Saturday, August 1, 2015


I will not be intimidated.

Yesterday I received a "an unknown caller" message on my cell phone voice mail. The phone call, a little after 5:00PM was short and to the point. A male voice which sounded disguised left the message, "Leave the Mayor alone"

Listen to this coward, I clearly post my thoughts under my own name and stand by everything I write and I will not back off.

The truth is the truth, if your "Mayor" wasn't such a loser and so incompetent, I would have a lot  less to write about, get used to it, the best is yet to come


  1. Define unknown caller and who is your phone service?? Even though someone calls you blocked their number still shows up on your phone bill. Was it your cellphone or landline that they called?

  2. Atleast it wasn't a death threat!!!!!

  3. It just showed up on the phone log is unknown caller I can't tell whether it was a landline or cell phone line

  4. Hannibal that was a good thing there was no physical threat if there was I would've referred it to the police immediately

  5. That person that called you is a coward and only proves exactly what everyone is saying here. Pedro Segarra is a crook and we will not stop until he is taken out of office. The truth has to be known and we can't give up. Pedro Segarra is making way to much money to do such a crappy job. He is driving the City of Hartford to the grown. So to the Mayor, and the other elected officials' that are supporting him, his followers and that cowards that called Kevin Brookman today, hold on to your tissues because you will need then when he realizes he lost this battle. Keep up the good work Kevin.
