Sunday, May 10, 2015


Last week I posted "Transparency". In that posting, I questioned the motives of some of our elected officials and why they actually run for office.  I didn't name one Councilperson by name, he was astute enough to figure out it was him. I had mentioned a Councilperson of 16 years and what he had done ( or more appropriately not done) on the Council during that time.

Councilman Ken Kennedy was at the Mayoral Forum Thursday night at the library. As soon as I entered the room, the esteemed Councilman approached me. Not even a hello, how you doing, nothing. Kennedy entered into his public tirade and stated " I have only been a Councilman for 14 years, not sixteen as you said on your blog." And then the kicker, he claimed" I have passed plenty of legislation on the Council, I am going to print it out and deliver it to your fat ass to show you"

That should be a very short print out.  But even more surprising was Kennedy's promise to "deliver it to your fat ass". Councilman, does your home have any mirrors or even a scale? I don't think you have met a cheeseburger you didn't like in the last few years. It also exhibits why we need a change on the Council. There is a total lack of respect between the Council and their Constituents. Kennedy's addressing me exhibits that. We also saw the Council President lack of dignity when he addressed anti-stadium residents, particularly Joanne Bauer, after the Councils rubber stamp vote to pass the stadium.

It is time for a change to Council people that actually respect and serve the community that puts them there.


  1. well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. No Ken nothing racist there, its a saying. Maybe you should spend a little more time at your state job instead of travelling the food aisles at Walmart when you should be working.

    1. We definitely recommend big fat ass Kennedy joins Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers. His choice. He may well be more productive there than in his 14 wasted years as Hartford councilman.

    2. It's 14 years for Kennedy, made a chunk of money, has guaranteed pension from the city no matter what's gonna happen, has Healthcare coverage for life. Not bad for a "part time job", these councilman take care of themselves real good. We in Hartford pay the bike.

  2. Hilarious except that Kennedy's arrogance and disdain for residents of Hartford ( and the cops also) wasn't so well known. And the picture is fitting , I never knew until now that Ken had an identical twin.

  3. give Kennedy some credit, he did keep the Corvette engines out of HPD cruisers. Moron

  4. Not sure who exactly has a fat Ass. Apparently councilman Kennedy has lots of fat - instead of some brain - inside his skull.

  5. I would have ignored Kennedy, in my opinion he's either a pig or an a__hole.

    1. 12:5PM make it clear, Ken Kennedy IS a pig AND a--hole.

  6. 14 yrs. or 16 yrs. on city council. Who dares, 14 yrs. for Kennedy as member of city council is already too long. Too long with too little accomplished. Time to go Kennedy, you duty arrogant.

  7. Ken kennedy is a zeroMay 10, 2015 at 1:28 PM

    Ken kennedy is a fat deadbeat loser that only goes around kissing asses and babies two monthes before council elections.
    I only pray that a new mayor will handle the council. All a bunch of zeros except for raul, at least he listens and has respect.
    Ken kennedy. U zero.

  8. Ken kennedy is a zeroMay 10, 2015 at 1:28 PM

    Ken kennedy is a fat deadbeat loser that only goes around kissing asses and babies two monthes before council elections.
    I only pray that a new mayor will handle the council. All a bunch of zeros except for raul, at least he listens and has respect.
    Ken kennedy. U zero.

  9. Ken,

    Be a man , admit it, Brookman has done more to set and change policy in Hartford through this blog than you have done your entire time on the Council, Now doesn't telling the truth make you feel better.

  10. 16 yrs. or 14 yrs. on the council. Who cares, I'd like to know what his record is - not his record as butt kisser, but his voting record on every tax increase after tax increase in Hartford in the past 14 yrs. that brought us to this shameful results

  11. I always knew he was an ignorant, narcissistic, piece of shit, but this is too much even for Kennedy. Every time this fool sees a TV camera anywhere in his vicinity, he manages to worm his way in front of it and pretend he's some sort of elder statesman/spokesperson for the city. What a moron! And I believe he's behind the Dillon Stadium soccer project being snatched away from chosen Hartford developer TJ Clynch, and then suddenly given to a different developer from outside of Hartford--a developer who supposedly is linked with KK. There's a lawsuit pending on that one.

