Sunday, June 28, 2015


Hartford's Fire Chiefs new $70,000 plus Tahoe, his new City Car.

I know I sometimes focus on the "little things" but maybe if our Mayor and others at City Hall began focusingn the little things, they just might not turn into the bigger things.
As one honest candidate for Mayor has consistently stated, the City of Hartford is broke. The honesty is refreshing but I am not sure Segarra or any of his associates are ready to recognize that fact.Moody's and the financial rating groups all seem to get it, but our current Mayor doesn't,

The picture's above are a perfect example.. Apparently our Fire Chief has a brand new luxury SUV as his City vehicle. WHY? Maybe if Chief Huertas wants more money to hire his much needed Assistant Chief to cover his deficiencies, just maybe laying out $70,000 plus for his loaded Tahoe isn't the best way to manage a budget. Wouldn't the $19,000 Chevy Impala like Chief Rovella drives make more sense?And why the "undercover " need for a Fire Chief? I know his predecessor removed the HFD-1 license Plate when he started making his regular rendezvous's to the Gold Club. He also removed the Hartford Fire Department decals from the doors.

I would think that the HFD-1 (Hartford Fire Department car 1, the Chiefs designation) would be a sign of pride for Hartford's Fire Chief. And why no visible markings?  I think every City vehicle, including all Police and Fire vehicles, should be fully marked to display their presence on the streets. Unless it is a vehicle that has a clearly defined  use for undercover  work.

Fully marking the vehicle's would serve a twofold purpose First, it would greatly cut down on abuse. People issued City Cars would be a lot less likely to jump in the take- home cars to conduct personal business if taxpayers could see them pulling up to the dry cleaners on a Saturday or piling the family in for a trip to a restaurant for dinner. It would definitely cut down on weekend trips to Newport or Manhattan if people could visibly see their tax dollars being abused.

 And yes, that really happens. Retired  Assistant Police Chief McCoy's trips into Manhattan ,on weekends in his City car were well documented by the tickets mailed to the City when he would run the tolls in his City car  and they would photograph his plate.And lets not forget  Segarra puppet master Saundra Kee-Borges  wrecking her City car, not  even being driven by her, after her outing to Jay's Crab Shack on Park Street for dinner.

Secondly why shouldn't the people be able to see their Fire Chief out in public. For the outrageous taxes we pay in Hartford, it might actually be nice to see the Fire Chief is attending a community meeting or visiting a school or event. They can't now because Chief  Huertas apparently is running in stealth mode

If Chief Huertas wants to build morale in his department, the HFD-1 plate should go back on the Chief's car and he should proudly be identified as the chief of the Hartford Fire Department with proper markings on his vehicle.

Little things mean a lot.



  1. This is a scandal! This is outrageous! SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU HUERTAS AND SEGARRA!

  2. Bitch, moan, complain for what? Absolutely nothing is going to change for the better with either the dept or city. They want it this way.

  3. ^ Settle down Terry.

  4. Luxury Tahoe, a gift from Pedro to Carlos, and We The People of Hartford paying the bill, and then we're surprised when we learn of Mood'y downgrades.
    I'm disgusted by Segarra.

  5. Kevin, this issue is far for being a "little thing." There're soooo many "little things" involving Pedro Corrupt Segarra and they all add up to millions of dollars. I also don't think your 'offer' of a $19k Impala is right. What's wrong with a Ford Focus, Toyota Yaris or similar, after all the chief doesn't carry any fire equipment, the fire trucks do. Huertas is FD Chief, not Secretary of Homeland Security. Since when do we have to shuttle his family in a luxury SUV?

    1. I agree with 4:02.
      * This luxury truck is a "little thing."
      * The missing $600k insurance premium is a "little thing."
      * The Jared Kupiek stolen car affair is a "little thing."
      * SKB affair/s are "little things."
      * The Terry Waller AssistantChief affair is a "little thing."
      * The $400k unpaid loan to Hartford21 market is a "little thing."
      * Missing credit cards receipt s is a "little thing."
      The list goes on and on and on, many pages of "little things."

