storm. But when you are inside a structure fire you are forbidden to wear a protective hood. That's right, I said forbidden. I would love to see them enforce that one. And before all you non hood wearing guys start commenting, I don't wear one either. But I would never tell a guy he couldn't protect himself.

  37. How is that possible?

  38. Did you mean "command Staff " or union leadership? I am not a ure there is anyone capable of Command at HFD

  39. I used the term Command Staff because that is how they refer to themselves. It's been my experience that if your boss has to keep saying I'm the boss then they are probably not being effective. Huertas reminds me of Queeg in The Caine Mutiny. The man is out of his mind. As far as the union goes you should not use the term leadership, those guys aren't leaders. The president is the first one in my career to work overtime, essentially stealing money out of other members pockets. Then there is the other one that reminds me of the little dog in that old cartoon. You know the one that is always bouncing around the big one saying Spike, Spike what are we going to do next. Don't forget the 3rd guy who can't seem to tell the truth or take a stand. Believe me there are men on this job that can lead this department. They do it everyday. They are the main reason this ship hasn't sunk yet. They are the men who haven't sold out to the union or the command staff or anyone else.

  40. Listen to the radio recordings of "car 1" at last weeks Main St fire and that should be a pretty good indication of his stability and "leadership" qualities

  41. you want to talk about safety, the other night, post fire, the D/C reviewed the fire, did not care that neither ladder truck never set up or went into the air, he was pissed about radio back feed causing him to have trouble hearing, that is understandable, but then he stated he wanted the radios turned off in fires in the future, I guess with the exception of the officers, That's right, turn your radio off. Can you fucking believe that shit. Hey command , you better address that one. Might want to hear what is going on, A May Day, or maybe not have to fuck with the radio with gloves on in a hot 0 visibility atmosphere. Could not believe what I was hearing.

  42. Watch the language in comments please. My mother reads the blog. Because of the seriousness of your comment I allowed it to go through, f word and all

  43. If there is a hot 0 visibility atmosphere you won't find Moree with his private!

  44. Wait until the truth comes out about your hero Danny, then we'll talk about stability and leadership.

    1. Wait until the truth comes out about the crooked union leadership and how they line there pockets with overtime citing health and safety meetings. They don't give a crap about our safety, also Fusco claiming that the Tac found Kevin, bullshit it was engine 5. Also. Jason ripped his mask off, it didn't get knocked off by the loose hose line. Yeah that's right. Keep lying you scumbag. The truth is gonna come out

  45. Let's talk about stability and leadership at HFD now. There's definitely no stability, there's absolutely no leadership.

  46. Going GOING GONE!!!!!

  47. Alone at E-2 said

    I don't know what I'll do on my own, I can't even figure out when I need a physical.

  48. The truth is already out! Everyone knows that Moree wasn't with Bell and that there were apposing handlines.

  49. Is it true that L-3 should have opened the roof.

  50. 5:47PM

    It sounds like the wrong person may be on Administrative leave while the investigation continues

  51. Kevin, who do you think should be on leave?

  52. E5 was the RIT team and the company incident report stated they found anf removed Bell, that his foot was caught or tangled in a chair. TAC may have assisted buy were not solely engaged in the recovery.

  53. I'm surprised his Officer didn't find him. After all he was crawling out with him, then said he went back in and did 2 complete sweeps of the room. I guess 2 complete sweeps doesn't encompass next to the door.

  54. Car 5 10-9 Lack of Respect

  55. I think the Masked Avengers should make another appearance on Fox 61 to plead Danny's case. One of them has nothing on his schedule.

  56. Where's Danny! HFD is running just fine without him and Little Terry.

  57. With Danny gone all of those people think they can do what they want. We need our voice back.
