Saturday, May 2, 2015


It is hard enough for businesses to survive in Hartford, and even harder to make it with the roadblocks put in front of them by City Hall. Does anyone at City Hall understand what it takes to operate in a city that I far from business friendly? Hartford's extremely high mill rate places  a difficult burden on any business owner that decides to set up shop here.
Then, what I can only call City Hall stupidity, makes it even tougher . The "No Parking" placard above is  what most visitors to downtown Saturday night found when they tried to park . The placards were put up in advance of a Sunday event, but many people trying to park downtown to visit Hartford restaurants were afraid to park thinking the regulations would be enforced Saturday night and many just drove off, probably to head to West Hartford Center or elsewhere.
The placards were not put up by HPD, who would hopefully use a little more common sense. According to sources, these placards were the work of Hartford's Department of Public Works. Why couldn't they be put up later, at least after the dinner and bar crowd subsides so as not to kill the downtown business?
I guess common sense  and  intelligence are not the hallmark of the current administration. With the amount of empty storefronts, do we really want to try hard to create more?


  1. Kevin, last week these stupid 'No Parking' placards were still in Trumbull St. a day AFTER the event at the XL Center. These lazy - L A Z Y people at DPW couldn't care less if there is or there isn't parking available, if the restaurants will have less business, if visitors to the city will have to circle around and around, again and again. Enough already with these lazy, brainless people.

  2. These so called lazy people in DPW you callously refer to, do not make decisions. They are given direction and work orders by the lazy supervisors and approved by the Dept Head Keith Chatman. NO Supervisors or Chatman live in Hartford, so they don't give two s##ts about taxes, revenue or "business friendly", they must have all went to the same high school, after all none of them have anything more than High School.

    Chatman is Al Ilg product, he sold him to Pedro, Pedro in usual Pedro style went with what the old tale from the crypt said, because he has No Mind of His Own. Al Ilg with 100,000 donation gets what he wants. Watch the donation list for Chatman and all the other incompetent Pedro leeches for more donations. Pedro should put an add in the help wanted section; " BUY A GOOD JOB", to buy one contact Charlie Ortiz and bring CASH!

    1. Chatman and his assistants/ assistants/ deputies don't live in Hartford? Please provide more info. We know the system is malfunctioning but we need to understand why.

  3. DPW couldn't care less
    Bureaucracies are inherently inhumane. You need real thinking caring people in leadership to make bureaucracies work (as best they can). I called 311 about bulky trash on the street. The lady on the phone says only the person putting out the trash can call. I didn't call back identifying myself as that person; sooner or later the refuse engineers with that claw will get that mattress off the sidewalk (near a restaurant trying to start up).

  4. don't worry, Peter Brush, about that mattress/s, and you can start counting the days, cause those mattresses will remain there for days. When the big DPW garbage truck is around for its weekly pick up, most likely they'll pretend not to see it, they'll just skip it.
    Welcome to Hartford, currently the unnanaged city.

  5. HCHS or "Hartford City Hall Stupidity" is nothing new and it goes a long long way with Pedro Caviar's City Hall. We already got used to it.

  6. It is "Chapman" and no, he does not live in Hartford. This is nothing new, the Internal Audit Commission has looked into this and reported their findings . The Council and Mayor have chosen to do nothing to enforce the violation of City Ordinances.

  7. Welcome to Hartford
    Actually, we're lucky here. If we put stuff on Cap Ave they have a real hard time ignoring it. They do manage to do so for a few weeks sometimes, but eventually the Claw comes around.
    Actually, I don't think we should be able, legally allowed, to put our big stuff out for take-away. If you have a mattress to get rid of, you can pay to do it. The way it works now; we fine the property owner for failing to shovel snow but encourage him to put bulky (and often disgusting) trash on the sidewalk.

    1. Mr. Brush: We're lucky "here"? Are you kidding or what? We pay taxes "here", lots of taxes "here"! Municipalities collect trash and they should have a fixed day every week for bulk, large itens, furniture. They have to be smart and efficient with the garbage removal. They have to be smart and efficient with the snow removal. They may do it well in front of 700's block on Prospect Avenue, but they are not in the rest of the city.

    2. Anonymous 'Welcome to Hartford' is correct. There's garbage all over the city. Filth everywhere. No wonder DPW Director lives in a nicer, cleaner town: OUTSIDE OF HARTFORD.

  8. What town does Chapman live in? It should be mentioned here, LOUD AND CLEAR, so constituents can call their representative and ask why.