  6. If you want to save money on vehicles, start disbursing some of the vehicles that HPD snatches and drives around with city fuel on so called undercover operations.

  7. It's obvious that at the end that's what it's gonna be: a luxury SUV for the chief and his family. Guaranteed.

    1. Yo, Carlos, did you notice, you are now the biggest joke of the entire FD.

    2. Is there a designated chauffer to shuttle the Huertas family around in a tinted windows, luxury, limo-like S U V ?

  8. It is unmarked and tinted out so nobody knows its Charlie sneaking around Hartford looking for Companies out of there first due area. He then calls Dist. 1 and has him take care of it. You then get a call saying an "anonymous citizen complaint" was made that you were out of your area from the D/C. None of the citizens know our first due areas, its Charlie complaining.
    Also, who is the woman that ALWAYS accompanies Charlie when he is patrolling? Maybe another reason for the blacked out windows? Guess he didn't learn from the Waller/Borges MVA.
    He is always on "red light" patrol too. He accuses companies of running red lights when he has no clue which lights have green arrows. He nails companies from his office at HQ on High Street. I guess he can see the whole city from his office chair.
    There is no reason for him to have such a fancy, expensive car.

  9. Carlos you are a moron, even if Segarra Caviar gave you this SUV for free, you should have rejected it.
    Carlos Huertas, how could you be such an idiot.

  10. That's a nice damn truck can I have one for my weekend get aways to Martha's Vineyard?

    1. Romello, that's a nice damn truck indeed.

      Here's a quiz to you, Romello:

      1. Guess who's paying for this nice truck.
      2. Guess who's paying for the maintenance of this nice truck.
      3. Guess who's paying the gas for this nice truck.
      4. Guess who's paying the insurance for this nice truck.
      5. Guess who's paying the oil change for this nice truck.

      If you answer all the questions correctly, we'll include you in a raffle. Grand prize: "Weekend Getaway to Martha's Vineyard with Chief Huertas Tahoe."

      Good luck!

  11. Tinted windows are illegal.

    1. Illegal for you, illegal to all of us. However, Segarra is above the law, at least he feels he's above the law.

  12. Don't forget that Caviar takes credit for the sun coming up every morning.

  13. City vehicles SUPPOSE to be MARKED, check the policy. Remember about 5 years ago when that was SUPPOSED to be implemented based on Vehicles out of City limits. Our fine, fierce leader Pedro is breaking the Law, it is a State Law, that extra tint job we paid for is ILLEGAL. No problem, Pedro does not have to abide by the LAW or even know it, after all he didn't know soliciting prostitutes was illegal either, even when he was prosecuting them.

    Pedro's MO; DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO!!!

    Listen people this was needed, Huertas is hot on the case undercover, he's looking for those establishments that are selling lighters, he has in his intelligent thorough investigation figured out that was the deadly weapon used in the latest ring of fires, he's hot on the trail of the thugs, he has identified the gang, known as "Los Lighters:, He'S Close in cracking this case. Surely with his Bat Mobile, he will be victorious; TO THE BAT CAVE WE GO!!!!

  14. Wow. I guess it will be easier for Huertas to pick up prostitutes.

  15. Once again, what interests the Courant is some Travelers Champioship thing. Anyone investigating ANYTHING at the Courant? Anyone reporting ANYTHING about the real Hartford, the mess, the mismanagement, the corruption and fraud.
    Nobody needs a paper like this.

    1. Just ignore the courant, nobody really cares about it

  16. No one gets this rag, called the Courant. They did not pick up on any of Pedro's scandals, the Courant may have been involved with some of the dirt, when Pedro was a Prosecutor, hanging out with illicit folks, hanging out with Prostitutes, hanging out with the gay mafia, yes it exist, ask Pedro, the talk of how Jarred came out of the sticks to be Pedro's COS, is connected to them.
    Pedro is dirty, dirty, dirty, dirtier than a Pig in mud. This Pig Must Go, him and his Dirty Cronies!

  17. Mr. Caviar, the environment defender, what's the MPG of this SUV? seriously

    1. What the Hybrids weren't in stock? Caviar just don't give a Shit about the taxpayers, the environment or the City of Hartford!!

