Friday, August 28, 2015


Hartford's fiscal year ended July 1, 2015. Since we keep hearing the Segarra rhetoric that Hartford is in good financial state , isn't it time for some legitimate numbers?

So what are the budget numbers Pedro? What did the city budget look like at the end of the year? What assets will we have to sell next year to stay afloat and still be able to pay the 4.5 million owed to the debt service for the Yard Goats?

Simple question Pedro, could we maybe get an honest answer? Oh, and don't look to  Governor Malloy for financial help, I think he is fed up with you misinformation. Read more about that here

Maybe Pedro's landscaper can give us some budget ideas.


  1. They are stealing our money right in front of us and nobody is doing anything about it.

  2. The fiscal year ended June 30 not July 1. Normally the year isn't finalized for a few months perhaps October. That's the way it works in my town.

  3. What happened to the dude Achilles Rethis ?,
    who was also using the N word.
    Oh thats right we have double standards
    Stach gets terminated, nothing happens to Rethis.
    Blacks get discipline but nothing for Rethis who has a nasty attitude.

  4. 2:31AM That's why we must replace Segarra. MUST!

  5. Ummmm......your talking 20 years ago with Rethis. Seriously? Blacks get discipline but nothing for Rethis?? So your really talking 20 years ago and comparing that to now. Get outta here you zero.

  6. History expert ,

    Rethis is very homophobic.

    Rethis the dude uses the N word He is a Racist.

  7. I can name about 100 officers including that racist steve meile who not only set a new standard for racist officers but also was a pretty horrible person in general.
    Leave reathis alone, i bet he can still swing with the best of them !!!

  8. Don't expect to see any balanced budget, any balanced books from the Segarra Administration. Segarra is the biggest manipulator of all times, beyond the fact the his arithmetic, his knowledge of numbers is one big ZERO.

  9. Segarra spoke the other day to an individual whose financing is as follows:
    85% from out of town
    25% from Hartford.
    Needless to say, Segarra is a real moron.

  10. u said Rethis is a swinger. How
    does his naughty lifestyle of swinging
    swapping marriage partners come into play?
    He is still a racist who uses the N word.

  11. Enough about Captain Rethis. stackowitz chose him is his hearing officer he wasn't forced on anyone it was a choice stackowitz made . This posting is not about Captain Rethis for the past this is about the incident at Foxwoods and the end result

  12. Mismanagement of city funds is the cause of our problems. How many software programs have been purchased in the last ten years? Residents are not benefiting. The continually cut funds from youth services such as after school programs and sports activities.

  13. Pedro "sold" the Trumbull St. parking, but the city still owe millions on this parking and committed itself to costly repairs. How will this show at the end of the fiscal year?
    Pedro committed to building his idiotic balkpark, using our hard earned money, which will cost millions more than disclosed to us for the next 1/4 century, but will start collecting from us next year (after the election, of course). How will this show at the end of the fiscal year?

  14. Show us the money Pedro. Unfortunately there is no money left. Pedro spent money like crazy, we are now broke. This is exactly what Judge Killian warned us repeatedly early in the summer.

  15. Thanks to Judge Killian for raising the issue of the budget. Now that he's gone, though, there's nobody who cares, the Dem nominee in particular. Note please, the City has nothing to do with the "achievement gap" or with "growing jobs," although with respect to the latter the Dem taxing/spending for the past decades hasn't helped.
    Making City Hall work means making hard decisions, confronting tough problems and tough people, and making change one problem or one person at a time. That kind of leadership, accountability, and action must come from the top.

    Here’s my take on three pressing issues a new Mayor must quickly and effectively tackle:

    Growing Jobs
    Closing the Achievement Gap
    Strengthening Neighborhoods

  16. The 3 most important, most urgent, the new mayor will have t o deal with are:
    * Taxes
    * Jobs and
    * Crime.

  17. Without any doubt, 2:12 pm is 100% correct. If the new mayor is capable to solve the 3 najor issues he suggested, Hartford will be in the right direction, an excellent direction, for many years to come.

  18. Peter - Pedro - Caviar:
    Show you what? Money? What money? There's left. I spent it all.
    Besides, who do you think you are asking about money?
    Next question please.

