Tuesday, May 5, 2015


I take a lot of pride in the changes this blog has forced in Hartford. P-card's, use of City vehicles, sexually abusive Department head removed, the list goes on and on. The biggest change this blog needs to make, or more accurately help make, is in the change of leadership to move our City into the future.

As a City we can not survive another four years of this Council and Mayor Pedro Segarra. It is time for change if we are to succeed. That change will only come about through education of our voters and some deep soul searching by those that claim to care about Hartford. Why do people run for Council seats, why do they run for Mayor?

I am more and more convinced the reason is over inflated egos and desires for titles. Possibly they also love the invites to the best cocktail parties. Ask most of our elected officials what they have done during the time they have been in elected office and they might have a hard time giving you solid answers. What have you done in your 16 years as a Councilperson is a question that should probably get you a lengthy list of accomplishments, except in Hartford it will probably get the glasses slid down the bridge of the nose and a blank stare.Why would the voters re-elect a Councilperson after their  term as Council President ended in shame with a Mayor you rubber stamped for eventually  resigned in shame  facing corruption charges. Yes , a solid reputation of excellence in moving Hartford forward.

Hartford is in a good position this year if the voters educate themselves and if the Democratic Town Committee stops playing politics with the lives and futures of Hartford's residents. The time is here to put the political payback and dirty deal making aside and select the best possible candidates to run our City.

Up until a few weeks ago, the choice for me for Mayor was a tough one. I had met Luke Bronin at the Governors Office. I had known John Gale from being out in the community, I had seen Councilman Cruz as a fill in Councilperson when he was elevated to fill an unexpired Council term. I probably would have supported Luke Bronin as the most capable of the candidates. I still think Bronin , at a different time in Hartford's future, could provide a level of leadership this city is sadly lacking now.

That all changed when Hartford's Judge of Probate retired last month after 31 years in that position. I had never met Bob Killian. I knew who he was and knew of him and his family, who wouldn't if you had any sense of Hartford's and Connecticut's history. I was surprised when Judge Killian called me and asked if we could sit down and talk. I agreed, even though I had thought I had made up my mind that Bronin was my choice.

We met at a restaurant for lunch and ended up leaving almost 4 hours later. I was impressed. No , I was very impressed.This man gets it, and he also has an amazing knowledge of Hartford's past and its history. He also has a love for this City that can't be made up. His love for Hartford, its people and its neighborhoods comes through loud and clear. I never felt that love in talking to Pedro Segarra and although it is there with Bronin and Gale, the compassion for Hartford from Killian exudes in everything he has to say.

I think part of that might be his 31 years as Hartford's Probate Judge. Bob has dealt with over 51,000 Hartford families during those 31 years. Many of those dealing were at less than favorable times, deaths, drug and alcohol issues and mental illness issues, removing children from less than desirable home issues and the bright side of the job such as completing adoptions and placing children with relatives and others to provide them the nurturing to make them productive adults.

I think those 31 years also provided Bob with the nurturing and compassion that uniquely suits him to be Mayor of our City. Bob's love and compassion for Hartford come through in just about every conversation he has about Hartford. And just about every conversation Bob has is about Hartford and his vision for the City he was born in and grew up in ( as well as his father and family)

 Bob also seems very well versed in issues facing Hartford, budget, pensions, land use, you name it, he understands it, or is willing to listen and learn. The leadership and vision for Hartford are exemplary qualities that puts Killian ahead, definitely ahead of our current Mayor . His knowledge of Hartford's issues  can only come from his experiences living here and growing up here. I think I can honestly say that there have been very few people  that have impressed me enough as to their leadership  and knowledge of City government as Bob Killian possesses.
 Listen to what he has to say and decide for yourself. Isn't it about time we have leadership at City Hall that cares about each and everyone of our residents? Isn't it time we have a Mayor that understands City government and is able to work within it to  make the City we love move forward and succeed?

After this short time of getting to know Bob Killian, I am ready to say Bob is the best choice to move this City forward., The Mayor's Office is not a stepping stone for Bob. He doesn't want to be a Senator or Congressman 10 years from now, he wants to see Hartford thriving and it's residents and business owners thriving 10 years from now.

I support Bob Killian for Mayor and I truly believe he is the best hope for our future.


  1. After watching your interview of Killian and his repsonses, I like what I see. Not 1 ounce of the arrogance Segarra exudes and he also seems like an honest thoughtful man. Won't that be novel for City Hall, someone that we can actually trust. BOB KILLIAN FOR MAYOR

  2. Respect is earned!May 5, 2015 at 7:13 PM

    Kevin, you know about 10 percent of the population of hartford actually vote. And most will only vote for the minority candidate dispite logical better choices.
    So how does he get the word out? How can they compare to king caviar?
    On a side note, what is the update on the stack going 44 at a casino using the "N" word towards several minority witnesses. This guy needs to go asap Before he endangers lives....

    1. Respect is earned!
      Getting the word out to support Judge Killian is not going to be easy, we all have to talk to family members, friends, neighbors, anyone. We have to make sure they vote for the primaries and the general election. Residents of Hartford must understand that this election is probably the most important election they'll face in many years.

  3. 6:30pm: I agree with you 100%. JUDGE KILLIAN FOR MAYOR.

  4. Bob Killian will never spend money the city doesn't have. Killian will be able to balance Hartford budget.

  5. I think I can honestly say that there have been very few people that have impressed me enough as to their leadership and knowledge of City government as Bob Killian possesses.
    I've only lived here since '84, but as far as I know there's certainly never been a leader like him available to us in these past thirty years. Without using the kind of harsh language some of us are prone to, he seems to appreciate that Hartford is in great stress. He does appear to love the city, but he doesn't have to prove it by promising stuff to the electorate, the unions, or party insiders. Hartford is what it is; let's not run it (further)into the ground.
    I hope that the Dems (who run the show) can somehow see fit to elect him. Perhaps it'd be helpful for both electoral and governing purposes if he'd team up with other reasonable souls, but perhaps there aren't many people willing or able to form a Common Sense ticket. In any case, I pray that the City might get Judge Killian for CEO. If we have a chance to avoid the fate of Detroit, he's the man to give it to us.

