Tuesday, July 21, 2015


What took Mayor Segarra so long? Back in April I posted that Mayor Segarra should be asking Governor Malloy for resources to build the Shooting Task Force back to an effective level to combat what was then  a very noticeable increase in crime. That is exactly what happened this week after our 18th homicide so far this year. And I don't have the benefit of a crystal ball, but common sense or at least some decent advisers should have made Segarra move months earlier. Read my April comments here

But unfortunately politics are guiding Segarra's actions and because of that , people are being murdered regularly in Hartford's streets. Thank you Pedro Segarra. To ask for help earlier would have been a sign of weakness for Segarra and his baseless claims about the safety of our City. Now that it has reached the crisis point, Segarra has no choice to admit he is incompetent, his plans have failed, and he now needs to crawl begging to the Governor's Office for help.

Governor Malloy never ran to be Mayor of  Hartford, he doesn't want  to be . But he also will not let Hartford fail, no matter who is supposedly leading the City. Governor Malloy does need to ask some tough questions though. Such as why did Segarra leave the consultants report recommending additional hiring and staffing on the shelf, unused.

Why has Segarra ignored attrition in the Department for several years reducing staffing levels to the lowest in decades and contributing to crisis or near crisis levels of manpower. Despite repeated requests by Chief Rovella for additional officer's, Segarra knew better and now we are paying the price. And how are those resources deployed?

At  least one candidate for Mayor has posted some common sense, well thought out ideas for Public Safety. You can read Judge Killian ideashttp://wethepeoplehartford.blogspot.com/2015/06/killian-offers-police-staffing.html here

Below is the cosultant's report on HPD staffing needs


  1. HFD officers paid for Segarra security? Where exactly? A Glastonbury bar? Nooooo. Pedro, please tell us it's not true.

  2. Pedro Caviar Segarra is a big failure as - what is he supposed to be, a mayor?
    Between the corruption and the gross mismanagement, what would you expect?

  3. From the Courant: Pedro Segarra Announces Trip To White House.
    "The mayor and chief of police are heading to the White House on Thursday to participate in a community policing forum."

    You know, Pedro Segarra is the new world expert on community policing. Such an expert that other participants in the forum should learn from him how NOT to run a city.

    1. Pedro going to the White House, looking for solutions to fight crime. Should have done this long time ago but was too busy with the ballpark and his skybox, was too busy with his reelection campaign.
      Too little, Pedro, too late!

  4. Kevin, would you please change the title to "THANK YOU GOVERNOR MALLOY, SHAME ON YOU SEGARRA." This man Segarra is not worthy of the title 'mayor.' Never was.

  5. bikere07:
    "How are they going to recruit up to 150 new officers. They could barely get a class of 20 to pass background tests, and 2 left for other agencies during their training. Where are these recruits going to come from without compromising standards? The city knew they had over 120 officers eligible to retire between 2014 and 2015 but did nothing to plan for that. Now it is a crisis."

  6. MR. ROK:
    The Mayor waited this long because he didn't want anything to get in the way of the ballpark. He probably thought the deal would fall thru or somehow get delayed. If he doesn't get the city in control, no one is going to come to Hartford. Now it's going to be a police city and it's going to get messy. Personally I don't think 4 state police cruisers and a couple of detectives to clean up the city is enough. They have no idea what a hornet nest they are going to open. These thugs will not lay down so easily. As long as young white teens are coming to the city to get their fix, there will always be someone there to serve them. Money drives people into doing some desperate things. You think there's a turf war now? Just wait till the corners are being taken down by the police. The drug trade will move into places no one thought they would. And it could push dealers into the burbs, making big problems for places like Wethersfield, Glastonbury, Windsor, Bloomfield, etc, etc. There's money to be made and these gangs will find a way to make it. Good luck Hartford, we all will be watching.......

  7. If HPD are providing private security for the mayor by HPD union contract isn't there supposed to be a lottery or selection as to who gets that detail ? Like working pj or overtime ?

    1. There is nothing in the contract about providing security for the Mayor. And if its being done as a City detail it would probably go to the Unit that does all the dignitary protection...

