Wednesday, September 2, 2015


The Hartford Courant Editorial Board, Tom Condon, Peter Pach and Carolyn Lumsden, conducted interviews with Mayoral Candidates Pedro Segarra and Luke Bronin as a precursor for their endorsement. The interviews were recorded by CT-N, the Connecticut Network. I'll leave the editorials on this to the editors, but take a view and make your own decisions Who is believable and who shows the best vision to be Hartford's next leader? Feel free to post your comments here.




  1. That was ugly to watch how desperate Segarra reached to cover his incompetency. Luke made him look like a delusional 3 year old in comparison. I cannot imagine after interviewing both of them that the Courant would choose to endorse Segarra. Bronin hands down!!!

    1. Absolutely correct (7:56). Luke Bronin hand down.
      As consolation, the Court could endorse Pedro Segarra as the "Idiot of Hartford".

  2. I hope you paid attention to the body language also, an honest person will look the interviewer in the eyes and make eye contact as they answer. like Bronin did. A deceptive person avoids eye contact, looking at the ceiling and everywhere else to avoid eye contact, as Segrra did.

  3. If Segarra is so for neiborhood schools why is Clark street school shut down after an extensive renovation. This is the apitamy of a neiborhood school, who's being aheald accountable for this? Firehouse on main st renovated but deemed structurally unsafe due to another bad contractor literally millions thrown away and no one cares

  4. I have watched the entire 48 minutes interview with Bronin. Mr. Bronin, if you are listening, I'm giving you a solid 10.

    I have watched the entire 54 minutes interview with Segarra. Mr. Segarra, if you are listening - everybody know that you read this blog daily - I'm giving you a 0. That's right Pedro, you're getting a big zero.

    As for Ms. Lumsden and her colleagues at the Hartford Courant Editorial Board: I can't believe you were able to keep straight face for over 50 minutes without laughing at some of Segarra's idiotic responses (a few times he didn't even understand your questions; most of his answers were plain stupid)

    1. The Segarra interview was a joke, like a telenovela gone wrong.
      Figueroa, Michael Bland, Maribel LaLoose, Deller The Seller ("Thomas told me that everything is on schedule"), somebody, ANYBODY, please help to save Segarra.

  5. I'm wondering if the Courant had a piece of art hanging on the ceiling where the Segarra interview took place. Pedro was looking at the ceiling several times, looking for help with answers.

  6. Yo, Pedro, it's one thing to participate in a mayoral debate in the Main St. library where you show up with your phoney supporters and your high paid campaign people, telling lies to the public who doesn't know much and doesn't know all the details.
    It's another thing to be gently grilled by the educated, informed, well prepared members of the Hartford Courant Editorial Board.
    Pedro, your interview was a total disaster.

    1. 9:40 AM I don't agree with you that Pedro's interview was a 'disaster' as you stated. In my opinion, the way Pedrito behaved, the way he answered some questions with stupid remarks, sometimes not understanding the questions, being clueless about the pension numbers, searching for answers on the ceiling, it was all great, easily qualifying him to be on Comedy Central.

    2. Pedro was probably rushed into the Courant interview before he was able to take his 'medication', whether it's prescribed medication or not.

  7. Huertas said on on tape that he was "force fed" Waller. Segarra told the Courant Editorial Board that Huertas chose Waller because he wanted diversity. It looks like Segarra is making his Fire Chief out to be a liar.I wonder if Huertas is going to start looking like Pinocchio.

  8. I watched both interviews to their conclusion. Am very impressed with Mr Bronin and his vision. he was quite clear in his responses while I think Mayor Segarra babbled on and was hard to follow. Clearly, Mr Bronin would make a great Mayor in Hartford and Segarra will bring much of the same. I will vote Luke Bronin and hope my fellow citizens do the same!

  9. 10:59am

    Don't leave it to chance , tell anyone who will listen what you just posted here, and why Luke Bronin is the right choice for Hartford

  10. Segarra interview with the Courant was a total disaster, but at least he arrived to the interview with a great haircut.
    Not too long ago Segarra used to say that it's all about the image.

  11. Did that idiot really reference "things on shelves collecting dust"?

  12. And I'm sure you noticed Tom Condon didn't let that statement go unchallenged

  13. When Bronin gets elected one of the first things he should do is replace the out of touch, incompetent, chief of police. Enough is enough, he just doesn't get it. He has no respect from the rank and file and is single handedly running the police department into the ground. Good riddens.

  14. If Segarra was truly rushed into a room for that failed interview BEFORE he was able to take his drugs, he definitely deserves a second change. I'm sure the Editorial Board will be able to accommodate him on Thursday, September 17th.

  15. Thur. 9/17 in an excellent date for Pedrito 2nd chance; the Courant could then ask Pedro if he budgeted his packing and moving expenses

  16. Could anyone tell us what type of drugs does Segarra use or what type of drugs he should be using?

  17. Relax Rutkauski.......your lucky to still have a job. Your departure was long overdue....your CSO's are celebrating.

  18. why wait til the 16th or 17th, Segarra should start packing now

  19. I tried to count how many times Segarra used the word "significant" during his embarrassing interview with the Editorial Board, but I was not successful. Significant this, significant that. Nonstop significants.
    After this interview, the most significant thing will be to get rid of Segarra.

  20. When Pedro loses the primary is he able to petition his way onto the ballot as a 3rd party or is that just for the state wide races?