      This is another example of Pedro's decision making, his leadership, his financial wisdom, his day to day running of this city.

      Ask the Judge or Bronin at the next debate if this was a wise financial decision...


  18. Kevin, is the attached photo the actual vehicle purchased/given to Huertas? Could you FOI the DMV and check the registration for this vehicle # 4AN - EJO. After all, it may have been purchased personally by Huertas. You know, there's a 2009 Honda CRV under a "Carlos M Huertas" registered in Hartford, maybe, just maybe, Huertas bought and paid for this fancy, luxury stealth himself.

  19. on April 17, 2014 the Courant editorial headline was:
    Oh yes, he's going, driving a luxury $70,000+ SUV. That's called going in style.

  20. This is the reason why Shawn Wooden is not running for office again. He wanted a nice car for himself, just like the one Huertas got but didn't get it, they told him to keep the Infiniti M35 he was already driving

  21. Chevy Tahoe is running approximately 11 to 14 MPG in the city. So what? Segarra will now buy a tanker to go with the Tahoe anywhere Huertas goes. Not a big deal

  22. when Pedro Caviar Segarra became mayor, he stated what his "Core Values" were. His #1 "value" was this:

    "Each department makes professional and fiscally responsible decisions."

    Does this applies to Huertas' shiny Chevy Tahoe?

  23. Anonymous 4:48pm "... make fiscally responsible decisions."
    Says who? Segarra? He's the most irresponsible person ever, he spends money like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

  24. Not a good sign for team Danny when the city buys Charlie a new vehicle. All the trouble you guys have gone through to get rid of him and now he's pimpin a new ride. Maybe if Tough D was doing his job instead of trying to run the Department he would be working, and the Training division wouldn't have one of the worst records in the country.

  25. Dont worry fire mice. Titan Terry is also geting a fancy ride. Just sit there and play candy crush in your fire house bunk. Terry Waller will be running the whole operation when the dust and old man teale board the short bus back to lorraine manor.

  26. We, the people of Hartford, are disgusted by Huertas.
    We, the people of Hartford, are disgusted by Segarra.

  27. Pedro Segarra, like a begger, asks the state for more funds. I'm sure they'll be happy to see the receipt for the purchase of this Chevy Tahoe.

  28. don't forget insurance for this chevy. full coverage for this type of vehicle is in the thousands of $$$. who's gonna pay this

  29. * Who requested this Tahoe?
    * Who approved the lease/purchase of this Tahoe?
    * Who ordered this Tahoe?
    * Who and how this Tahoe was paid for?

    Kevin, you want to tell me that nobody at city hall noticed anything about the arrogance, ugliness and waste in this 'process'?

  30. what results did plate no. 4AN-EJO bring at the DMV? hurry up, Huertas is going to replace the plates soon

  31. 9:53am

    Registered to the City of Hartford Fie Department

  32. Obviously they do care, they care about driving in style no matter what message they send, no matter what the consequences are, no matter what the costs are, no matter if the city can afford it. They are a bunch of _____________ (please fill up the rest).

  33. Enough said about this $70,000 plus Tahoe. Time has come to get rid of Huertas and Segarra. 90 days left until the primaries. Can't wait.

  34. Is it possible it's part of his contract to get a nice car like this? Its not out of the realm of possibility that it could be a perk of his job. Just wondering.

  35. How many Tahoes are on regular shift duty for HPD.

  36. If he had a branded vehicle VW with HFD Plate 1 on it people would still find some reason to be make unfriendly remarks.

    Lesson to be learned here if you don't have anything positive to say - don't say nothing.

    Show some class and help to get the FD and PD back on track as being the best in the Country.

    1. THE lesson to be learned here, if the only thing you have to say is stupid - don't say nothing.

  37. ... Help get the FD back on track... How about Huertas show some discipline, some consideration, some respect to the heavily taxed Hartford tax payers and driving a Prius. Show some leadership.
    If Huertas wants to get his dept. back on track, the best thing from him to do right now is say it was a mistake, he's returning this $70K+ car and starting to drive a smaller, more efficient car. Maybe then the public will take him more seriously.