    2. You should know all those special details go to the special unit. That both the mayor and chief love. You have guys that train monthly and have been certified to do those details. But they are not used.

  8. 9:47pm:
    Segarra going to the white house this week?
    what for?
    where's he going to stay?
    who is going to pay the bill?
    FOI, FOI, FOI!
    Can someone tell Pedro that the killings, the shootings, the crime, the problems are all HERE in Hartford, not in Washington DC.

  9. relax, Pedro is going to the white house just to relax a little bit, this is his summer vacation. also, there is so much crime in Hartford recently that it's going to be safer for him hiding in washington

  10. Hartford needs a mayor who will bring jobs to the city, lots of jobs. Can Segarra bring ANY job to Hartford? The answer is NO, he was a mayor for over 5 years now and during that period the economy became improved and many municipalities in CT and throughout the country added million of jobs. All over. Not Hartford, which continued losing many job. Therefore, Pedro Caviar Segarra, YOU ARE FIRED!

  11. There is a lot of HANKY PANKY, seedy, perverted shit around the Washington political scene, Pedro will find his way to it and to get his pervert on, on our dime. 27th is coming, Town Committees WAKE UP, DO YOUR JOB AND DO NOT ENDORSE THIS PERV!!!

  12. just a little vacation in DC for the Caviar Man, all included. what's wrong with that?

  13. Hartford is burning and Pedro goes to Washington.

  14. Like always, at the last minute! Pedro going to the White House? For what? Bring the whole army to Hartford? What a joke! This problem has been growing for the last 5 years that he turned a blind eye to. He should have done something then. He will be always known as "The ALWAYS AT THE LAST MINUTE MAYOR". Now is the time to vote for a change. Nothing changes is nothing changes!

  15. hey Pedrito, have a good time in Washington, you'll be much safer the moment you leave Hartford.

  16. Segarra, it was just reported on TV about a large fight and gunfire at Broad and Madison streets in Hartford. Are you on your way back to Hartford to check what's going on there?

  17. rullywowr:

    "Hurry! Get your Yard Goats tickets before they either sell out or you get shot from a stray bullet."

  18. I agree with 9:51pm, Segarra is not worthy of the 'Mayor' title. Everybody knows that he's on his way out of office, but, even now, I will not call him
    mayor Segarra. Mr. Segarra or just Pedro Segarra is more than enough.

  19. We can only wish that Obama sees Pedro and offers him a job in the DC area. This could be a new method to get rid of this 'mayorless' mayor. President Obama, please do us a favor.

  20. "Hartford mayor, police chief head to D.C. for policing forum after violent weekend."

    Wait a minute, shouldn't they head to D.C. for policing forum B-E-F-O-R-E the violence erupts?

  21. Where is our Union on this? We are short a hundred people and these idiots think 3 detectives being brought into a cold case unit is going to help?! I for one have to admit I voted for Rich for president and I am really regretting that. Maybe if he cut the cross fit for a half a second he would see that we are drowning! 4 detectives in Csd??? Really?! People are acting surprised that there is a spike in crime, it's not rocket science that there isn't enough officers on Patrol to SAFELY let only effectively police this city. God help this city if I get hurt as a result. I'll have a skybox right next to Pedro's at the Yardgoat game! I'm really tired of these stupid emails about another meeting in a week then another week blah blah. How about some action guys! Wtf

  22. Segarra, discussing crime in Hartford, just said that "the numbers are down." What is he talking about> Is he a liar, a manipulator or just an idiot?

  23. This is happens when you read a book and try to police a city based on that. Both are to blame. The mayor and the chief. Both have to go.

  24. Holton is too busy shaking down funds to fuel his ego driven go kart. The union board, except for fig is useless and rather play candy crush then answer a phone. Way to go holton, lets defend stackowitz instead of maybe helping out some morale in patrol. You all forget where you came from.
    What happened to the press conference on tv? Oh i forgot. A very scary letter posted on telephone polls will get the job done. I would rather put my union dues into the girl scouts. ....
    Politics will always win in the end i guess.
    Where are the guardians? Why have no comments concerning racist stackowitz been addressed? Tracey green would have gone full level 10 oprah by now .

