Saturday, August 15, 2015


I am probably going to shock many people by saying this , but if Pedro Segarra had started acting like a Mayor almost six years ago, he probably wouldn't have been a half bad Mayor. To start doing the job now, just weeks before a difficult primary is obnoxious and disgraceful.

Did it take a tough primary fight for Segarra to realize that many of our neighborhoods are filthy and needed attention? He launched a program this week to focus on the filth. Did his City Hall brain trust just realize they could put together a program to address our dirty streets. Why now and not five years ago?

For years our police staffing has been steadily dropping. A good manager would have realized that the result of hirng new recruits 25 years ago would  mean that they would be applying for retirement 225 years later. That means now Mr. Mayor, resulting in a large amount of vacancies caused by the attrition. It has decimated the ranks of HPD and only now because it has become a campaign issue, Segarra has begun addressing it. Why now Pedro and not five years ago?

Throughout the community, people are telling me that they are seeing Segarra attending functions that he hasn't attended in years  or paid attention to at all. Now he is attending everything possible with his campaign entourage, trolling for votes. Why now Pedro and not five years go?

Even the Hartford Fire Department , which has been exhibiting its dysfunctional leadership for years is now getting election year attention. when it was pointed out both here and on local television that HFD was ignoring mandatory state statutes for  Life Safety Inspections of Hartford structures, Segarra has suddenly found the money to supplement funding for additional fire inspectors. I am not sure how we are allowed to ignore state laws, especially when we have experienced loss of lives that could be attributed to lax inspections. Why now Pedro and not five years ago?

Every press release coming out of Segarra's office lately seems to be for another election year stunt , orchestrated to gain free media attention to make it look like Segarra is actually ding something. The only problem though is that every stunt is for something that has been well under his control for several years. If he is only going to do the work of Mayor for six months of his term before the election, we should be asking him for  refund of the other 3 and a half years of the salary we paid him.

Luke Bronin talks a lot about accountability. We need to make it clear to Luke that when elected Mayor, we expect to get our moneys worth from him everyday, not just a couple months before the next election. Somehow I think we will get our salarys worth from Bronin and his Team  from day one.


  1. This is way beyond "Too little too late." Segarra failed in every aspect, in every department. You can blame his background , you can blame his managerial inexperience, blame his lack of leadership, blame the people he chose. i don't care if it's his love of caviar. Whatever the reason is, Segarra is a gigantic failure and he must go.

  2. Pedro/Peter/Caviar Segara is obviously fighting for his political life, for a salary of $150,000 a year plus benefits and pension, more than he was ever able to earn by himself (remember his personal bankruptcy, where he owed almost $500,000 but told a federal judge he had only $200 cash on hand). Time to go Pedrito, too little too late is too correct about you.

  3. There're plenty of rumors around that the FBI has started investigating the Segarra administration. Whether it's going to be corruption or mismanagement, there's no doubt in my mind that the FBI will not end this investigation empty handed.

  4. The Saundra Kee-Borges and Terry Waller affair - A SCANDAL. The Hartford Fire Dept. - A SCANDAL. The understaffed Hartford Police Dept. - A SCANDAL. The Kupiec and Panagore affair - A SCANDAL. The disastrous stadium deal - A SCANDAL. The night out enjoying champagne and caviar - A SCANDAL. The list goes on and on.

    1. Not to mention DPW's headaches and inefficiencies. Slow to remove snow , you know, the snow in December, January and February coming from out of towners, the dirt all over the city, filth all over, potholes damaging our car that were there for too long to remember. A disfunctional operation, that's exactly what it is.

    2. Problem is, according toSegarra, the garbage in Hartford, just like the ice and snow, is coming from the suburbs.

  5. I think the appointment of chief Huertas and the quid pro quo dealthat he got his job in exchange for giving Terry Waller a job should be enough to launch a federal investigation into the dirty dealings. All caught on tape and reported by fox 61

  6. Bronin may have the potential to be a decent mayor--certainly a better one than Segarra. But for the moment, his strength and much of his support lies in being the "lesser of two evils". He's a polished speaker with a friendly demeanor, but ultimately what we are hearing from him is typical campaign rhetoric. Yes, he pinpoints Hartford's problems, and he says all the right things about wanting to fix them. In fact, all the candidates--including Segarra--identify those problems and issues, and pledge to focus on them. What Bronin doesn't say--nor do any of them--is how he thinks they could be fixed. Where are the ideas and the potentially workable solutions?

    The other fly in the ointment is some of the people who Bronin has chosen to associate himself with; the DiBellas first and foremost. Will he be able to keep his own counsel, rather than dance to their tune as "payment" for their support? We can also cast a jaundiced eye upon rJo Winch, Adam Cloud, Noel McGregor, and some others. Did Bronin take the time to vet these people before inviting him onto his team?

    Time will tell, and all we can do is hope for the best.