  38. Anonymous 4:25 Are you getting some free rides on this car or something?

    Lesson to be learned here: don't be an arrogant son of a bitch, you don't need this vehicle, you don't need this stupid showoff.

  39. The only way to get these Depts back to a level of pride is to stop promoting uneducated idiots who were handed answers to the tests from the Society

  40. This really cracks me up, Charlie with a new Tahoe, people you think this is something new with the City, because it isn't, I could remember as a youngster, my next door neighbors father worked for L & I and this was maybe 40 years or so, her father had a brand new City car, use to come home during lunch time, park in his driveway, stay there until 3p.m. sometimes go back to work, and some times not. Then there was the former Mayor Athenson, when he lived on Hillside Ave, had a nice car to drive around in. Then the FD, well back then the Fire Chief had drivers, then somewhere during the end with C/Stewart they stopped having drivers, so he use to drive himself around in his assign vehicle which was a new one, every Chief of the FD had a newer one, so why not Charlie. This is nothing new to the City. just saying.....

  41. 4:25pm I think the public would have applauded Carlos if he drove a Jetta or a Prius instead of this Tahoe.
    Carlos will come out as a winner if he returned the Tahoe, go to the media to say it was a mistake and start driving a Jetta or a Prius. Chevy Impala is Ok too. Best is to buy a "Made in the USA."
    Good luck.

  42. why only Huertas? Segarra should buy EVERY head of department a fully loaded, leather seats, tinted windows, Chevy Tahoe. how many Tahoes are we talking about, 10, maybe 20. what's the big deal, just $70,000+ each. Segarra can afford it, using Dunkin Donuts naming rights money, and if he still doesn't know what the deal is with DD, then ok, he can use taxpayers, which he uses anyway he wishes no matter what.
    yo, Segarra, get me a Tahoe.

  43. Let's be honest here: Huertas is trying to do his job, but he's really the victim here, victim of Segarra and Kee-Borges (remember her?). The 2 manipulators, Segarra and SKB, appointed Huertas to become chief in the condition that he appoints the unqualified Terry Waller, so Terry could be later the chief himself. We're all lucky to have Terry out of High St, but we still pay for his "injury" in an accident while driving a car he should have never been allowed to be behind the wheel.
    This is all filthy, dirty politics orchestrated by Pedro Caviar Segarra and SKB.
    Now, we should give Huertas a chance to come out clean, tell us the facts, the real facts as he knows, and let him do his job, restructuring the FD.

  44. Well, give Carlos a chance, see if he wants to come clean. There was never a better time for him to do it.

  45. I agree, I'm willing to give Huertas a second chance, but part of it has to be getting rid of that fancy SUV

  46. Huertas couldn't organize a desk drawer never mind the fire dept. Who do you think you're kidding. He had the chance to stand up for himself and show a backbone plenty of times and he failed. How many chances does he have to have. I heard his contract is up. Get rid of him. Are you going to extend his contract because of the "great" job he's doing. He's been a disgrace since the minute he stepped out of the elevator on the second floor of High Street. The direction of the Dept. is obviously opposite the one he's taken. Good riddance. Goodbye. As the saying goes. "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out"

  47. Charlie has the right people behind him so he doesn't need to come clean about anything. All the attempts to smear him by your false prophet have failed. Danny is on his way out and Huertas has a new ride. The city bought him the vehicle (PURCHASING) so do you think they care what you think about it. The takeover at the Shop failed, this isn't South Carolina, you guys
    won't "Take Back" your Dept. as you like to say. Training sure has a lot to do in the next few weeks.

  48. Pedro and Sandy handcuffed Charlie all along, he couldn't move right or left, couldn't do any major thing without their approval. They ruled, from a distance.

  49. give him another chance, damn it, we got to give him one more chance, he'll perform much better when pedro is out

  50. Since Pedro is pretty much done, maybe he ought to start now to show the next Mayor

  51. Exotic Dancing Astronaut said

    The Dept. will never be the same without a true Celtic Warrior.

  52. The City needs to get rid of Huertas and the Tac. They can't do anything that a truck led by a good Irishman couldn't do.

