Saturday, May 30, 2015


That might be a harsh headline, but it is exactly what came to my mind Saturday morning. ( Actually , I wonder quite frequently if Pedro has lost his mind)

After a shooting on Barbour Strreet Saturday morning, Segarra was quick to arrive on the scene to begin comforting the neighborhood. What a leader, where did he find the time to take a training course on how leaders are supposed to act? And I think that is exactly what most people observing Segarra's behavior are thinking, it's an ACT. An election year act when he has realized that he is fading quickly and his job hopes as Mayor of Hartford are shrinking quicker than the support for his baseball endeavors.

I am convinced he has lost his mind , or at least his grasp on reality when I read a media quote attributed to our delusional Mayor:" Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra, who was comforting the Barbour Street families, said the area is usually quiet.

Is there another Barbour Street in Hartford I am not familiar with?
Usually quiet? Someone might want to remind our poor Mayor that the crime scene tape had just barely been taken down from the previous homicide on Barbour Street The scene where a 23 year old man lost his life earlier in the week, where a vigil for him will be held at 4:00PM this afternoon.

Mayor Segarra, homicide vigils don't occur in neighborhoods that are "usually" quiet. And there have been far too many vigils on Barbour Street for it to be classified as "usually" quiet. There has been far too much gunfire  and crime on Barbour Street  for it  to be classified by anyone of sound mind as "usually " quiet

Mayor Segarra, if Barbour Street is your version of  "usually" quiet our City is most definitely doomed under your  so called "leadership" Oh and those residents you were busy comforting, honestly, how did they react when you told them their neighborhood was "usually" quiet? Did they openly laugh or did they wait until you left their "usually" quiet neighborhood?

And I noticed in the photograph of you "comforting " the neighbors in their "usually" quiet neighborhood, you were alone. It might be a good idea to have the bobblehead Council members pre-program Barbour Street in their GPS. Maybe they can then find it quickly to accompany  you on your next "leadership" tour after the next homicide or shooting in the "usually" quiet Barbour Street area. I doubt it is an area  that any of you regularly visit without the  camera opportunities.

Everything is good in Segarraland


  1. Everyone realizes what a phony Segarra is. No one can possibly take his nonsense as genuine. And "usually" quiet. Barbour Street is known as one of the most notorious streets in Hartford, even by people that don't know Hartford

  2. Pedro said yesterday, shamelessly, in front of all the TV cameras that the secret meeting he called for was "productive". So productive Pedro, that another man was shot earlier today and is in critical condition.
    Pesro, talk is cheap! The results, that's what counts.


    Welcome to Hartford.

  4. Kevin, you got it wrong again: Segarra was actually thinking about Prospect Av, and Prospect Av is usually a quiet street.
    As for Barbour St, well that's a different story.


    1. Yes, Barbour St is within the promised zone: promise to shoot, promise to kill, promise to be neglected over 5 years by the Segarra administration.

  6. I read your "WHITE HOUSE...STREETS OF HARTFORD" blog dated 5/20. One of the anonymous comments (5/25 st 4:23PM) mentioned Barbour, Capen, Garden and Mather Streets as the most notorious streets in Hartford.
    Kevin, do you think the person who wrote that comment knows something that Segarra doesn't know?

  7. Megatron Lord Of The DecepticonsMay 30, 2015 at 6:44 PM

    I grew up on Barbour Street I love Barbour born an raised all you maggots bashing my street the Hell with you

    1. Nobody is bashing 'your street', they're bashing Segarra and his lackadaisical effort to make it seem as if he cares.
      That's great you take so much pride in the street you were raised, Hartford and Barbour St need more residents like you to live there

  8. "Mayor" Segarra LOST HIS MIND, he is CLUELESS and OUT OF TOUCH. "Mayor" Segarra is the worst thing ever happened to Hartford.

  9. Megatron Lord Of The DepticonsMay 30, 2015 at 7:46 PM

    Kevin if you talking to me yes I still do an spell my name right make sure you show up to the debate at trinity college so I can tell you to your face what I think of you it will be epic !!!!

  10. I'll be there and I use my real name, so I"m easy to find

  11. Mailed a live round because I'm a tough guy.May 30, 2015 at 8:14 PM

    "Megatron Lord of Decepticons" is none other than the great William Smith. He WAS such a great cop and is proof why city residents should get priority over better qualified out of town police candidates. Mr. Smith was recently a character witness in Federal Court for a guy who was arrested with several kilos of crack cocaine and several firearms. It didn't work though, Guilty on ALL Charges!