  9. I was there myself. Fri. night was some kind of an event at the XL, but Sat. tgere was nothing - except for the placard still placed for nothing.

  10. I guess the Mayor and Council don't go downtown unless they are having fundraisers, and they definitely aren't paying attention to the business climate

  11. I believe it is Wethersfield, but what does their Rep have to do with it. Call the mayors office and each council person and ask why they ignore the City ordinances requiring residency, they are the ones responsible

  12. I give you 2-3 yrs. for the new ballpark to be covered with graffiti and lots of dirt. Guaranteed.
    Who has to pay for maintenance and the keep up of the stadium? What type of contract did Deller The Seller negotiated with the Yard Rats' owners? He said he was a very good negotiator, maybe after all is said and done we'll find out he was a very good liar.

  13. Keep the no parkings placards in the downtown area, we should all park our cars in front of Pedro's home on Prospect.
    Hey Pedro get us a free shuttle from Prospect to downtown.


  14. Mr. Brush: We're lucky "here"? Are you kidding or what?
    Bureaucracies are not by nature primarily concerned with customer service, and benefit from smart honest leadership. They are concerned with appearances, and my only point is that the trash strewn all around town is sooner picked up where outside traffic, State hacks for example, is heaviest.
    How about doing it like West Hartford? Permit required before hand before the private contractor will do the deed? Maybe we just have too much crap here.

    1. Yes, we are lucky here, paying the highest tax rate in the entire state, getting promises and cheap talk and awful services in exchange. Call this lucky if you wish.

  15. Sick of hearing about residency which is nothing but racism. City minorities want to deny jobs to whites who live outside the city and want jobs given to them because they look like the communiyy.
    If any majority white suburb implemented similar policies and stated they hire whites only to reflect the mske up of their communitied there would be absolute hell to pay.

  16. It's the city ordinance. For all heads of departments. All.

  17. I'd like DPW Director to wake up every morning in Hartford, maybe this way he's going to take better care of Hartford.

  18. This is Hartford. When Segarra is out of office soon all his incompetent and corrupt directors must resign, and if they don't remove them and replace them with qualified ones.

    1. 6:59am: "Segarra out of office soon." We do hope so. The sooner the better.

  19. Yes it is. So keep complaining about the terrible city services you receive and in the same breath complain that a few department heads aren't from the city. Because obviously limiting the talent pool of applicants had been working great thusfar.

    Figure it out yet?

  20. Complaining? Here's Director Chapman who does not reside in Hartford and has limited talent. I guess Hartford is so bad, even for Chapman.

  21. Chapman takes home more than $100K+ a year. He can be from Wethersfield or another town, but for this money his should move to Hartford, as required, for the duration of his job in Hartford.

  22. Don't you get it, these people Dislike Hartford, they only love the big - fat checks they're getting from Hartford.

  23. This has been an issue on Elm Street. There is no parking in place due to construction. The signs stay up on the weekends, when people want to patronize The Bushnell or the park. It's so left hand right hand that they can't be more flexible with this or put dates on the signs, so people can park after the events or construction are over and before signs are taken down.

  24. what did you say you want? dates written on the placards? well, it definitely makes sense, but this is Hartford DPW and Hartford DPW doesn't make any sense.

  25. I think a little common sense is all we need. They should not be posted until 6 or 8 hours before the event, that will meet the legal requirements for towing the vehicles if needed. 24 hours early, or more, makes no sense

  26. We can argue 6, 7, 8 hrs. before the event. The problem is that DPW don't remove it in a reasonable time after the event, many times they keep the placards unnecessarily the following day and beyond, hurting the public and businesses this way. They are unprofessional and sloppy, that's what they are, and I believe as someone indicated earlier, they are bunch of lazy.

  27. I see plenty of people driving around in brand new ford pickups with the word "supervisor" on the side, what actually are they supervising? Can we request a refund on their supervisor pay? Do we need that many supervisors if no one is actually supervising?

  28. Chapman wants us to believe that there're supervisor checking around. This is bulls- -t, it's exactly what he said during the winter that the city was divided into 6 zones or something idiotic like this with a supervisor behind each plower. I wonder if he ever got out of the office himself to look around and see how bad the job that was done.

  29. Tell Chapman to drive around to see the potholes all over town. Is Segarra blocking the repairs cause he needs the money for that stadium

  30. Hartford businesses are already dead long time ago with the very high taxes