  7. I think if you read some of Bronin's position papers you see does actually have some solutions what is the risk we take with any election we have to start holding our elected officials accountable for what they tell us during the campaign so far we're done a terrible job of doing that in Hartford both our mayors and with our council members we need to start doing it now and let them know we plan to keep doing it

  8. I hear the feds want to meet Louisa Moller of FoxCT.

    Segarra's reaction to the "deal" reported by Moller was: “The deal, the deal is to get the most qualified. The deal is to have diversity." For Segarra the most unqualified person on earth suddenly becomes the "most qualified."

    The feds have a lot of questions to ask Pedro the corrupt idiot.

  9. TAXES, JOBS and CRIME. These are the biggest issues facing Hartford. Brings jobs to Hartford and the other issues will be solved.

  10. Four years ago Pedro Caviar promised to bring jobs, but - what a surprise - he brought none!


  11. It might be a good question to ask how many jobs he drove out of Hartford with his incompetence and lack of vision

  12. Yo, Pedro Caviar cares only about himself and the stadium with his luxury box. He proved it to us in more than 5 years as a failed mayor.

  13. therefore there are TWO questions to ask him:
    1. how many jobs did you bring to Hartford?
    2. how many jobs did you drive out of Hartford?

    1. that's easy to answer: Segarra didn't bring ANY new job to Hartford, but drove out of Hartford and out of business MANY jobs.
      That's called the Hartford's negative effect.

  14. therefore, Kevin, there are TWO questions to ask him:
    1. how many jobs did you bring to Hartford?
    2. how many jobs did you drive out of Hartford?

  15. Naughty Naughty PedroAugust 15, 2015 at 11:56 PM

    The background check on Pedro Ernesto Segarra revealed that he has a disconnected email address,which is "" and he has 2 alias' that he is Peter Segarra and the other is Maria Uaga....which he used on his aol account for hookups....we have sent the background check to the media and about 50 other people.

  16. The notion that Segarra didn't produce any jobs is misleading and wrong. He created wasty, unnecessay jobs in his own office, the "scheduler" for example is one, the job he created for Minnie Mouse Gonzalez' daughter in exchange for her vote and support, he hired Kyle Andersen girlfriend at the dept. of finance in exchage for his stadium or other vote and support, he gave Terry Waller a job he was totally unsuited for, he created a $250/hr. job for SKB after she quit her job, an assistant job to Hilda Munoz to assist Edwin Vargas' niece Maribel LaLose who anyway didn't do much herself, and many more.

  17. This's a mayor who's never responsible for anything. Dirty streets? It's the suburbanites. Snow covered streets? It's the suburbanites. Crime? It's the suburbanites. Record number of murders? You got it right, it's the suburbanites.

  18. This man Segarra will do anything, just about a·n·y·t·h·i·n·g, to get reelected.

  19. I just watched Face The State with Dennis House. I was highly impressed with Luke Bronin and each and every answer of what needs to be done in Hartford and how.
    Luke Bronin is a very serious, a very smart candidate. I support Luke Bronin for Mayor!

  20. I saw the Luke Bronin interview this morning. He's a serious, smart man and, unlike the other candidate, he is not high on drugs. Luke for Mayor.

  21. One thing I'm certain about: Luke Bronin will never shove a "done deal" stadium that we're going to pay millions of $$$ for, down my throat. NEVER!

  22. 1st question: With $200 cash on hand, how did Pedrito go back and forth between Miami and Hartford as he claims he did?
    2nd question: With $200 cash on hand , how did Pedrito pay for the prostitutes or escort service of Touch of Class as he did?
    3rd question: Maybe he just lied to a federal judge with his "$200 cash on hand" claim?
    Last question: HOW CAN WE TRUST A GUY LIKE THIS?

    1. Good question. I'd assume that he lied. That's what Pedro does best.

  23. I like the photo on top. I wouldn't know that was Pedro if the "Seal of the City of Hartford" wasn't there. After all, we haven't seen much of Pedro in the past 4 1/2 - 5 years. He only started showing his face when he noticed some other serious candidates running for his job, when the murder rate started going through the roof (or the Hartford sky), when residents started expressing their minds about his crazy "done deal" ballpark, when the truth above his disfunctional administration was exposed.
    Too Little Pedro, Too Late.

  24. Segarra is all fraud. Everybody knows that. Time to go Pedro, go home.

  25. I don't think any of this behavior is unique to segarra. All candidates do this shit. Look at Obama....he made a lot of promises too.

  26. Most social progressive Dems are liars....the ones that don't lie to others are simply lying to themselves about their failed ideology.

    1. Ok maybe you should move to a red state or another Country, where right nuts don't "lie". Your as delusional as Pedro, Peter whoever he is today.

  27. 1:26 PM: It's not "whoever he is today." He's Pedro and he's Peter and he's Caviar and he's Ortiz EVERYDAY. Isn't it simple?

  28. There was an important and serious discussion in Hartford this evening about crime, hosted by Mr. Luke Bronin.
    Now, that it's clear to us all that TAXES, JOBS & CRIME are the 3 most important issues facing Hartford, I can only wonder why Segarra was AWOL. As reported by wfsb's Susan Raff, Segarra was home preparing for Wednesday debate. Shame, Shame, Shame on you Pedro Caviar.

