Friday, August 21, 2015


The report speaks for itself . I guess the City is in such great financial state, we don't really need the Tax revenue


  1. Like everything else that goes wrong it's all the Governor's fault! Pedro is a great Mayor. Just ask anyone who has a relative working at City Hall.

  2. Returned checks, NSF checks, this has nothing to do with Segarra, except the fact that he'll have to buy less caviar. Remember, it's not Segarra's fault, Segarra is beautiful, Segarra is perfect.

  3. I'm not sure I understand why the Chief Auditor was sending a copy of his report to P. Segarra. What for? Why waste any paper? Mr. Campbell knows that P. Segarra doesn't understand a damn thing in that report, he's too busy raising cash for his failed campaign, and, no matter what, P. Segarra will do nothing to correct this very serious tax collection problem.
    Save paper, Mr. Campbell, go green, eliminate P. Segarra from your mailing lists.

  4. Mr. Campbell sent his audit report to P. Segarra. Is "P" is for Pedro, is the "P" for Peter, is the "P" for Psychopath, is the "P" for Peckerhead, is it for Pissed off. What is the P standing for

  5. this is more of the Segarra MISmanagement, bad report after bad report, but Segarra doesn't care, he doesn't even pay attention. way to go Segarra

  6. Just another case of incompetency on the part of Mayor Segarra and those he has hired. Seems like Mayor Segarra as well as many, many departments just go through the motions. How much of the $ 358,000 that was not processed promptly has still not been paid (due to stopped payments, NSF, etc.)?

  7. Pedro was correct: "Hartford Has It": it has mismanagement, inefficiencies, crime, unemployment, corruption. Hartford Has It All.

  8. This has already happened not too long ago: tons of checks found in the basement at 550 Main St. that were never processed. Where's all that money?

    1. 10:10pm: I do remember councilman Deutsch in front of TV news caneras discussing the many checks that were found in the basement at city hall. I'm not sure how Segarra reacted to this, but I'm almost certain his comments were not too smart. Nevertheless, it's obvious Segarra never did nothing, as this repeats itself.

  9. There was definitely a situation at City Hall basement with piles of tax payments/checks that weren't processed. It was reported on the news at that time. All under Segarra's watch.
    Here is what Segarra did to resolve this troubling issue: Zero, zilch, zip, nothing, nada.

  10. "•Many await another report from the auditors on the use of city credit cards known as "p-cards," or purchasing cards. A post by blogger Kevin Brookman suggests some officials were living large at home and on the road, courtesy of the city's p-cards."

    "A Courant review of purchasing card statements shows that Mayor Pedro Segarra spent $6,200 on dining in restaurants between January 2011 and December 2012, and his chief of staff, Jared Kupiec, spent more than $4,300 on dining over the course of a year, from February 2012 to February 2013. Mr. Segarra says the charges reflect city business done over lunch or dinner. In a statement Thursday, he said the cards are properly monitored and actually save the city money.

    This statement was taken from an earlier Courant editorials. Nothing has changed since then, nothing. Maybe Figueroa replaced Kupiec, but everything else remains the same. Everything.

  11. Here is a Courant Editorial headline:


    Sorry, this will never happen with Segarra's "experience". Segarra is clueless about finance, he's brilliant about spending money that is not his and that we don't even have.

  12. Looks like a lot of this problem was due to the bank. Earl o'garro's buddy Cloud chooses the bank. Does anybody else smell cloud behind this anonymous request for internal audit through his buddy on the audit commission? Cloud is being challenged by the tax collector in the upcoming democratic primary.

  13. I'm not sure the tax collector even qualified with petitions to be on the primary so that might be a little premature

  14. Also I'll have to check but I think the city Council approves financial institutions or any changes

  15. Whoever it is, whatever the problem is, there's only ONE person at the helm, but that person functions miserably. That person is way too busy with his campaign, he's way too busy hiding all his lies, he's too occupied with his ego.

  16. In fairness and in the Segarra tradition: it not his fault. There will be many more bad reports about malpractice and mismanagement of Segarra and the people he chose, but, again, they will never be his fault.