    He needs to be gone in November, and take dirtbag Aponte, babbling bozo Anderson, useless Jennings, and megalomaniac Wooden with him.

  12. Eat a cheeseburger KenMay 11, 2015 at 1:47 AM

    Now now Kennedy has at least grown the population of Hartford by having an out of wedlock baby...the poor woman had to sue him for child support.

    1. Keep on eating your cheeseburgers Ken

  13. I have known for a long time that this man Kennedy is no good. SKB and Terry Waller supporter. I agree with 8:06 pm, we have to look at his history, see how he voted for every city budget and each vote increasing the mill rate.

  14. Kevin don't fall for the huge chunk of BS rhetoric this poor excuse of a legislator spewed. Hes got nothing of substance to say so he goes personal. Remember not to roll in the mud with pigs. They love the mud (that's all they have) and you just get dirty.

  15. Pigs love the mud AND they love rolling in their own shit. Kenneth Kennedy, I'm talking to YOU.

  16. Kennedy acts like a fat cow and as such he's responsible for a significant amount of greenhouse gases that cover the entire Hartford area. It's been difficult to breath here lately.

  17. still haven't decided whether Kennedy is a big fat pig or a big fat cow. either or this guy really stinks

  18. Kevin, Thank you for calling attention to an unfortunate incident back in October when Council President Wooden publicly took exception with my Htfd Courant Op-Ed piece pointing to environmental racism issues surrounding the yard goats' baseball stadium. Other Councilors also decided to hold us citizens hostage while they engaged in "political grandstanding" when they knew they had the votes. It is appalling how little they listen to residents' information and opinions and then add insult to injury by attempting to belittle those who seem to know more than they about many topics before them. At the time, I asked myself, "Would my state legislators -- Coleman and Ritter -- ever treat constituents that way?" The answer: NEVER!

    1. Ms. Bauer, just one correction please: many Hartford residents have been calling that team THE YARD RATS.

  19. Ken Kennedy, the guy who knows nothing about police work but yet wants to dictate everything the police department does. Ken Kennedy, the guy who despises police and pushed Rovella around. Ken Kennedy, the guy who wants to dictate what cops drive. Ken Kennedy who gets all bad information from a certain sergeant who shouldn't even have a job. Ken Kennedy, the lowest scum possible who has never done anything productive for the city of Hartford.

  20. Kennedy created a Committee on Restructuring City government during the budget process last year. He was supposed to have a report to council with recommendations by end of Dec. No report yet. He's all hot air.

  21. How can he restructure something that he doesn't even understand the structure of to begin with? I am sure that the report that was due in December will be in the stack of legislation he claims he has passed that he promised to deliver to my "fat ass"

  22. Since da fool obviously reads this blog Mr. Pompous Kennedy you should engage your limited brain before opening your mouth and being condescending and demeaning. I may not always agree with Kevin but he's respectful , something you should emulate instead of acting like a spoiled 5 year old.

  23. Kennedy "acting like a soiled 5 year old" but whenever he sees a camera or just a wfsb or nbc30 crew he puts on a very serious, concerned face. He's an excellent actor and manipulator pretending to work on behalf of the people

  24. Ken, are you discriminating against obese people? Ken are judging people based on their physical appearances? Do you work with obese people? You should not use such hateful terms on people. It sounds like you are prejudice towards the obese. You are a Hippocrate. (Hippo for short).... and you wanted to be the next city treasurer.... Lol

  25. Kennedy reads this blog frequently, each and every segment, each and every portion, each and every comment

  26. He sure does read this blog, that's why he's so angry. Angry man, angry cow, angry pig, angry hippo, whatever.

  27. The weight watcherMay 12, 2015 at 11:36 PM

    Let's have a weigh-in between Kennedy and Panagore.

    1. With or without the bloated egos?

  28. Why all this fat shaming? Why don't you go after this guy based on the failed "progressive Democrat" party agenda which he represents. Progressive black racism has been a fatal characteristic in many large cities in the US. Just look at Detroit, Baltimore, DC, and Newark. Hey those progressive idiots like Ken are doing a great job. All under the leadership of the most divisive and racist president and first lady in American history. Not to worry, the country is waking to this for real. Even the liberal media has begun to challenge these destructive progressives like fat Ken.
