Monday, August 3, 2015


Here we go again. Another lawsuit against the City of Hartford rising out of mismanagement and vindictiveness. The suit is pretty self explanatory. Much more on this as it moves forward, including some interesting revelations about some of the named defendants.

Signed.original.nolan.8.3.15.Complaint (1)


  1. Give' em hell danny!! The only problem is that the civil system is as slow as Huertas wit. So it might take a decade or two for any settlement. By then the FORMER mayor caviar will be living in a motel 6 in miami. .....

  2. Why didn't Danny mention his previous suspensions in his super bio?

  3. Hey Sgt. Stackowitz how long do you believe Danny would of lasted if he tried his stunts in the military?
    He dis-obeyed a commander and he got 30 days. Take it like a man. What a hypocrite, if a fire recruit disobeyed his command, he would want them fired. The other side will have to present their facts and Danny past will come to bite him in the ass. The strange thing is that the best witness they have is Danny himself. Good luck with the frivolous lawsuit.

  4. Kidik's grievance for being on vaca during Sgt testAugust 4, 2015 at 10:48 AM

    Any updates on the choppin block for Ouendo, Hyland, Secore, Lassen, and Stackowitz?

  5. Lt Weaver for Deputy Chief!!August 4, 2015 at 12:48 PM

    The problem with the sick time club is they are protected by their tracey green esk doctors who would never allow themselves to be interviewed or violate any patient / doctor privacey issues.
    The next union contract should be revised to make the city of hartford doctors involvement in this mysterious illness. Other large cities such as New York and Boston make the officers go to city doctors.
    It is very difficult to fire someone who has a doctors note.
    The other casino clown, who i will not even mention by name, is done. Just a matter of time. He will be a casualty of the disiplinary system when he screws up again. Yes he will, usually every six monthes.

  6. Did Secore do something else ???

  7. Oquendo doesn't bother anyone leave him alone , an what did Hyland do I heard he a bad month . An Jesus is Lassen really a loose canon who disregards all authority? An what happened to the Officer that caused an public disturbance at Wolfs firing range and is banned for life ???

    1. Oquendo's co-workersAugust 7, 2015 at 10:54 AM

      You are correct Oquendo doesnt bother anyone. He just manages to hide thoughout his 10 hour patrol shift and manages to dodge calls like he is paid to do. He bothers his fellow patrolman who have to pick up his slack, go into his area, and do his work while hes at 10 2 faking being sick or sounding like an incompetent adult on the air. Hyland jacked up a female into her windshield outside of a Newfield club. Got 220's ban hammer. Lassen is incompetent and lazy just like Oquendo. And also abuses sick time just like Oquendo. These three to five guys deserve to be fired. Thats the easiest thing Rovella could do to bring morale up in the slightest bit.

  8. You guys can say whatever you want about Stack I don't think the city or department can fire him, they had to keep Ford an Kesseler for their racist remarks so what can they get Stack on?? I'd love to hear it regardless I think he will beat this which they will have to lower the bar an just throw away the disciplinary policy an procedures

  9. Hey pd this blog is the guys guys who the citizens love and we get to sleep at night. Go get in a fight or beat up your old lady to get yours so you can make comments. 10-6 this one ok. Oh yeah how much overtime have you people turned down and your still complaining. You are all 29's

  10. Who got banned for life at the wolfs gun range ? Was their alcohol involved ? Hope its not dixie again ....

  11. Enough already Nolan. This is getting old. If the guy doesn't like doing what his bosses told him to do he can retire. Although who would hire him when he essentially admits to being insubordinate and a problem employee who doesn't follow chain of command.

  12. The guy likes doing everything but his job, TRAINING. Online dating is more important than actually being a Training Chief.

  13. Yes FOI his City of Hartford Internet Access data for the entire time he was in Training:

  14. I asked you if you had proof . Apparently not if you're telling me to go get it myself what do you base your accusations on if you're making them ?

  15. I don't trust what anyone tells me until I see it in writing that may point me in the directions to start looking but otherwise just gossip

  16. I am sure you would want me to use the same standards if it was a rumor regardingyou and I would hope you can respect that also

  17. Kevin you are right if you knew Noland was in the Training office with closed doors for extended periods when he should of been doing training duties you would have reported that.

  18. Danny should sue himself for not doing his own job. He can only blame himself now for the lack of training that has been done. Wonder what else occupies so much of his time. Is it because he's to busy trying to take over the Department and give it back to Ireland or is he busy doing something else?