  29. It was not Segarra's event to attend Bronin organized it it's a Garrett wanted to have a community meeting he had plenty of opportunities to get it except he chose secret meetings inside his office Luke is showing leadership and getting the community input something to Mayor should've done six months ago I do believe chief Rovella was planning on attending that meeting though

    1. Kevin, don't be ridiculous. For Segarra a ceremony for the completion of 3,000 feet sidewalk on Tower Ave. is much more important than, what was it, an attempt to find ways to reduce crime. That's why Pedro was a no show tonight.

  30. Leaders and neighbors gathered together to discuss together how to fight crime. Many leaders who care were there. Segarra is not a leader, therefore he was not there.
    No comment from the Segarra's campaign.

  31. For Pedro to be there it would actually be admitting there is a problem and the problem has been created by Pedro's administration in their incompetence and lack of hiring for the police department for Pedro to be there tonight would be admitting his failures

  32. Actually Pedro Segarra IS the problem.

  33. I agree with Anonymous at 9:26pm. Pedro doesn't need to admit that there is a problem cause Pedro himself is the problem

  34. The Donald and The Caviar Man/Peter Pan:
    Donald Trump = sucess.
    Pedro Segarra = failure.
    Both Donald and Pedro have answers to everything.
    Donald Trump andwers - creative.
    Pedro Segarra answers - stupid.

  35. Pedro Caviar changed Hartford's slogan to
    That's right, Hartford has it, homicides and grief. Hartford certainly has it, lots of it.

  36. Hartford is not only the capital of Connecticut, it's also the capital of New England, the murder capital that is.
    Pedro must be very proud of himself!

  37. My understanding is that as of this morning murder #22 was committed in Hartford. What a shock, what a tragedy.
    With all that horrific news, Pedro Segarra decided to stay at his comfortable home, prepare for tomorrow's debate, and still not attend a meeting discussing how to cut crime in Hartford.
    We are all disgusted by you, Segarra.

  38. Great day today, the anticipated debate between Luke Bronin and Pedro Peter Segarra.
    Segarra prepared for several days for this debate, he didn't show up to an important meeting discussing crime on Monday so he could relax at home and get ready for today's debate.
    Quiet frankly, with manipulation and lies and more lies, Pedro Peter Caviar can easily win this debate. But, again, he needs to lie a hell of a lot, nonstop, to win this. After all, we haven't seen a leaderless and corrupt like Segarra for a long time.

    1. 5 Segarra years showed us he'sva big failure. Nobody in their right mind would vote for Segarra, except those who benefit directly from him.

  39. Don't forget to ask Segarra the following questions:

    Where is the $670,000 insurance payment that the insurance company never received? (it's not Segarra fault).
    Where is the $450,000 given to Ryan and Kellyanne Jones business and never paid a dime back? (it's not Segarra fault).
    Where is the tax money from El Mercado on Park St. that wasn't paid for many years? (it's not Segarra fault).
    Who fixed the bid for FD Assistant Chief so Terry Waller would be the only candidate? (it's not Segarra fault).
    How is it possible that SKB took home $220,000 a year + benefits and then rehired herself after retiring? (it's not Segarra fault).
    What type a deal was with Huertas in order that he becomes FD Chief? (it's not Segarra fault).
    Why is it a secret for whatever Dunkin Donuts will pay for naming rights? (it's not Segarra fault).
    How much will Hartford residents have to pay for his fantasy arena over the next 26 years? (it's not Segarra fault).
    Many more questions to ask, not enough space.

  40. Many more questions to Segarra:
    Job to Minnie Gonzalez daughter at his office, job to Edwin Vargas niece, job to Hilda Munoz, job to his "scheduler"/"the iPad carrier", the Panagore/Kupiec affair and many more questions (all of which - you got it right - IT'S NOT SEGARRA FAULT).

  41. Another question: Where was the sand for the roads last winter? Will there be any this winter?

  42. Anonymous 11:41AM: no sand, no snow removal, again: NO SEGARRA FAULT.

  43. Another question: Where are all the jobs you promised to bring to Hartford 4 years ago? Will you bring "more" jobs in the next 4 years, more than the zero you delivered so far?

  44. He will deliver plenty of jobs for ticket takers and popcorn vendors at the new stadium all it probably minimum-wage to be sure

  45. ... minimum wage and ten or so working hours a week

  46. "U.S. Marshals Find Miami Murder Suspect In Hartford."
    This's a recent headline in the Courant.
    No surprise the man was caught in Hartford. Under Segarra all criminals feel comfortable and safe in this crime infested city.
    Kudos to U.S. Marshals. Shame on you Segarra.

    1. Everybody knows if you commit a crime in Florida, you better come to Hartford where you can go free for a long time.
      Hartford is the host town for criminals. Is Hartford mayor a criminal himself?

    2. Hartford is Heaven for criminals, courtesy of Pedro Caviar.

  47. Keep on trying Pedrito. You have been trying to do whatever for five years now. Nice try, big failure.
