Monday, September 7, 2015



Here is a  report commissioned by the Hartford Police Department. Hopefully the report will answer some of the staffing questions for HPD such as what are the proper number of Officers that should be at HPD. It is very dry reading, but it is informative
Hartford Police Department Staffing and Deployment Analysis 3-02-201 (2)


  1. Segarra said numerous times that if he increased the number of police officers, he'll have to increase taxes.
    Well, Segarra did increase taxes in different ways, he put so much pressure on License & Inspections to bring in more and more money from buildings, constructions, permits (just make sure you don't touch Charlie Ortiz' properties), he never suggested to get rid of unnecessary personnel such as Maribel LaLuz "assistant" Hilda likes tacos & obituaries Munoz, like Minnie Mouse Gonzalez daughter and others.
    Segarra simply has no idea what priorities are.

  2. All PD needs to do is take some of the Cops that are hiding in non-patrol areas and put some of them back on patrol. There's never a shortage of enough cops to work private jobs.

  3. Private jobs are not paid out of the police department budget the contractors pay for those themselves The city actually makes money off those jobs

  4. But you never hear cops complaining about being overworked with all the private jobs. Just with working their actual jobs. That's why there hasn't been a rush for replacements.

  5. The private jobs these police officers are doing is paid for by the contractors/construction companies.
    However, the very big scandal here is that the private jobs add to the police officers pensions.
    This is a huge scandal. This is an unbelievable rip off.

  6. How is it possible that they add these private jobs to their police work in order that they get higher benefits? If this is for real, than I agree, it's a rip off AND a big scandal.

  7. Scandal.? Not really. It is actually written into their public service collective bargaining contract for all to see. Most Police departments give their officers a pension and lifetime medical for the officers and their family. But Hartford doesn't offer medical for retirees. The state police do. So the only enticement to become a hartford cop is the private job pension boost. If the city took the profit money they made on every private job, and then invested it in the pension fund, it would basically be a push. But they don't.

    No. Not a scandal. It's actually a very public contractually negotiated point. Ask any cop. They would all take the medical benefit over the Private job boost.

  8. Scandal.? Not really. It is actually written into their public service collective bargaining contract for all to see. Most Police departments give their officers a pension and lifetime medical for the officers and their family. But Hartford doesn't offer medical for retirees. The state police do. So the only enticement to become a hartford cop is the private job pension boost. If the city took the profit money they made on every private job, and then invested it in the pension fund, it would basically be a push. But they don't.

    No. Not a scandal. It's actually a very public contractually negotiated point. Ask any cop. They would all take the medical benefit over the Private job boost.

  9. I just want to make sure that klin gets his 10 am CL&P 2 hr J at least three times a week ..... Its amazing how some just do whatever they want and others have to struggle. I also was unaware of the new PJ office uniform of the day including shorts and stained tee shirts with flip flops ..
    Its good to be klin these days i guess.

  10. Seggara and Jimmy (Pack Your Bags) Rovella seem to think staffing levels are at an appropriate level. What happened to all the walk beats, proactive units, and the vice and narcotics division? They are almost a nostalgic memory at this point. By the way, PJs don't add to the HPD pension anymore and no one gets free medical for life there, except of course Rovella, who is working on pension number three by the way.

  11. I believe Chief Rovella made numerous requests for additional officers both verbally and in writing during the last several years. The blame for the current levels rests squarely with City Hall, especially Councilman Kennedy and Mayor Segarra who chose to ignore the Chief's requests. I guess they felt they knew more more about policing than the Chief does, how is that working out for the City now? So we find ourselves at the point we are now. Councilman Kennedy also squashed the hiring of any lateral transfers (at least 18 officers who were ready to hit Hartford's streets) that weren't to his liking. Put the blame where it belongs, and not with Chief Rovella

  12. Segarra is trying to play down the excessively high murder rate in Hartford. He said that if not for the recent spike Bronin would not have a campaign issue. Really?? He also said that this problem is happening in other cities as well, yet he does not cite examples. By the way when is he going to provide his personal and business addresses in Hartford between 1999 and 2005?

  13. The murder rate wouldn't have been a major campaign issue if Segarra was doing his job, getting candidates to the academy in a timely manner and then get them ready to patrol Hartford streets. It is an issue, Pedro Segarra, because 25 MURDER BY THE BEGINNING OF SEPTEMBER IS NOTHING LESS THAN A DISASTER. Doesn't Segarra get it?

    Segarra says the increase in crime is a nationwide problem. IT IS NOT. What else Segarra will say? If he compares Hartford to Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and St. Louis, yes, he's right, but why doesn't he compare Hartford to better cities, the majority of cities in this country? Who wants to be like Chicago, like Baltimore, like Detroit or like St. Louis? Only an idiot like Segarra.

    As for the personal and business verification, we'll never get shit from Segarra, he's a professional liar. Yes, commuting between Hartford and Miami with $200 in his pockets (the amount he states in his bankruptcy filing in 1999), only in your fantasies Segarra, only in your stupid fantasies.

    Get out and vote on Wednesday. Kick Segarra out of office. We deserve much better.

  14. It's clear why Segarra doesn't want the murder rate to be an issue. It's the public who want this to be an issue and rightly so. People are nervous and scared everywhere in the city and all Segarra did was holding a secret meeting and visiting the White House.
    Does Segarra call this leadership? We call this a bad joke, a scart one.

  15. At least at the exit of this Segarra secret meeting all the media, reporters and photographers, were waiting outside. It was all a show off for Hartford residents, using the media to his advantage.

  16. Mr.Brookman maybe you could find out. What happen to the group of candidates that got to the polygraph test and that was it . They were the group just after this group that's in the Academy now .

  17. Where those the laterals that Councilman Kennedy objected to ?