  19. I'd like to see how much OT DPW is putting in right now compared to last year. I have noticed a lot of DPW working on the weekends recently and don't remember seeing that in the past.

    1. DPW "suddenly" also started picking up trash and bulk waste from places they NEVER picked up before. "Suddenly."
      Is this an election year or what?

  20. Last year wasn't an election-year Pedro didn't need to put on a show

  21. Hulk Hogan had to apologize and Paula Deen had
    to apologize ,why shouldn't Achilles Rethis lose his job as well,for use of the N word.
    No one in Patrol likes or respects him. Rethis is fondly known as
    Beans , He comes to work late, leaves early, No one cares, No accountability.
    He takes a 2, 2 1/2 hour lunch and grabs all the OT he can
    steal,to fatten his pension. He gets off on firing other people.
    In other words Do as I say not as I do.

  22. COURANT EDITORIAL CRITICIZES SEGARRA'S “QUESTIONABLE JUDGMENT” about crime and safety - or rather NO safety - in the City of Hartford.
    It's precisely the same in regards to Segarra and budget & finance: "QUESTIONABLE JUDGMENT."
    "POOR JUDGMENT" will not be as kind, but will definitely be more correct.

  23. Here is a big "win" for Segarra: Hartford was selected as one of the most unfriendly cities in the country.

    Here is another "win" for Segarra: Hartford just witnessed murder #23 so far this year (right by City Hall).

    Murders and Unfriendliness, they go together, don't they?

    1. 7:46 AM correct yourself. TWO MEN DEAD IN SEPARATE HARTFORD SHOOTINGS. Two, not one. This are homicide #23 and homicide #24.
      Pedro, are you there? Are you listening? Are you paying any attention?
      How about another "community meeting" behind closed doors? Let's cut the number of police officers even more!

  24. Pedro THE MORON arrived at the latest homicide scene a few hours ago, complaining about "THIS PATTERN" of shootings and murders.
    It sure is A PATTERN, you moron, it repeats itself again and again and again. Yes, Pedro, it IS a pattern, but your "questionable judgment" still cannot figure out what to do, you moron, or as you call yourself: "experienced leader".
    Just a few weeks ago you went to the Governor begging for help. This morning you told the media that you have contacted the USDOJ for help with "THIS PATTERN". Who will you call next, YOU MORON?

  25. Didn't CAVIAR go to Washington as well? Did he also have CLOSED DOOR meetings? DID HE LEARN ANYTHING? Patterns? Patterns? that is all he can say? He has to resign. Please if you have ANY DIGNITY LEFT. RESIGN!!!!! Go eat caviar in your villa somewhere out there.....,,

  26. Did anyone hear of yet another shooting to the head in Hartford's Blue Hills section. Segarra is scared to go there, he prefers staying in his million dollar home, just 20 feet from the much safer WEST Hartford.

  27. When I first became a police officer as a African American I was told to stay. Away from Capatain Restgis because he was a stone cold racist an actually kept a photo album of all the blacks he would beat up an arrest . I was rather shocked by this information to say the least how can a man like that be a police officer in a city of majority people of color an on top of that he's Greek. I can assure the people in the city of Hartford an in the police department if I ever become union president I am going to make some serious changes in this place cause it's long overdue an blacks are tired of being bullied

  28. Pedro Caviar is correct, it's a patter. A pattern of mismanagement, a pattern of inefficiencies, corruption, spending. One big pattern indeed.

  29. Pedro, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for the latest killings in Hartford. YOU, not Deputy Chief Foley, not Chief Rovella, not Governor Malloy, not the White House or USDOJ, your latest choice. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE. Now start doing something to add good police officers to HPD, it's going to take 2 years or so, but you must start doing something NOW. No more games Segarra.

  30. Kevin. Do a story on the dozen or so out of town police transfers that wanted to come to hartford. I guess city hall told rovella that they were not the right color
    These officers are already trained and can hit the streets within monthes instead of going through an entire academy .
    And too the colored obviously angry ones, i rather have reathis around then will smith and stackowitz. So go write an angry poem to yourself, becuase reathis makes 160k a year and you do not ....

  31. Hey, Segarra never takes any responsibility for any bad thing that happens. Never. This guy is afraid of his own shadow.