  6. Imagine your mayor enjoying champagne and caviar with friends, using city credit card to pay for it, and then have the nerve to accuse the waiter for taking the wrong credit card. This will never happen when Judge Killian is our Mayor.

  7. Any additional day with Pedro Caviar will get us closer to a financial disaster. The future of the City of Hartford is with Killian as Mayor.

  8. King Pedro Caviar did an excellent job bringing Hartford closer and closer to bankruptcy. It's time to tell him: PEDRO, YOU ARE FIRED!!!

  9. Here's what Segarra says in his own story/biography:

    "Pedro Segarra was constantly exposed to conditions of extreme poverty."

    Yo, Pedro, it's time to update your story and add the caviar you like so much in it.

  10. Pedro promised to bring jobs to Hartford. What jobs? How many? Where are those jobs?

  11. Pedro did bring jobs. Good jobs. High paying jobs. To his cronies, that's what he brought.

  12. Mayoral Debate tomorrow at HPL. Will Judge Killian be in attendance?

    1. I will be there with bells on and oh yeah my " Touch of Class T-Shirt.

      John Mendez let's get a group presence there and with shirts. The Media will be there and when they take questions from the floor, respectfully ask the Mayor Candidates is Prostitution illegal as well as soliciting prostitutes, then ask Segarra has he done either of these illegal acts.

      Be respectful & professional with a "Touch of Class" and expose this judgemental, hypocritical, lying creep!



    2. Not only get rid of Pedro Caviar, DUMP HIM!

  13. I may not agree with you Kevin very often, but seeing the interview on public access, Judge Killian is by far the best choice for Hartford mayor. Let's all put the good word out and support this candidate for a better Hartford going forward.

  14. Unfortunately Pedro has Latino and city workers votes locked up, Bronin has the African American power brokers which means an uphill climb for the esteemed judge.

  15. What would you do if Pedro said Yes, but so what. I wasn't the Mayor then so what does that have to do with now.

  16. 4:59pm.

    your comment is vey vague, but I imagine you are referring to Segarra's foray into the world of prostitution, on both sides. I would say we will never hear him admit to anything, he hardly does. It is an issue of integrity, he was assigned as a prosecutor at the same time he was out at night breaking the laws he was prosecuting people for.Plus he is just flat out a terrible Mayor, even if we were to overlook his other "issues"

  17. Everyone should attend the mayoral debate on Thursday 5/7 at the Main Street Library at 6pm. It's going to be interesting how Pedro handles all his lies. With "Touch of Class" T-shirts distributed for free it's going to be even more interesting.

  18. Enough with the touch of class. We all know Pedro Segarra is an incompetent, morally bankrupt pig , let's focus on the real issues that our facing our city and build the case why Segarra should not be returned to office, let's start a real debate and focus on real issues. The touch of Class had its run, there is much more to discredit Segarra with that voters can relate to.

  19. When you see Segarra tomorrow evening, please remember that after 5 yrs. as mayor his accomplishments are as follows:

    * WASTE

  20. a major Segarra accomplishment that wasn't mentioned earlier is the luxury box in the ballpark for himself as well as 200 free tickets for himself and his cronies.
    all this at our expense of course.

    1. I guess the 200 free "Segarra" tickets aee for life

  21. 10:27 PM got it exactly right. WASTE, MISMANAGEMENT and CORRUPTION is what defines the Segarra administration.

  22. I have known Bob Killian for many, many years. To beat "Pedro Mad Man" Seggara Bob needs Luke Bronin and John Gales support. They have to decide who is going to run. One of the three can beat the "Mad Man" but they have to merge to one candidate. Then one candidate will win the Democratic Town Committee endorsement and Primary Election..

  23. I agree. Bob Killian, Luke Bronin and John Gale have to decide who will run. If one of the three run, Pedro Seggara will not win the Democratic Primary.

  24. Pedro Seggara is turning Hartford taxpayers off. He wants to take from the Board of Education to rescue his many mistakes in his mis-management of the city. Pedro has done major damage to Hartford. He has no clue.

  25. This is the greatest risk, splitting the votes among Bronin, Gales and Killian and Pedro wins by getting his votes, you know those votes he pays for with OUR tax dollars

  26. Luke Bronin will be a better mayor than Segarra. Much better mayor.
    John Gales will be a better mayor than Segarra. Much better mayor.
    Bob Killian will be a better mayor than Segarra. Much better mayor.

  27. My dog would be a better Mayor than Pedro Segarra, and probably a higher IQ also

  28. Your dog, Kevin, will never be able to be as corrupt as Pedro.
    Also, your dog would never be interested in caviar as Pedro is (or at least was, until you exposed who paid for Pedro's caviar)

  29. My hamster named Pedro just filed his papers to run for Mayor.

  30. It's a great danger the votes in the primary will split between Bronin and Killian, and as a result Segarra wins because he gets all the votes from those he paid for with jobs to tge or member of their families

  31. Whoever gonna be the next mayor will be great to Hartford as long as Pedro Caviar is out.

  32. Pedro simply doesn't understand the every day residents of Hartford. Maybe Pedro green up poor, but he now lives like a millionaire. He understands champagne and caviar better than all candidates. He lost touch with the people, those who surround him are SKB, Charlie Ortiz, Shawn Wooden, the Millionaires Club. Time to go Pedro.
