Saturday, September 5, 2015


Mayor Pedro Segarra was a no show at Thursday nights candidates forum on education issues. The Mayor stated he had a "scheduling conflict" and couldn't attend. Maybe he was too busy comforting the families of homicide victims, it has been a busy week. again,on the violent crime front.

Watch the forum below, minus Pedro Segarra


  1. Segarra was a no show at the education forum. What an insult! Shame on you, Pedro Segarra!

  2. Kevin, you stated that PEDRO Segarra did not attend the mayoral debate about education. Is it possible that PETER Segarra was there instead?

  3. The moderator announced that Pedro had a "scheduling conflict".
    Can anyone elaborate on this? Where was Pedro during the educational debate? What exactly did he do during this very important debate?
    Details please.

  4. The moderator ,who is also running as a Republican for Council, stood alongside her husband when he openly endorsed Segarra for Mayor

  5. You must realize by now Pedro has no shame he will do anything and lie about anything to get reelected

  6. Pedro is a busy man. Until recetly we've had a murder for almost every other weekend. Since last week the murders are cominng in doubles.

  7. HPD is short with many police officers. Therefore Segarra was busy counting the 2,964 heroin bags caught by HPD on Main St.
    He made the related 11 arrests as well. All by himself.
    That was his "scheduling conflict."

  8. After Bronin's super successful interview with the Courant...
    After Segarra's horrible, horrible interview with the Courant...
    ... Segarra was so depressed that no Rx - legal or not - could help, so why show up at that unimportant educational debate?
