Friday, September 18, 2015


On Thursday, September 17, 2015, at approximately 2152 hours, the Hartford Police Communications Center received a 911 report of a person stabbed and bleeding at 69 James Street inside apartment 103. On arrival, police located two persons bleeding and suffering from stab wounds to their upper torso, head and neck area. Both persons were transported to Saint Francis Emergency Room via ambulance. One of the persons was pronounced deceased at 2235 hours by the attending physician in the emergency room. The other person was being treated for non-life threatening injuries to his head and neck area. A crime scene was immediately identified and secured by patrol officers. Major Crimes detectives and Crime Scene detectives responded and assumed the investigation. The investigation is very active and progressing at this time.

No other information is available from HPD at this time


On September 17, 2015 at approximately 9:52pm Hartford Police Department Patrol Officers were dispatched to 69 James St. on a 911 report of 2 people bleeding due to a fight. Upon arrival Patrol Officers found the victim, a 55yo male from New Britain, suffering from a severe stab wound to his arm. He was provided first aid as EMS personnel transported him to St. Francis. At 1035pm the victim was pronounced Deceased.


In the same apartment, HPD Patrol Officers also located a 67yo male from Hartford, bleeding from the head. He was transported to St. Francis, treated non-life-threatening injury, and released into police custody.


Initial investigation is indicating that:

The 55 yo Victim is the nephew of the 67yo Suspect (uncle). The two live together at 69 James St. This entire incident occurred within their apartment. Allegedly, the two had been consuming copious amounts of alcohol. Both engaged in an argument that soon became physical. At some point, the suspect severely stabbed victim in the arm with a kitchen knife. The victim then was able to gain control of the knife and stab suspect. A witness then called police.


The Hartford Police Major Crimes Division is investigating. An arrest is likely to occur today.


  1. I would like to make a prediction as to what the Segarra response will be. Um....murders are spiking all over the country. He will probably try to trivialize this as a campaign issue when Bronin brings it up. Saying this spike is happening all over the country is doing absolutely nothing to resolve the problem in Hartford. Why don't you blame this on the machine Pedro?

  2. Did Pedro visit the scene as our concerned Mayor, or are the election stunts over?

  3. What, Segarra still functioning as mayor? Send him home already

  4. 10:13AM Pedro did not act as a mayor before last Wednesday primary, he's not going to act like a mayor now

  5. It was a domestic related stabbing death. What should have Pedro or anyone have done? Seriously?

    1. Segarra could have done nothing to prevent murder #26. However, this is not the case in many of the other 25 murders this year. These murders are related to drugs in the city. These murders are related directly to the no jobs in the city. These murders are related directly to the infestation of other crimes in the city. These murders are related directly to not enough cops in the streets in this city.
      Yes, Segarra has a lot of responsibility. Sorry, inconvenient to say but true.

  6. how the heck is Segarra responsible for a domestic violence murder? I question the intelligence level of the people that comment on your blog. The guy was drunk and went crazy that's the mayor's fault? Are you kidding me? Some of you idiots really need not reproduce SMDH

  7. I am not sure where you saw anywhere, anyone saying this is Pedro's fault. But as Mayor and Chief Executive Officer of the City, you must accept responsibility for the good , the bad, and the ugly. Pedro's problem has always been that he is quick to accept the good but closes his eyes to the bad and the ugly and refuses to act to effect change. He has to act on the negative in our City also to try to make things better and change our downward direction. It may not make for the puff piece headlines, but they are the things that really change people's lives and actually take leadership and courage, not to mention vision. Something Pedro has lacked.

  8. @12:51 and 1:48- This murder brings the city total to 26. Do you not see the problem????? Segarra is the mayor.(I use that term loosely). It is well known there is a shortage of police officers in Hartford. What has Segarra done about that? There is no way he can prevent all the murders in Hartford but he can certainly do everything in his power to make sure that number is as low as possible. Exactly what has he done about this matter? He plays it down. It is sickening.

    1. Any way you look at it, any way you present it, this is the 26th murder in Hartford this year. Whether it involves family members, whether it involves neighbors or the street corner drug dealers, the fact is that this's the 26th murder so far this year.

  9. 47-89 at 12:51 and anonymous at 1:48 ,,,,When you ALLOW uncivilized behavior ,you have to accept SOME responsibility. How much you wanna bet that these two birds habitually acted and GOT AWAY with this nonsense before? Do you think this is the first time they finished the bottle and couldn't handle it? The chances of this happening in a well policed city or town are slim (excluding mentally ill individuals) . Sorry ,FACT IS FACT! Did you ever hear the expression "give them an inche and they'll take a yard" ?? It totally applies to criminal behavior. Kevin,Is it possible to get NY Mayor Guiliano as a consultant??

  10. I really don't think we need to pay any more consultants, including Rudy Guiliani. What we need s to apply the same common sense and reasoning to our problems that Rudy applied to NYC. If he could turn NYC around, with the right people in place, Hartford should be much easier. We need a Mayor and Council that supports our Police Chief and Police Department fully ,with an emphasis on accountability and respect being paramount
    Our societal issues are huge, with poverty, joblessness and crime at the forefront, but proper leadership can address those issues to begin pulling our community out of the hole. That also includes education to form the foundation and the future for Hartford.

    The time for talk and inactivity is long past, lets see some leadership and directon now

    1. Kevin, I hate to burst your bubble, but Mayor Bronin plans on giving uncle jimmy the boot. He's bringing in his own command staff (former and present CSP). Let's see how that works out for you and everyone!! Let the sh$% show begin!!

  11. Please state facts, we all know it was city council, specifically Cynthia Jennings, Ken Kennedy, and the other cast of clowns that cut academy classes and didn't want to hire police while crime was down, not the mayor. The truth will prevail. Bronin got let's be honest about that Kevin, it doesn't matter now.

    1. City Council did what they did, bunch of morons, but scumbag Pedro acted like a pussycat in front of them

    2. Kenny Kennedy was more concerned with what type of engines police cars would have rather than hiring police officers and keeping HPD fully staffed......LOSER!

  12. You're all mixed up: It's Segarra who has to be begging a jury to keep him out of jail