  25. At least 44 raukowski and kessler stood up and called it how it is. Maybe we should do a vote of no confidence in the union board? Then i bet you would reappear holton.
    So where is this mean letter you claim you sent out ?
    Lets delay another couple weeks . String us along some more with your obvious defensive ego driven crap rich.
    Those zeros have a moral monday march, we should have a low morale march !

  26. Please recommend a good restaurant serving caviar and champagne. Must be in the Washington DC area. Waiter to choose the credit card we pay with for the meal.

  27. Anonym 8:38 Nobody in his right mind believes that 3, 4 detectives brought to Cold Case U. is going to help. It's not supposed to help anything, they just need to pretend they they're doing "something". that's all. The media was asking questions in the last few weeks, so they need to show they're doing "something".

  28. Kevin, I,m very disappointed with this blog ! We need to RE-FOCUS our anger towards that AWFUL,ROTTEN,NO GOOD OFFICER who took down those "BEAUTIFUL MORGUE PICTURES" of that little girl who died in the circus fire off the walls of Engine 14 Ladder 4 quarters. WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THAT OUTRAGE!!!!!!! KIND OF PUTS THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE DOESNT IT???? So have faith ALL YOU "ALLEDGED F#%KUPS" TOMMORROW WILL BE A BETTER DAY!!!

  29. everyone is asking if pedrito is still in d.c. if he's having good time. if they serve caviar in the white house.

  30. Sadly, sadly, Judge Killian just announced that he's quitting the mayoral race. What an honorable judge Killian is. What an honorable man Bob Killian is.
    He said he fully supports Luke Bronin for Mayor.
    I take my hat off for you, Judge!

  31. JamesArness says:

    Bob Killian's decision to drop out shows his honesty, integrity and his ability to not put himself above the interests of the city of Hartford, now, with a united front, Luke will be our next mayor. And he will be a good one, indeed.

    Thank you Bob, for giving it your best. I was begin to see the handwriting on the wall but I was prepared to walk the walk with you. I am proud to be the first poster.

  32. from swarrte:

    Dream team for Hartford - Bronin as Mayor to provide strategic vision, and Killian as chief operating officer to ensure disciplined execution of the strategy.

  33. Whaler1986:

    GO LUKE!

  34. A JUDGE AND A GENTLEMAN, that's who Bob Killian Jr. is.

  35. Not too many people know and understand Hartford's many problems. Killian does. Pedro does not. I hope to see this honorable Judge continue fighting for the city that we love.

  36. JTonyR:

    "Tough pill to swallow, as Bob is a stand up guy, his family has been in in Hartford for a long time, and he gets the arc of Hartford's history. He'll likely have a place in the city government and Bronin would be well advised to have Bob in his team."

  37. Once upon a time there were two excellent candidates for the office of Mayor of the City of Hartford: Luke Bronin and Bob Killian (in alphabetical order). There was a third candidate, the corrupt incumbent, but, again, he's corrupt.
    Good luck Luked on Monday, lots of luck in the primary. Remember, Pedro Caviar, Minnie Gonzalez and Edwin Vargas will fight all the way to the end, trying to save Minnie's daughter job, Edwin's niece job, oh, and Pedro's job as well .

  38. I was always in favor of Bob and Luke, they are different, but both are qualified to lead Hartford, get the city on track, clean up the mess. Anything, as long as Segarra is out of office.

  39. Mayor Seggara will win again then all you sissys can keep crying on this blog as the mayor continues to rule the city with an iron fist as he was meant to do laughing all the way to the bank Segara Today Segara Tomorrow Segara FOREVER!!!!!

    1. I agree with you, anonymous at 6:29. Segarra FOREVER, in jail that is. SEGARRA FOREVER IN JAIL. I'll definitely accept this.

    2. Segarra FOREVER = Mismanagement FOREVER.

      Segarra FOREVER = Favoritism FOREVER.

      Segarra FOREVER = Corruption FOREVER.

  40. Unfortunate for Killian but he did the right thing in order to increase the chances of new leadership. Let's throw out Adam cloud too. Feds don't come in for nothing. Where there's smoke there's fire. How about Killian for treasurer?