  53. Wonder when Car 2 get's a new vehicle?

  54. A mini-van isn't worth having to get detailed to training.

  55. I still DO NOT understand why the mayor needs blue and red hidden led lights and a full siren
    (Which I have rarely seen used except for the Sunday of the Puerto Rican Parade when I WITNESSED THIS CITY ISSUED MV CODE 1 IN THE SOUTH END BLOWING LIGHTS TO GET ONTO THE HIGHWAY ON BRAINARD RD. UNBELIEVABLE. My stomach turns every time I send my tax payment to 500 Main.

  56. It WAS clear as day CT reg. ###ZED. OCCUPIED X2

  57. What a minute. Did I read this right that the city "bought" the fire chief's car? What happened to leasing? OMG, I am up in arms over this.

    What does it mean to be "up in arms?" Does it indicate a surrender? Or does it mean raising a rifle because there is nothing remaining to do?

    Politically speaking, the primary is between Judge Killian and Luke may bet Pedro. Here is the breakdown. The judge will get the elderly vote. He will get any remaining republican turned democrat vote. He will split the black vote with Luke but if Bob eats his way through select locations on the mostly north side of town, and I have no reason to believe he won't, he will win their hearts, minds and stomachs. Bob will not get the Latin vote. But Pedro won't get all of it either. Joel will take support perhaps just enough away from Segarra to give the primary to Bob. And hey, everyone likes a guy name "Bob." Right?

    Bob Killian for Mayor.

    Paid for by Republicans for Bob.

  58. 89 Days doesn't even come close to the time stolen from the city.

  59. Kevin, Please do a favor for Jason Martinez, the firefighter from Tactical Unit One, who was forced to jump out the 2nd floor window, at the fatal fire, where F/F Bell died !
    Here is a link to the Fresno, Calif. fire department, who had a Fire Captain severely burnt over 65%, when he fell through the burning roof and was consumed by fire, and it shows just how much the Chief of Department and the members have done for him and his family, from painting their home, to installing central air, to just being there, almost anything to make it comfortable for him and his family.

    Fresno Fire Captain Pete Dern walks out and addresses the media |

    The Administration has done NOTHING for his family, never drove/transported them to the burn center, and now he is forgotten about. NO updates on his condition or mention of him at all ! ESPECIALLY from our FAMOUS Union ! I like you to post this and see some of the comments.

    1. Shame, shame, shame on them! I'm disgusted to my stomach.


  60. He's fine getting stronger and returning soon. He won't be on E-9 Tour D.

  61. I will admit I haven't been tracking his progress , I am not sure what can be organized in a hospital bed but I'm willing to do my part let me know whatever he needs and we can try to bring resources together thanks . Someone that is willing to give his life for us definitely deserves our support

  62. obviously that fully loaded $70,000 Tahoe is much more important to Huertas and Segarra than brave FF Jason Martinez who was risking his life for all of us.
    God Bless You Jason Martinez!!!

    1. I agree with 12:10PM, Huertss and Segarra care only about themselves, the money they take home, the cars and other toys they get out of the system, the more they take, the more freebies they can put their hands on the better

  63. You got to check the invoice, this Chevy Tahoe was more than $70k

  64. Kevin, Heres a good one for you ,,there was a private up for a LT. position,"they" skipped him because of "abuse" of sick time,,HE WAS OUT SICK BECAUSE HE RECEIVED A SEVERE INJURY OFF DUTY THAT COULD HAVE KILLED HIM ! Thank God he was able to re-hab himself and eventually get that LT spot he earned and deserved from the get go. On the second go around to promote him they asked about sick time used and they were "shocked" learning of his injury. The Dept isn't that big and there are no excuses to be that out of touch with members who have been affected by death,injury,illness etc. Jason,embrace those "FEW BROTHERS" who came to your aid then and now,cause trust me ,and this is sad to type ,nobody seems to really give a S%#T !!

  65. The vehicle did not cost the City 70,000.00 it was 30,000. That seems to be a reasonable rate what do you thing?

  66. Now when Charlies new sweet ride needs detailing he can use Car 5 so he doesn't miss any of his appointments.