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself, if the city is kind enough to pay for the much needed academy classes it needs let's hope they don't fill it with more William Smiths over actual deserving and qualified candidates!

  12. I figured it might be after we figured out his other pseudonym.(That means fake name William) I look forward to meeting you, I have heard so much about you, none of it good

  13. I have lived in Hartford all my life. It is very upsetting what Hartford has become. Every neighborhood has become a war zone. The latest shooting on Barbour St in Hartford's Northend is no surprise. Guns and drugs are everywhere in Hartford. If our Federal, State and City government let the parents be responsible for their children things could be different. Unfortunately, that is not how the United States government reacts. Handouts are plentiful.

  14. Pedro Seggara and Charlie Ortiz have no shame. They could care less about the poverty in Hartford. They are Greedy Politicians. Pedro lies all the time to the press about how Hartford is turning around. Actually, it is going into a very deep pot hole that will never be repaired.

    1. Anonymous @ 10:08pm, It's all about the "momentum", Charlie O. and Pedro C. ("C" for Caviar) they see the "momentum", they feel it, it's in the air... Unless they are both talking about "momentum" in crime: drugs everywhere, shooting, stabbings, break ins. Now you can feel the "momentum" yourself,

  15. Barbour St is indeed, a very quiet street. It has white picket fences and children playing in front yards. Even the friendly neighborhood dogs run around together. The ice cream man rings his bells and all is quiet in this lovely neighborhood. It is an alternate universe. A Steven King novel and this QUIET little street is about to meet it's parallel universe. Pedro simply drove over to the quiet Barbour Street. He didn't misinform anyone. His whole world is this parallel universe. This sleepy little Southern New England town by the big river of literati and publishers filled with Gilded Age gentile Yankees where gents tip their hats to ladies passing by. And the tax coffers overflow with revenue and each year, the good mayor with nothing to do announces another tax reduction. The town's folk sing and chant and dance in the streets and know that Pedro is the all-wise King of the Land. And so everything is good and quiet as even the birdies chirp from tree to tree in the Land of Make Believe.

  16. Hey Megatron, I'm with you, bro. Barbour Street I exists as we know it in a parallel universe and I saw you walking through your front yard garden pass the white picket dense to the quiet street where the birdies chirp from tree to tree and neighborhood dogs run around the bushes.

  17. Same Guy who borrows money from our kids education, and is more concerned about yardgoats than our children!!!

  18. mayor Touch of Class is almost as responsible for the recent violence and murders the shooters are,by ignoring the staffing report.As he comforts the relatives of the victims,he knows that his inaction killed their loved ones.

  19. Segarra: If I pretend that there is nothing wrong then in fact nothing will be wrong. Also if I pretend I'm a High Class Mayor of a Upper Class City then it will come true.

    City Council: We already knew that sir, that's why we work so well together, we're all on the same page. Caviar anyone??

    Residents: We're getting shot up left and right, doesn't anyone care??

    HPD: We do, but we're understaffed and spread too thin, and our wealthy City doesn't deem it necessary to help us help you.

    Segarra: Nobody needs help, and nobody needs money. Everything is fine

  20. 2:07am Anonymous
    There're some problems in Hartford, minor problems, but they're all caused by out-of-town individuals. You know, they drive to Hartford, their cars covered with snow, and they dump the snow in our streets. They come here with loaded guns cause they're trying to get rid of the drug dealers and criminals. Our city is just fine.

    Caviar? Where? Can I go there?

  21. Anonymous at 2:07 AM: HPD is "understaffed and spread too thin."
    Everybody knows that. Both the mayor and members of the city council are working very hard to correct this very serious issue. However, because the city is broke- as Judge Killian reminds us- we'll be able to add staff only in 26 years, after our beloved stadium will be paid for.
    It is very important to add that sometime in the future there will be a vote to temporarily eliminate caviar to the mayor, his cronies and members of city council.

  22. I agree with Perdrito, Barbour street is usually quiet after shooting and before new shooting begins. Usually quiet between shootings.

  23. This just in from the Courant Data Desk:

    "Hartford Ranked Among The Worst Summer-Travel Destinations." 6/3/2015, 10:09am.

    Anyone, ANYONE surprised? How 'bout you Pedro Caviar?

  24. 3:04pm
    how can anyone be surprised? After 5 years as a failed mayor, Segarra will leave a city that is not only broke, but close to bankruptcy, crime infested, hub to drug dealing and using, dirt all over. This is your 5 year anniversary Pedro.

  25. Segarra: 5 years of complete failure, mismanagement and corruption. Segarra: grabbing to his pockets $750,000 in exactly the same 5 years.