  41. You're about as delusional as Pedro is ior as out of touch as he ist if you think he's going to win reelection easily

  42. 4 more years with Pedro Caviar means 4 more years with Deller the Seller, 4 more years with Huertas with a possibility of Terry Waller return, 4 more years with the likes of Maribel LaLose and Hilda Munoz, possible 4 more years with Saundra Save-Me Kee-Borges, 4 more years of inefficiencies and dirt. Noooooo!!! Heeeelp!!!!

  43. Here's a quote by Pedro Caviar Segarra (from the Courant's Steven Goode):

    There's a "very real fiscal crisis that is confronting the city."

    Segarra said that on September 16, 2010. That's right: the year 2010.

    What have changed? Nothing. 5 years later we're stuck with the same mayor and a "very real fiscal crisis that is confronting the city," just a worse crisis.
    We should have listened to Killian when he was saying that the City of hartford is broke. HARTFORD IS BROKE!

  44. 6:29 re-elect Segarra and you'll bring Hartford closer to becoming Detroit's twin city. Or Greece' identical twin. Your choice. After all, Greece, Detroit and Hartford all have about the same unemployment rate.

  45. "Mayor Segarra is focused on job creation and making Hartford more business friendly."

    This was Segarra's statement before the 2011 elections.
    Segarra, tell us how many jobs you created. Tell us how you made Hartford more business friendly.

  46. what exactly did Segarra do to bring jobs to the city? how many jobs did he actually bring to the city? how many businesses producing jobs left Hartford?
    results, Segarra, not fantasies, not cheap talk, we want results.

  47. 8:41PM: Who is this Hilda Munoz? Are you referring to the one who wrote obituaries for a small Jersey paper? Is she the one who listed her talent/hobbies as "eating tacos?" Well, that's quiet some talent; it definitely qualifies her to any job she chooses in the Segarra administration.
    Luke Bronin will have a tough job when he becomes mayor with all the trash Segarra will leave behind.

  48. There're no jobs in Hartford, that's why we're such a poor city. The second poorest in the entire country.
    Segarra didn't do nothing to bring jobs. His less than part-time low-paying stadium jobs will do nothing positive in Hartford.
    Segarra, it's time to go.

  49. Today is Sunday and just 2 hours ago, at 2:30PM, Hartford got it's 19th murder for the year. As a reminder, last year we had 19 murders for the entire year.
    This is just 2 days after our expert in policing, Pedro Caviar, visited the white house to attend a forum about policing. This is just a few days after meeting the Governor and his people begging for help.
    This is all after Pedro "forgot" to increase the number of police officers in the streets to its original level.

  50. Segarra brought no jobs to Hartford, performed poorly on almost every level, but he did really well collecting $150,000 a year and benefits for himself.

  51. Pedro went to the shooting area this afternoon where the 19th murder took place and told the nedia that he's "concerned." Pedro is concerned. If he's 'concerned,' what about us? What does he think we feel? We're 'concerned' that he's still a mayor, or at least pretends to be one.


    "Hartford Homicides Go Against State, National Trends."

    No kidding, nobody in Hartford is surprised, there's nobody in charge here, no leadership, no planning, nothing.

  53. attention everybody: pedro was concerned with the 19th murder this year in hartford

  54. The Hartford Democratic Town Committee will choose tonight between Pedro Segarra and Luke Bronin as their candidate for Mayor. This is truly the moment of truth: Will they continue with the man who was mayor for 5 years, and everyone know what his record is, or support a new man, who has a vision, who understands Hartford's problems and has some good ideas how to solve them., a man who will lead the city.
    HDTC, your choice. May the best candidate wins!

  55. The DTC is about as corrupt as Seggara, do you really think they will "do the right thing" and endorse Bronin? I sure hope so but I sure doubt it.

  56. Hurray! Change is coming to Hartford!!!!! To think that Segarra thinks he is better than the party, his arrogance as he walked out and the gall to say "I am for the people not for politics!" He can even lie with a straight face! And then his sidekick clown of a campaign director saying that the whole convention was corrupt..." What a Ringling Brothers Circus side show!!!!!!!!
