Sunday, September 6, 2015


Was there any other choice?

You can read the Courant's endorsement here.

You can watch the editorial interviews here


  1. There is absolutely no surprise here. Luke Bronin IS an excellent choice!

  2. No more lies, no more false promises, the end of nepotism, the end of corruption in Hartford.
    Pedro, you are OUT.
    Mr. Luke Bronin: Our best wishes to you as the next Mayor of the City of Hartford! Your success is our success!

  3. The Hartford Courant's choice was a very easy job. It's obvious who is the MUCH better candidate. Just watch both interviews and you'll see for yourself why Bronin is the best choice for Hartford.

  4. No, Kevin. There is no choice. Unfortunately for the citizens of Hartford Pedro is going to drag this out until the end.

  5. No, Kevin. There is no choice. Unfortunately for the citizens of Hartford Pedro is going to drag this out until the end.

  6. I just read the article in the Courant regarding the campaign donations. The part that I find to be most significant is that Bronin received more donations from Hartford residents than Segarra did.

  7. Way back--about 6 months ago--I predicted that the Courant would endorse Bronin, and that the Democratic Town Committee would also. When Bob Killian entered the race in April, I felt--even knew--that he was the only one who could give Bronin a real run for the money. But he didn't stay around long enough to put it to the test. If he had, we might be reading a different Courant story today.

    Now, everyone probably feels the same way: What else could the Courant do? With Seggara's "annus horribilis" still continuing like a runaway train, endorsing him would be akin to committing credible journalism suicide. Nice guys--even smart guys--Joel Cruz, Jr. and Ted Cannon never even had a chance.

    So Bronin is it; done deal. Now it'll be up to the citizens of Hartford to do their best to keep him on the right path and insist that he live up to the pictures he's been painting of how he'll begin to turn this city around if elected. That means getting involved, people, and staying involved even after November 3rd.

  8. Mayor Segarra lost this endorsement with his responses about the fire department. He looked very deceitful looking up at the ceiling when pressed for answers regarding the failing leadership and other problems within the HFD. I believe his poor decisions and lack of action in the fire department was his ultimate downfall that will end up costing him the election. It's too bad because in general I always thought of him as a decent kindhearted person.

    1. The failure in the fire dept.
      The huge increase in murders.
      The Moody's double downgrade.
      The city financial troubles
      The city huge unemployment rate.
      The nepotism.
      The high taxes.
      All these and more are the doewnfall of the pervert.

    2. Pedro must be visiting murder victim's family #25

    3. What the Hartford Courant's Editors did to Pedro Segarra was awful. They asked him really difficult questions, then they tricked him by installing a unique work of art on the ceiling that forced him to look at the ceiling for a long period of time. It's so unfair because Segarra the idiot looked like. . . . .

      . . . . . . An idiot!


    5. It's hard to feel sorry for Pedro when he chose not to fire Huertas despite his numerous screw ups. But no matter how terrible of a fire chief that Huertas is, Ed Caseras was 10 times worse. It just goes to show you how stupid Pedro is by choosing this complete imbecile to run with him on his slate. Segarra have you learned nothing about partnering up with incompetence during your tenure as Mayor?Apparently not.

  9. And that is essentially what the endorsement said not a bad person but a terrible manager Hartford needs better

  10. Yes, Pedro is a nice pervert.

    1. Segarra was an idiot BEFORE the 8/31 interview.
      Segarra acted like a complete idiot DURING the 8/31 interview.
      Segarra is still the same idiot AFTER the 8/31 interview.
      Nothing changed.

  11. 25th murder just a few hours ago. Pedro should call another closed doors meeting to pretend he's fighting crime.

    1. How many more murders will Hartford count until Segarra is out of office? Enough already.

  12. 1. Boston has x5 (yes, FIVE TIMES) the population of Hartford.
    2. Still, Hartford has more murders than Boston.
    3. Pedro is shocked that Edwin Vargas, Minnie Gonzalez and a few other losers with self interests are the only ones supporting him.

  13. Segarra first interview with the Courant was a total disaster. He sure does deserve a second chance to show his stupidity.

    1. Hell no, no second chance to Segarra. He's been a mayor for almost 5 1/2 years, he's been on the city council for additional 4 years. This guy voted for every tax increase. Time to punish this piece of shit and dump him!

    2. Second chance, third chance, nothing will save Segarra, his political 'career' is over.
      A few miles south, New Britain's Mayor, Ms. Erin Stewart, young and inexperienced, but doing a great job for her city, unlike Segarra who just talks, talks, talks.
      Mayor Stewart just created historical walking tours in New Britain, worked hard to bring a new baseball team to New Britain without spending gazillion dollars like Segarra.
      Excellent job, Mayor Stewart.
      Poor job, Pedro Segarra.

  14. Pedro, this's your last chance to quit the race, this way you avoid any further embarrassments. Call it "for personal reasons", say you "want to spend more time with your family", we'll accept any excuse.
    It better for you to quit now.

  15. Luke is a shining light for Hartford. Hopefully, he will win the Democratic Primary on September 16. Do not forget to vote!

  16. The biggest losers for the ball stadium that we don't need will soon be gone....wooden,Kennedy,Anderson and pedrosegarra...Peter segarra...Maria Urga..and Mayor Caviar
