Tuesday, July 28, 2015


The following release was issued  by the Segarra campaign this afternoon.Please Pedro, just go away, Save the last shreds of  dignity you still have left. If you were doing your job as Mayor, we would know it, we wouldn't need crazy press releases. Why don't  you mention your other accomplishments? Such as decimating the staffing levels of HPD, helping us to soar to the highest homicide levels in New England, not to mention plunging us into debt for the next 25 years with a crazy baseball deal.

Your early UConn accomplishments seem to pale in comparison for us. Good try though

Please accept your defeat with dignity and stop the spin. We deserve better. Your time has come and gone.


Contact: Jenna Grande


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE : Mayor Segarra releases first accomplishment in 50-day plan


July 28, 2015 : As a part of Mayor Segarra’s re-election campaign, the first point for his 50 Days of Accomplishment plan was released this afternoon.


The first accomplishment highlights a notable achievement for a younger Pedro E. Segarra: While in law school at the University of Connecticut, Segarra was a founding member of UCONN’s Latino Law Student Organization. He also served as the organization’s first president.


As a Puerto Rican, Mayor Segarra has oftentimes noted his pride in his heritage while serving in public life because of the perspective it has given him in how he approaches and solves problems. He was motivated to create this organization to give students like him a chance to develop connections in a supportive atmosphere.


“I wanted to create a positive and encouraging environment for other Latinos enrolled at the UCONN School of Law. By building each other up, we created a setting that motivated us to be our best,” Mayor Segarra said. “I am proud to see that is still thriving today.”


The group is still an active part of UCONN’s student life, and continues to offer academic and professional development programs. It serves as a community for many Latino and non-Latino students.


  1. Is his staff STUPID? What is wrong with them? No one cares what he did before he was Mayor!!!! He has not done anything for us in our neighborhoods! Our neighborhood schools are competing to survive with big time money making charter and magnet schools, are streets are full of trash, our people are unemployed!!!!!!

    What,is Pedro giving scholarships to UCONN Law school for the underprivileged? No one cares, when we can't feed our families! He has neglected his people! We can't afford all those high rents downtown.....what is wrong, are they delusional, maybe they take medication?

    Get a reality check.

  2. 50 day plan to NOTHINGNESS.

  3. Pee Drito will not prevail - If your are the man, you can not stick -it to you self.

  4. Pedrito, Adios !!!!!

  5. Options for the title of this "Re-election Release Plan :
    50 Shades of Desperation
    50 Shades of Bullshit
    50 Shades of That a Boys
    50 Shades of Me, Me Me
    50 Shades of Ego
    50 Shades of Deception
    59 Shades of Mismanagement
    50 Shades of Dillusional
    59 Shades of Secrets
    50 Shades of Deflection
    50 Shades of Arrogant
    59 Shades of Lies
    50 Shades of Lost Trust
    50 Shades of Dishonest

  6. All together this's 50 Shades of ugliness, well said 6:09 AM, and the right conclusion with CAVIAR.
    What 6:09 AM wrote is exactly what so many of us here feel about "mayor" caviar.

  7. Segarra desparate? Why? Doesn't he know that in the 3 most important issues facing Hartford - taxes, jobs & crime - he failed miserably

  8. Looks like the only people in Hartford who just don't get it are Pedro Caviar and his 2 leading campaign people. Wait a minute, these 2 are not from Hartford

  9. No that are NOT Hartford Residents, no surprise here, neither was Jared and his last team. This is Pedro's way. Pedro YOUR OUT, YOU & Charlie. Run and hide in Florida, like you did last time you were busted for your illegal perverted appetite.. 41 years my ass, why omit your "Sabatical " to Florida.

    Someone needs to send a PI down there, I am sure less than stellar info is for the taking.