  32. 129pm

    Your information is correct about the lateral transfers . Apparently two members of the council didn't like the make up of the group and refused to appropriate money for officers that didn't meet their quotas

  33. So instead of getting qualified officers they could fill empty slots immediately while we search for other officers we took nothing

  34. Jamal Del Diablo, Deputy Sh?? of Staff
    gets the Mayor in hot water again-Don't bring Bronin's kids into the scene, abusador.

  35. Maniacal Laugh first and foremost why don't you learn how to spell, being the bigot that you are supporting someone like Rethis it's no wonder the community doesn't like the cops in this city and as for lateral transfers the majority of them either couldn't hack it in other departments or got dumped in HPD lap either way pathetic!!!

  36. Jamal del Diablo and Juan Slow Figueroa, both attacking women and children! Shame on them, PATHETIC WEIRDO'S from the deepest and darkest hell. Aren't they supposed to be working for CITY HALL not the campaign? Why are we paying these clowns for? To work at City Hall or to work at campaign headquarters on OUR DIME? These are supposed to be CIVIL SERVANTS, working for the City. See how they are wasting our money once again? Where is the money Pedro?

  37. Pedro Segarra needs to focus his attention on all the murders that have ocurred in Hartford this year and not where Luke Bronin's children are attending school.

  38. Pedro should focus more on bringing the murder rate down and much less on where Luke Bronin's kids are attending school.

  39. A new low for the Segarra campaign , families and children should be off-limits

  40. Has anyone else noticed how Jenna Carlesso takes every opportunity to go after Bronin but says very little about the negatives with Segarra. whose job is she protecting ? Her buddy Hilda ?

    1. Jenna Carlesso? Who's Jenna Carlesso? She's just a worthless reporter, she was always there for Pedro, maybe preparing a move to city hall communication dept.
      If I was Jenna Carlesso boss, she would have been fired long time ago

  41. Jenna Carlesso is an awful journalist. I didn't know that anyone was still reading her miserable reports. Waste of time.

  42. Get another job JennaSeptember 2, 2015 at 12:31 AM

    Jenna Carlesso might as well be Mayor Caviar's other communications director

  43. Nobody pays any attention to this worthless reporter

  44. But parents, teachers and the public in Hartford and across that state shouldn’t be fooled. When the person who wants to be mayor, and who would appoint the members of the Hartford Board of Education, decides to enroll his child or children in a prestigious private school, rather than the city’s public schools, it sends out a powerful message about privilege and entitlement.
    I don't think criticizing Bronin for putting his kids in non-Government District Schools is inappropriate involvement of his family/kids. But, the issue isn't the "message" it may send "about privilege," but what it says about the quality of the Government Schools. Bronin, like all parents, should do what is best for his kids. The Hartford District Schools, upon which we the State and local property taxpayers spend a half a billion dollars a year, are simply not suitable for his kids. Since WWII most middle class people have made the same determination, and have moved out.

  45. Peter Brush, you are mistaken, it says a lot about the current system. I t needs to be improved! Under the current administration the parents of Renzulli School were not listened to, despite being one of the bright stars in the system! Gifted African American students! Segarra did not listen! So what if bronin sends his kids somewhere else. You forget that there are other thousands of parents that have made the choice to send their kids out of the city to school. So you are being ridiculous and petty with your statement. Regardless of "privilege" , us not privileged also want is best for our children.

  46. I don't see this as a critical issue for Bronin. Most parents are enrolling in magnets, charters, or on a wait list for open choice programs in Hartford. So I argue the majority of Hartford parents feel the same way as Bronin when it comes to the education of their children. Even the new Superintendent chose a magnet program for her daughter, so what does this say about the state of the neighborhood schools? Most should be closed and why the parents don't demand they close and be replaced with higher performing schools Is beyond my understanding. Demand better for your children!!!! Hopefully this is one reason ppl WILL vote for Bronin, he understands the urgent need when it comes to the state of the neighborhood schools. Segarra would prefer to dump 60 million into a baseball stadium instead of using those resources to improve schools or public safety, go figure!!

    As for the fiscal year ending, the fiscal year is closed and Segarra had to go into the city "rainy day" funds to help balance the city books. And this is after Segarra raided the school funds. he doesn't want anyone to know this until AFTER the primary hence the delay in releasing final financial reports for the city.