  19. Kevin, I get a kick outta the a#&holes who work for the fire dept accusing co-workers of not doing their job. There's only about 4 firehouses outta 10 who actually do the job and keep the numbers up so these lazy f@#ks can can sit in their unproductive "man caves" and play with their phones ,nap ,watch tv and post comments about "real" firefighters on this blog. Please get me a garbage can to throw up in!

  20. Which Firehouses actually do their job?

  21. What's for breakfast
    What's for lunch
    What's for supper
    Who's my opposite
    Where's the OT
    This is what the fire department has become. Attitudes and egos.

  22. That's the whole issue in the nutshell Ireland lost its power over the PD an Fire DP an they want it back smh

  23. You mean the Irish Mafia as we used to refer to it years ago

  24. You can look at the leadership of the Emerald Society and see how far the mighty have fallen.
    Homer Simpson leads your people. Thanks, you'll never take anything back.

  25. There hasn't been a real Irish leader since Mahoney left.

  26. We need more people with the attitude that the baddest m#%@F&$#'s will run things. Giving cowards a voice is what caused the deterioration of Firefighting. It started with the Administration listening to whiners and false prophets who suck at being Firefighters.People who suck at their job at the lowest level usually will not become anymore proficient as they move up.Letting them move up only helps to spread their cancer. Cowards will always be cowards.

  27. I have respected this blog for its objectivity and I just hope It continues to be as objective informing the public on the City of Hartford’s real issues. This time I have to agree with some of the comments in this blog about Mr. Nolan. He seems to has built on a reputation as a trouble maker...The Department can’t afford to pay employees who can't agree to do their job duties ...The Hartford Fire Department Administration is responsible to save lives … A cooperative, and a team work mentality is required to achieve a harmonious work environment among Fire Fighters, who also risk their own lives to save others...We the people of Hartford respect our fire fighters and see them as heroes. This is an honorable profession that doesn’t deserve to be ruined by intrigues and insubordination. It is unfortunate that there are people so troubled that have fallen into a personal vengeance. Something seems wrong with this guy; he is doing lawsuits after lawsuits to nurture his ego but he can’t seem to find peace within. The focus should be on how to improve training and prepare fellow men to save lives. Not to keep jeopardizing the true goals of this Department just because someone feels angry or did not get the title expected… whatever the reason the negative behavior has backfired on himself. We all know that it takes someone competent, honorable, humble, a team player, someone with psychological and personal stability, to earn trust and respect; and mostly to show the professional behavior that would qualify him into a higher title. Nolan’s behavior has shown for years to be troubled, defiant and conflicting which make some of us wonder about what is happening to this guy! The City of Hartford Fire Department needs positive and community committed people on board… It is so evident that Mr. Nolan has concentrated too much on his own agenda, to the point that it has compromised his own image and raises question on his stability. The Department needs to focus in choosing the most honorable, positive and competent individuals, able to bond with a diverse community to earn their trust and save more lives every day.

  28. Anonymous 12:44 AM

    So you mean he's a NARCISSISTIC EGOMANIAC that can't do anything but think about himself?
    If they did a remake of the movie TWINS it could star Danny and Little Terry as long lost brothers who fight each other to take over a Fire Department not knowing that they are actually brothers.

  29. Anonymous at 12:44am ,sorry to go Donald trump on you but somebody has to tell it like it is,,the city can't afford to pay employees who "can't" do the job ,that should be the focus, not one individual who doesnt "agree " to work for incompetent leadership. The harmonious work environment you mentioned,when was that? More than 25 yrs I'm guessing? The dept went to s@#t when they required applicants to live in Hartford. Handing out applications at bodagas and street corners does not harvest the type of people you were so descriptive about. Most public work employees are from Hartford, have you noticed the fine job of removing garbage and snow from these fine people who care so much about "their community"? Your on the wrong track, maybe we should build a wall around around Hartford ,i guess I am like trump!

  30. If the city can't afford to pay people that can't do their jobs then the first people they should start with are the killer officers from Blue Hills. Then if you are going to get rid of people that can't do their jobs you should also get rid of those who won't. It doesn't matter whether you like whomever you work for, you are still responsible to do your job.So everyone's
    hero Training Chief who doesn't train and tells his people not to train while he's gone, needs to go! And let's not forget the past of quitting on his brothers because he couldn't get his way!

  31. Anonymous at 5:15 ,not everyone is a sheep or so weak that they follow unconditionally. You stated "it doesn't matter whether you like whoever you work". Don't be naive! This is about "trusting" the people you work for! The term "Question authority" came from somewhere pal and everyone should "question" when it comes to having a occupation where failure in leadership and delegating could get you killed. So to reinforce my point ,liking and trusting are not related!
