Thursday, October 8, 2015


With all the good work HPD and the Shooting Task Force do to take guns off our streets, it doesn't help when carelessness by their own officers are putting deadly weapons back on the street.

A hatford officer left his fully loaded HPD issued firearm, and two fully loaded magazine on the seat of his personal vehicle when he was off duty and went into a home in Hartford's southend. The officer parked his vehicle after midnight Wednesday morning. After returning to his vehicle around 7:30 am Wednesday morning he noticed the window smashed out and his gun, holster and gunbelt was gone. The incident report is below. The case is currently under investigation. I is unclear if the officer will face criminal charges for failing to secure the firearm as required by law.


  1. He very well could be in trouble

  2. That is crazy. So he visited someone for some nooky and didn't want to first go home and secure the gun. Essentially, he had a hard on and lost the gun to get his rocks off.

    Hum... Sounds like the current administration and council. From Pedro the Turtle on down. You know he does look like a spent turtle.

  3. Well this is a juicy story the perp must of thought the radio had a tracker on it that's why he left it behind but if he knew they didn't an kept it it's more valuable than the firearm

  4. Wipe it down with gun cleaner scratch the serial numbers off an sell it on the street for a easy 4-500$ Jesus Christ what a moron

  5. Not really ,without a charger that RADIO is no good after a day or so and the radios are normally deactivated and shut off remotely when they're lost

  6. Def improper storage of a firearm prolly violated some policies and procedures too

  7. Hope that 63 was worth it

  8. Now we find that the council? Or mayor has already given the embezzler 1.8 million? Then you have Cloud sending $650,000.00 out to disappear?

    I can't believe this. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore.

    This is sickening. It's criminal. The citizens should have the right to build a scaffolding with enough nooses to take care of the criminals in office.

    But Sandra Kee Borges still has fine legs. That's all I know.

  9. He'll be promoted soon

  10. Lt Weaver is my friendOctober 8, 2015 at 10:03 PM

    Sgt thorp and Sgt Gentry will crack the case.....

    1. Ha ha Lt Weaver is my friend. Well that explains why you post anonymously! You are not better than him. But you'll be the 1st to be interviewed as a suspect in the missing case. Thanks for your constant interest in Thorpe and Gentry's business.

  11. yellow flashlights for allOctober 8, 2015 at 10:16 PM

    If he decided between good and evil before his obtuse decisions in life, this negative incident would have not happened.
    When human beings promote themselves in a positive manner, the sky is the limit.

  12. I hope he is not married because now his wife will know if he has one !!!

  13. Lt weaver is my friend how dare you! Thorpe deserves his promotion he was one of the best officers on the street and was the strongest detective in STF. Spell and his cronies just wanted him out because they couldn't hadle having a Nubian prince working twice the case load as everyone else! He will make a great LT one day! The days of keeping us down is over!

  14. That's why I keep it my late night shagging only 15-30 mins. I bust and go. Dumb move keeping a gun exposed...we all know these junkies smash cars only when they see something valuable in plain view. That's where he f&*ked up.
