Saturday, September 12, 2015


The Segarra campaign launched an advertisement tonight slamming Luke Bronin. Right now the ad is only available on social media, and since Segarra's campaign is essentially broke, I am not sure where they intend to air it. Hopefully anyone that does air it will get the  cash up front to make sure they get paid Segarra recently had to loan his own campaign $19,000 to stay afloat. By looking at his filings and what he has been paying for campaign consultants, media consultants and high priced campaign staffers, that loan won't last long and new fundraising contributions seem to be few and far between accordong to the reports. The ad also seems to be less than factual.

Segarra seems to take Bronin for task for not doing enough for Hartford during his tenure in the Governor's Office. Bronin was a staffer at Governor Malloy's Office, and while no one can deny that Bronin was well respected by Malloy, he was a staffer, not a policy maker. I think that is why we elect a Mayor as well as State Reps to advocate for us at the Capitol. If Segarra needs to point a finger, maybe he should consider pointing the finger at himself if his relationships at the Capitol were and are nonexistent and he couldn't even get the State to buy into his baseball stadium.

Maybe instead of being so busy handing out jobs at City Hall to family members of a couple State Reps to  gain their endorsements for his campaign, he might have considered lobbying them for things he claims Hartford needs. That is the Mayor's job, not the job of the Governor's Legal Counsel. And just as a side note, for anyone that knows Governor Malloy, he is a very demanding tough boss. If Bronin as not extremely competent in his position, he would have never lasted in the Malloy Administration. I very seriously doubt Segarra could ever say the same thing.

 The ad also makes claims about one donor to Bronin''s campaign but gives no specifics except a quick flash of some text on the screen It also claims Bronin lied to voters about magnet schools causing the Hartford Federation of Teachers to rescind their endorsement of Bronin. I think the real facts were that Bronin accepted donations from two people who were openly supportive of Magnet Schools. The HFT demanded Bronin return the donations, which he didn't, so they withdrew their support. It sounds a little shady of the HFT to attempt to blackmail a candidate through their endorsement. I think it  also says something abut a candidate who won't buckle to Union pressure, but instead sticks by what he believes in. Isn't that a novel idea, a politician with a backbone  who can stand on his own.

The ad also makes the claim that Bronin cut aid for youth and prevention services while in the Governor's Office and he denied humanitarian aid to thousands of immigrant children. Ir sounds atrocious, but I also understand for Segarra to understand how Government works is tough, As a failed bankrupt attorney the laws and how they work probably aren't Pedro's strong point, probably even weaker than his Mayoral skills. A quick review if the Connecticut Constitution and applicable statutes seem to give very little, if any, power to the Governor's Legal Counsel to pass laws or appropriate money as Segarra's false ad seems to imply Bronin neglected to do.

We got rid of a conman in the Mayor's Office five years ago, it's time again to send this one packing also.

In the end, the announcer says to tell Bronin the people of Hartford are "smarter than that?. Yes Mr. Segarra, we are, we recognize a baseless ad when we see it and I hope you find out this week how smart the people of Hartford really are, We are not falling for your crap anymore, five years is enough.

Here is the far less than factual advertisement..


  1. Could Pedro Segarra be any more of a fraud? Shouldn''t Segarra , an incumbent of five years,have a track record of his own to claim rather than assBaulting Bronin's service in the Governor's Office. Pedro, how low can you go. Michael Bland take your nasty ways and head back to New Jersey

  2. Shame on you Pedro Segarra for approving this trash. I hope the smart people of Hartford will punish you on Wednesday!

  3. Segarra should add to that nasty piece of garbage that Bronin did not vote in some local elections during Luke's service in Afghanistan (Pedro doesn't know where Afghanistan is, but definitely knows where the Westfarm Mall men's restrooms are).

  4. Pedro Segarra should face a judge - as a defendant - for all his criminal activity in the past 5 years.

  5. This commercial, a joint venture between Pedro Segarra and Michael Bland, is telling us how these two, the last dirty pigs in town, are desperate.

  6. HUD and the feds should be looking at all the section 8 vouchers given out to Pedro's husband without any competition for his slumlord properties .I think Deller helped on those

  7. 10:49 PM the desperation shows in everything they do

  8. Deller does everything he can to help Pedro's husband and his properties.
    Deller does everything he can to help Sandy Kee-Borges' fiance/boyfriend/toy boy and his properties.

  9. One small correction--Bronin accepted donations from people who were openly supportive of charter schools, not magnet schools.

  10. Shocking and disgusting, but, quiet frankly, I expected it. At this time Pedro and Michael Bland are so miserable, so desperate, that they will do practically anything at this late stage of their 'game'.

    1. As disgusting as could be. I started puking when I read this.

  11. Pedro and Michael Bland are so desperate, so desperate. They are both liars, have no ethic or backbone. Why don't they join the pedophile priest supporter to become the Three Stooges? Caviar,Papi Chulo and Pedophile what a great combo!!!!!!!

  12. Get Caviar, Papi Chulo and Pedhphile together, send them to 7xx Prospect Ave., leave them there and let the People of Hartford continue our lives with a real leader, real mayor.

  13. If Pedro is using this crap, then Luke Bronin will be right to use EVERYTHING known about Pedro: from caviar to the escort/prostitution ring Touch of Class, to Pedro time at the Westfarm toilets, to his questionable hirings, to Pedro bankruptcy filing which has more questions than answers, EVERYTHING!
    Pedro is nothing but a scumbag.

  14. Did you read the email that the campaign sent out with the video? This is the most troubling part:
    My opponent has a track record of cutting backroom deals at the expense of the public. It's not a coincidence that he is shaking down city developers exactly when his wife is about to vote on their projects before Planning and Zoning, and this type of behavior will be Hartford's undoing. Our city is not for sale.

  15. I'm looking at one thing only: what did Segarra do in more than 5 yrs. as mayor, what's his record like. To tell you the truth, it looks awful, except when he takes care of himself, his spouse and the people close to them
    All the rest Mr. Pedro Peter Caviar Segarra is a failure! We had to let you go long time ago!


  17. Thought I was reading the Courant here...

  18. Kevin,Is it illegal to drive thru the city in overloaded open vehicles,no seatbelts,beeping horns and projecting unreasonably load announcements into a bullhorn??? I'm surprised he didn't ask the criminals who ride their ATV's and dirtbikes to give him an escort.(NO,NOT THAT KIND OF ESCORT!) Well I guess compared to all of Segarra's other illegal activities ,,this is nothing!

  19. Segarra must NOT win. If he does, he will be vindictive to all that have opposed him. Hartford will be a real hell on earth if this happens. He does whatever he wants and breaks the laws, traffic laws, corruption laws, banking laws all kinds of laws. So we must vote him OUT!!!!!!!!

  20. Segarra doen't believe he's breaking any law. The laws were created for the general public, not for an arrogant, crook, bas---d and liar like him.
